Elite Labs

Whenever he cant post proof from now on he will claim that it's a security risk...canned pussy answer...


1.Post blood work

2. Post Melt test in action or melt test unit.

3.Tell us your raw source

4.We have a right to know about your security. It's our info asshole...not yours. We have a right to know wtf you're doing with it...answer now...
Why would he tell you where he gets his raw that would be stupid af of him
Well this is a lie. Can you point me to the spring cleaning for torro? PM'ing a member who has nothing to do with it (DesertWarrior) and basically saying tisk tisk to torro doesn't count.
How's that possible? He left Meso Doc!!! If you wanna get "anal" about it brother. I sent Tank a text right after reading the threads on SM just before I apologized here. He knows exactly how I feel about this situation. As for who I PM and why it's no ones business but the guys PM'ing each other last I checked.
Also replying to your comments regarding @Weston. Today was just one example of his deceitfulness. He didn't answer anything until after the fact. Guy couldn't even explain his own spun answer on the search engines lol.
Doc you know me pretty well I wouldn't start on him if I didn't jlhave more to come.

@Weston get limber buddy your gonna doing a lot more of this like today. Trust me cuz one can only deflect for so long.GL

We will still offer every Meso member 25% off their first order though. !!!!
For all first time orders there is no minimum, after that we will require a $100 minimum. .

I am offering all meso members 25% off their first order to include free shipping.

We will keep tracking numbers up to 7 days after shipping a package, unless we receive confirmation from customer they have received their package. whichever comes first, we will then discard of the information immediately. But there will be no "little book" with all customers info in it.

How in the fucking fuck are you going to know if an order is a Meso members 1st order IF you delete all customer info. after 7 days?
What info do you keep?
Forget it, I don't really give a fuck.....but if you say "transparent" one more motherfucking time I'm going to troll you like a bitch.....motherfuckers who tell people how "transparent" they are just mean they want to try to fuck you with a clear condom.
You're prolly gonna be too busy with other issues but when you have time...
You know I'm always open for new ideas to be safe. I always rinse the vails, stoppers and glass with IPA91 for roughly 10 min or so. il start using 70 now due to the rubber you say. Never had any issues though.

Anyhow, then I rinse with distilled water because I don't trust the tap water. Then throughly wash all glass, stoppers and caps with Dawn. Again rinse with distilled water and I don't let them sit to dry. I put the glass in the heat for roughly 3hrs @ 450*. Stoppers and caps 15min @ 170*. When I remove them, both are covered to avoid air contaminants(as much as possible).

I've never had any visible residue, water spots or floaters of any kind. Out of 90 plus bottles never had a Infection or redness of any kind either. (Knock on wood).

When a serious topic comes up, the bullshit takes a back seat so no, I won't be to busy to answer this my friend.

I'm not saying you're wrong bc none of us can ever match pharmaceutical standards in regards to sterility. This post is strictly my interpretation of how we can best mimick those standards with what we have commonly available to us and what will keep us the safest. It doesn't mean I'm right or wrong, simply my opinions to which we can all have a positive discourse on.

The big things I notice in your process that I really like are that you don't wait for the stoppers to air dry in the open, you place them in something covered to protect from contamination, and you use dry heat depyrogenation for glass ware. These are some key things I like to see anyone do.

This is what I would do personally:

For glass ware, I first wash them out and clean them. I obviously reuse all my beakers, my glass media jars for bottle top filters but I also reuse my 20ml and 100ml vials (cleanimg them out of all the oil can be a sumbitch at times lol. To wash them I use cascade pouches of detergent used for dishwashers. I dissolve them in hot water and agitate the water so it gets mixed with the detergent. You can also use Alconox (specifically made for lab glass) as well. For stubborn fat residue you can even use a sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) solution with with water and it should make breaking down the fat easier. If you want to continue using soap I guess it's fine just make especially sure to rinse well so as not to leave residue behind (I'll go over a good rinse procedure). I have a special brush to use on them also for the stuck on stains in the beakers and the vials. Just make sure it's not too abrasive of a brush. Let glass soak for a while to loosen up the "contamination" and mix them around in the water. At this point rinse everything off well several times with regular tap water if you like or distilled water. If you use distilled water here throw it out after. The next rinse we do though you can reuse the distilled water but not the distilled water from this step.

