Elite Labs

Any customer that has dealt with me directly I am sure will agree I am a man of my word. In fact sir, I believe it has been said a few times by customers in this very thread.

I have ordered and i referred a few buddies who have ordered a few times and we all have nothing but positive reviews. I know the MESO community is looking out for us all and appreciate that but from a service standpoint, he has done a stellar job.
I have ordered and i referred a few buddies who have ordered a few times and we all have nothing but positive reviews. I know the MESO community is looking out for us all and appreciate that but from a service standpoint, he has done a stellar job.
Thank you for the feedback sir!
Ok found it on page 18. Thanks for your help.
It never hurts to read, it can keep you from making mistakes.
When you come across opinions or even reviews such as the ones above, weigh them out.

Elite got 2 thumbs up posts within 30 minutes of each-other yesterday.
One of those thumbs has been a Meso member for 35 days, and the other for 10 days.

That means whatever it it means to you, but dig for shit EazyE....sometimes it's not so easy.
Gonna go ahead and give this source a chance run bloods and send off a few samples for testing with some potg and kill 2 birds with one stone and see how those mast E,test e, eq, and Deca compare with each other. May the best source win ;)

Personally I'd be happy if both pass and are all good. Much love and glad meso got rid of a few loud mouth drama crazed twat biskets, this place is looking good now.