I did fuck up, edited within 2-3 minutes,.
You live, you learn.
Hopefully without doing time for your mistakes.....but no worries, the dates you placed and received your orders from EL isn't even close to being the most discrete personal information regarding illegal online transactions that's been offered in this newbie source thread...at least you clicked your own "send button" and own your mistake.
This shit-show tread has transitioned from a former Instagram, newbie source showing up with nothing more than a price list and the ability to start or end every post with "sir".
Into a shit-show of newbie and, or source deprived, price hungry users serving up "ata-boy" reviews because they (at a minimum) didn't get 100% scammed.
They ordered something and something showed up in the mail, they took a shot or two and got an erection or....didn't die.
They even sent some of what they got off for "lab testing", and the results showed that what they got was dosed as represented, but it also showed that what they got had other stuff in it that wasn't supposed to be in it.....but whateves?
Hey, you did your "due diligence" prior to ordering from EL, and presumably you weren't concerned with the inconsistencies in his distributed products.
You offered discrete information to the world about your own illegal online transaction so we can assume EL's previous Instagram history and his PUBLISHED mistakes with discrete transaction information wasn't a concern for you.
If you see where I'm going with this, don't get butt hurt, learn to make better choices, it will reduce your risk in the labs you choose and the illegal transactions you decide to make.