Now let them soak in 70% IPA for 15-20min. Agitate them again every few minutes to get everything moving. Now we rinse again and this is the important rinse. You can use tap water here again at first. Open the tap water and rinse the glassware and vials. Fill them up with tap water and keep the water on to let the water overflow for a short period of time. Then you fill them up around half way with more tap water, cover the only up your hand or finger and shake vigorously and empty. You do this half fill, shake, and empty with tap water a minimum of six times (especially if using soap). After this you make a bath of distilled water and use it to submerge and rinse the glass and vials 12 times. Even though the distilled water from this final bath can be recycled, You can see why you might want to use tap water for the other rinses...you'll run through a shit load of water to rinse everything properly.

Now at this point you can either autoclave them with a pressure cooker for 1hr or depyrogenate with dry heat in the over for ~1.5hrs at 450-500deg. One of these steps are crucial bc if there are any viruses or spore containing bacteria, this is what will kill them. If you use a pressure cooker you want to place something inside it so the glass rests on this stand and doesn't sit in the water, this is crucial for it to work right bc it's the steam that sterilizes and not the hot water. If part of the glass is submerged in water then it won't be exposed to the steam and thus won't sterilize properly. After this you can dry them off in the oven so as not to let them dry in the air and leave them exposed for long. If you go with dry heat sterilization, I get a clean oven tray (metal or Pyrex) and place everything on it. Put a small extra tray in the oven and layer the bottom with aluminum foil; I'll get to why later. Turn oven on 450-500deg F and make sure to preheat the oven. If you out your glass in there before its preheated then don't start timing until it's preheated. 450-500deg F for around 1-1.5hrs is plenty. You like to use 3hrs and that's fine. Absolutely nothing bad will come of 3hrs except a slightly higher electric bill so do whatever you like.

For rubber stoppers, soak them in 70% IPA for 15min or so. It's absolutely best to pressure cook these. Again, if you do it, make sure the stoppers are on some sort of stand and not submerged in the water. I like dry heat for the glass bc I can't fit everything into the pressure cooker but I do use pressure cooker for the stoppers. If you skip this step you run a much higher risk of getting infection. Not saying you will def get one but pressure cookers are cheap downy take the risk? After pressure cooking for 1hr, lower temp in the oven to around 180-200deg (your 170 is fine too). Place the stoppers on the extra tray with aluminum foil and dry the stoppers out quickly.
When a serious topic comes up, the bullshit takes a back seat so no, I won't be to busy to answer this my friend.

I'm not saying you're wrong bc none of us can ever match pharmaceutical standards in regards to sterility. This post is strictly my interpretation of how we can best mimick those standards with what we have commonly available to us and what will keep us the safest. It doesn't mean I'm right or wrong, simply my opinions to which we can all have a positive discourse on.

The big things I notice in your process that I really like are that you don't wait for the stoppers to air dry in the open, you place them in something covered to protect from contamination, and you use dry heat depyrogenation for glass ware. These are some key things I like to see anyone do.

This is what I would do personally:

For glass ware, I first wash them out and clean them. I obviously reuse all my beakers, my glass media jars for bottle top filters but I also reuse my 20ml and 100ml vials (cleanimg them out of all the oil can be a sumbitch at times lol. To wash them I use cascade pouches of detergent used for dishwashers. I dissolve them in hot water and agitate the water so it gets mixed with the detergent. You can also use Alconox (specifically made for lab glass) as well. For stubborn fat residue you can even use a sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) solution with with water and it should make breaking down the fat easier. If you want to continue using soap I guess it's fine just make especially sure to rinse well so as not to leave residue behind (I'll go over a good rinse procedure). I have a special brush to use on them also for the stuck on stains in the beakers and the vials. Just make sure it's not too abrasive of a brush. Let glass soak for a while to loosen up the "contamination" and mix them around in the water. At this point rinse everything off well several times with regular tap water if you like or distilled water. If you use distilled water here throw it out after. The next rinse we do though you can reuse the distilled water but not the distilled water from this step.

Now let them soak in 70% IPA for 15-20min. Agitate them again every few minutes to get everything moving. Now we rinse again and this is the important rinse. You can use tap water here again at first. Open the tap water and rinse the glassware and vials. Fill them up with tap water and keep the water on to let the water overflow for a short period of time. Then you fill them up around half way with more tap water, cover the only up your hand or finger and shake vigorously and empty. You do this half fill, shake, and empty with tap water a minimum of six times (especially if using soap). After this you make a bath of distilled water and use it to submerge and rinse the glass and vials 12 times. Even though the distilled water from this final bath can be recycled, You can see why you might want to use tap water for the other rinses...you'll run through a shit load of water to rinse everything properly.

Now at this point you can either autoclave them with a pressure cooker for 1hr or depyrogenate with dry heat in the over for ~1.5hrs at 450-500deg. One of these steps are crucial bc if there are any viruses or spore containing bacteria, this is what will kill them. If you use a pressure cooker you want to place something inside it so the glass rests on this stand and doesn't sit in the water, this is crucial for it to work right bc it's the steam that sterilizes and not the hot water. If part of the glass is submerged in water then it won't be exposed to the steam and thus won't sterilize properly. After this you can dry them off in the oven so as not to let them dry in the air and leave them exposed for long. If you go with dry heat sterilization, I get a clean oven tray (metal or Pyrex) and place everything on it. Put a small extra tray in the oven and layer the bottom with aluminum foil; I'll get to why later. Turn oven on 450-500deg F and make sure to preheat the oven. If you out your glass in there before its preheated then don't start timing until it's preheated. 450-500deg F for around 1-1.5hrs is plenty. You like to use 3hrs and that's fine. Absolutely nothing bad will come of 3hrs except a slightly higher electric bill so do whatever you like.

For rubber stoppers, soak them in 70% IPA for 15min or so. It's absolutely best to pressure cook these. Again, if you do it, make sure the stoppers are on some sort of stand and not submerged in the water. I like dry heat for the glass bc I can't fit everything into the pressure cooker but I do use pressure cooker for the stoppers. If you skip this step you run a much higher risk of getting infection. Not saying you will def get one but pressure cookers are cheap downy take the risk? After pressure cooking for 1hr, lower temp in the oven to around 180-200deg (your 170 is fine too). Place the stoppers on the extra tray with aluminum foil and dry the stoppers out quickly.
Doc I really need to start reading more lol I really enjoy it but only time I really read is when I'm sitting in a cell not much else to do but you have encouraged me to get back at it I know this isn't the post that you said you read a lot but I was thinking about that today
Oh and @penche and @Docd187123 while ur both here I know u guy like tren but does it kill ur appetite ? I can never eat when I'm on it and it sucks I even added eq this run to see if it would help seems like it makes me really not want to eat if I'm eating clean but I can get down a burger no problem any ideas ?
I'm on
Suston 150 mg mwf
Eq 900
Mast 600
Tren Comp th 50 mg Ed
How's that possible? He left Meso Doc!!! If you wanna get "anal" about it brother. I sent Tank a text right after reading the threads on SM just before I apologized here. He knows exactly how I feel about this situation. As for who I PM and why it's no ones business but the guys PM'ing each other last I checked.
Also replying to your comments regarding @Weston. Today was just one example of his deceitfulness. He didn't answer anything until after the fact. Guy couldn't even explain his own spun answer on the search engines lol.
Doc you know me pretty well I wouldn't start on him if I didn't jlhave more to come.

@Weston get limber buddy your gonna doing a lot more of this like today. Trust me cuz one can only deflect for so long.GL

It's clear that you're on coke or meth. No way else would you have such a disproportionately inflated opinion of yourself :D Noone gives a shit about your hunches anymore - you've become the butt of a very sad joke. I'm guessing the only people who would be really interested in your delusion would be mental health professionals. You dearly need some intensive therapy, little guy.

Torro left because he was chased away. Not because you PM'd him. You add nothing here. Fuck off to your canadian thread schmuck.
How's that possible? He left Meso Doc!!! If you wanna get "anal" about it brother. I sent Tank a text right after reading the threads on SM just before I apologized here. He knows exactly how I feel about this situation. As for who I PM and why it's no ones business but the guys PM'ing each other last I checked.
Also replying to your comments regarding @Weston. Today was just one example of his deceitfulness. He didn't answer anything until after the fact. Guy couldn't even explain his own spun answer on the search engines lol.
Doc you know me pretty well I wouldn't start on him if I didn't jlhave more to come.

@Weston get limber buddy your gonna doing a lot more of this like today. Trust me cuz one can only deflect for so long.GL

View attachment 67995

He's left meso at least twice, and at least twice he's come back to post. He made a passive aggressive threat towards both myself and DesertWarrior AFTER he supposedly left meso. That argument doesn't fly in this case unfortunately. Plus you hound people relentlessly regardless of if they respond to you or not so why not even make an attempt when torro obviously lied about leaving meso.

Sending him a text means there is no transparency. Imagine if Millard kept his Anabolic Lab results hidden from the public and just gave us a thumbs up or thumbs down about how the results turned out? Would that satisfy you as a donating member? You can save the personal talk and details for a text convo but without at least something out in the open then your talk with him is pointless for the rest of the board.

I don't believe I ever asked you to reveal who you PM with and what those PMs are about. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I saw no deceit in his responses. You know I've not done anything to flame you and I've been cool with you from the beginning. it's not like I have any sort of vendetta out for you or reason to put you down but what you claim here is insignificant. In science this is called confirmation bias when you know the answer you're looking for and you spin the results or look at them in a way to strengthen your case instead of looking at them with a neutral position and allowing the evidence to speak for itself. Randomized controlled trials are double blinded (blinded from the participants AND the researchers) bc confirmation bias can be done on purpose or even subconsciously and it can be subtle and major.

I do know you pretty well. We've talked a lot. 1yr ago I would have definitely said "if Cdn makes an accusation he has proof". At this point in time and based on recent behavior, I don't have that same faith as much as it pains me to say that. That's your friend telling you that and one not clouded by the jump on CDN mindset. I'm not the only friend saying it either. If you respect our friendship as much as I hope you do, I just ask you take some time to SERIOUSLY think about the present and everything happening.
Doc I really need to start reading more lol I really enjoy it but only time I really read is when I'm sitting in a cell not much else to do but you have encouraged me to get back at it I know this isn't the post that you said you read a lot but I was thinking about that today

From my experience with prison, i generally do 4 things. Eat, shit, work out, and read. I don't watch much tv at all, especially when there's no NFL, so that allows me a bit more time to read some days.
Oh and @penche and @Docd187123 while ur both here I know u guy like tren but does it kill ur appetite ? I can never eat when I'm on it and it sucks I even added eq this run to see if it would help seems like it makes me really not want to eat if I'm eating clean but I can get down a burger no problem any ideas ?
I'm on
Suston 150 mg mwf
Eq 900
Mast 600
Tren Comp th 50 mg Ed

Tren appetite for many goes down bc of the acid. Try taking some tums for a few days, even if you don't feel the acid. If it doesn't help then stop the tums.

My tren appetite goes through the fucking roof for everything. Eating clean doesn't mean much to me. If you want to eat some burgers go right ahead. A good diet is one you can stick to that meets your macro and micro needs. You could have the best diet in the world but if you can't live it then it's not shit. My PWO meal for a long time was a triple or two double burgers from 5Guys.

This is the first and hopefully last time I link to a thread I've created but read it when you have the time to help figure out your diet. I feel dirty and need to shower with bleach now lol.

A Primer on DCA/IIFYM for Aspiring Dieters
Tren appetite for many goes down bc of the acid. Try taking some tums for a few days, even if you don't feel the acid. If it doesn't help then stop the tums.

My tren appetite goes through the fucking roof for everything. Eating clean doesn't mean much to me. If you want to eat some burgers go right ahead. A good diet is one you can stick to that meets your macro and micro needs. You could have the best diet in the world but if you can't live it then it's not shit. My PWO meal for a long time was a triple or two double burgers from 5Guys.

This is the first and hopefully last time I link to a thread I've created but read it when you have the time to help figure out your diet. I feel dirty and need to shower with bleach now lol.

A Primer on DCA/IIFYM for Aspiring Dieters
Iv been taking Zantac for the acid I don't count my macros just cals maybe it's time to start I also drink shakes that are around 1200 cals to make up for my not eating but I'd rather real food
This "source" started brewing yesterday and now he's a lab...wtf
Thank you for the trust sir. Everyone that orders will receive the same quality product as we put a lot of time into this and pride ourselves in our gear.

You have absolutely no way to guarantee that since you dont test your raws each batch. Stop conning people. Since you're not testing you also have no way to know the actual dosage is what it says on the bottle.
Why would he tell you where he gets his raw that would be stupid af of him

Why would it be? It not like its along list to choose from. Hes new so I doubt he has a real hook up. Just some shit he found online. Hes likely never been there to inspect his product in person. Disgusting. How serious or well funded is he can't even be bothered to go check out his product first hand? Build relationships. Etc. You know, like a real business man. Guys a joke.
@Docd187123 let's get this straight I never once ignore the Tank issue.Yes I hesitated on my usual attack mode outta shock and him being someone close. I acknowledged my fault for not handling it better and apologized. What's funny is Tank took free gear but never lied about that. BUT if a guy apologizes after he lies they have your blessings. That's a double standard in my book too brother. I know your not going after me and only trying to help. But this comment "a yr ago if Cdn made accusations he had proof" is BS! So what happened in the end with TSL then? When was that again? And how long was I posting his lies? Maybe ask @Eman what false accusations are and how it feels when they back fire lol
Karma's a bitch huh Eman ;):)

People make mistakes. It's inevitable. no one has lived life without making mistakes. Nobody. What's important is learning from your mistakes and not repeating them. Whoremoans made a giant mistake, owned up to it after being called out, apologized for the mistake, and so far has attempted to do right. You haven't given him a chance to prove whether he will do it again or not and yet you paint him with a brush of permanence. Give him an opportunity to prove himself one way or another.
@Docd187123 let's get this straight I never once ignore the Tank issue.Yes I hesitated on my usual attack mode outta shock and him being someone close. I acknowledged my fault for not handling it better and apologized. What's funny is Tank took free gear but never lied about that. BUT if a guy apologizes after he lies they have your blessings. That's a double standard in my book too brother. I know your not going after me and only trying to help. But this comment "a yr ago if Cdn made accusations he had proof" is BS! So what happened in the end with TSL then? When was that again? And how long was I posting his lies? Maybe ask @Eman what false accusations are and how it feels when they back fire lol
Karma's a bitch huh Eman ;):)

Lol. Hesitated out of shock? :D The whole thread is still there for everyone to read - you deflected, defended and squirmed like a bitch. Your apology came way too late, when you realised you had zero support and the horse had bolted. You tried to manipulate the situation first, but you lack the intelligence or self-awareness, which made you look like an even bigger bigot.

Even in your post here, you're still not coming clean, but debating what double standards entail. A weasel by any other name remains a rodent. Yet you attack @Eman? Ger real bro, ffs, and try to retain the smidgen of respect people still have left for you.

You keep referring to the TSL debacle like it's some badge of honour, while your role was fairly minimal in the bigger scheme of things. Stay in the Canada threads, please.
When a serious topic comes up, the bullshit takes a back seat so no, I won't be to busy to answer this my friend.

I'm not saying you're wrong bc none of us can ever match pharmaceutical standards in regards to sterility. This post is strictly my interpretation of how we can best mimick those standards with what we have commonly available to us and what will keep us the safest. It doesn't mean I'm right or wrong, simply my opinions to which we can all have a positive discourse on.

The big things I notice in your process that I really like are that you don't wait for the stoppers to air dry in the open, you place them in something covered to protect from contamination, and you use dry heat depyrogenation for glass ware. These are some key things I like to see anyone do.

This is what I would do personally:

For glass ware, I first wash them out and clean them. I obviously reuse all my beakers, my glass media jars for bottle top filters but I also reuse my 20ml and 100ml vials (cleanimg them out of all the oil can be a sumbitch at times lol. To wash them I use cascade pouches of detergent used for dishwashers. I dissolve them in hot water and agitate the water so it gets mixed with the detergent. You can also use Alconox (specifically made for lab glass) as well. For stubborn fat residue you can even use a sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) solution with with water and it should make breaking down the fat easier. If you want to continue using soap I guess it's fine just make especially sure to rinse well so as not to leave residue behind (I'll go over a good rinse procedure). I have a special brush to use on them also for the stuck on stains in the beakers and the vials. Just make sure it's not too abrasive of a brush. Let glass soak for a while to loosen up the "contamination" and mix them around in the water. At this point rinse everything off well several times with regular tap water if you like or distilled water. If you use distilled water here throw it out after. The next rinse we do though you can reuse the distilled water but not the distilled water from this step.

Now let them soak in 70% IPA for 15-20min. Agitate them again every few minutes to get everything moving. Now we rinse again and this is the important rinse. You can use tap water here again at first. Open the tap water and rinse the glassware and vials. Fill them up with tap water and keep the water on to let the water overflow for a short period of time. Then you fill them up around half way with more tap water, cover the only up your hand or finger and shake vigorously and empty. You do this half fill, shake, and empty with tap water a minimum of six times (especially if using soap). After this you make a bath of distilled water and use it to submerge and rinse the glass and vials 12 times. Even though the distilled water from this final bath can be recycled, You can see why you might want to use tap water for the other rinses...you'll run through a shit load of water to rinse everything properly.

Now at this point you can either autoclave them with a pressure cooker for 1hr or depyrogenate with dry heat in the over for ~1.5hrs at 450-500deg. One of these steps are crucial bc if there are any viruses or spore containing bacteria, this is what will kill them. If you use a pressure cooker you want to place something inside it so the glass rests on this stand and doesn't sit in the water, this is crucial for it to work right bc it's the steam that sterilizes and not the hot water. If part of the glass is submerged in water then it won't be exposed to the steam and thus won't sterilize properly. After this you can dry them off in the oven so as not to let them dry in the air and leave them exposed for long. If you go with dry heat sterilization, I get a clean oven tray (metal or Pyrex) and place everything on it. Put a small extra tray in the oven and layer the bottom with aluminum foil; I'll get to why later. Turn oven on 450-500deg F and make sure to preheat the oven. If you out your glass in there before its preheated then don't start timing until it's preheated. 450-500deg F for around 1-1.5hrs is plenty. You like to use 3hrs and that's fine. Absolutely nothing bad will come of 3hrs except a slightly higher electric bill so do whatever you like.

For rubber stoppers, soak them in 70% IPA for 15min or so. It's absolutely best to pressure cook these. Again, if you do it, make sure the stoppers are on some sort of stand and not submerged in the water. I like dry heat for the glass bc I can't fit everything into the pressure cooker but I do use pressure cooker for the stoppers. If you skip this step you run a much higher risk of getting infection. Not saying you will def get one but pressure cookers are cheap downy take the risk? After pressure cooking for 1hr, lower temp in the oven to around 180-200deg (your 170 is fine too). Place the stoppers on the extra tray with aluminum foil and dry the stoppers out quickly.
Holy shit I love this guy! No homo! This will be copied and pasted in my notes. Thank you doc!
@Docd187123 let's get this straight I never once ignore the Tank issue.Yes I hesitated on my usual attack mode outta shock and him being someone close. I acknowledged my fault for not handling it better and apologized. What's funny is Tank took free gear but never lied about that. BUT if a guy apologizes after he lies they have your blessings. That's a double standard in my book too brother. I know your not going after me and only trying to help. But this comment "a yr ago if Cdn made accusations he had proof" is BS! So what happened in the end with TSL then? When was that again? And how long was I posting his lies? Maybe ask @Eman what false accusations are and how it feels when they back fire lol
Karma's a bitch huh Eman ;):)

So you didn't really mean ALL of this, did you?

@Docd187123 let's get this straight I never once ignore the Tank issue.Yes I hesitated on my usual attack mode outta shock and him being someone close. I acknowledged my fault for not handling it better and apologized. What's funny is Tank took free gear but never lied about that. BUT if a guy apologizes after he lies they have your blessings. That's a double standard in my book too brother. I know your not going after me and only trying to help. But this comment "a yr ago if Cdn made accusations he had proof" is BS! So what happened in the end with TSL then? When was that again? And how long was I posting his lies? Maybe ask @Eman what false accusations are and how it feels when they back fire lol
Karma's a bitch huh Eman ;):)

And this is where your double standard comes in once again. Whoremoans said THE SAME EXACT THING as torro. Don't go and quote both and tell me they didn't use the same words. The message was the same. Torro says you can ask a thousand of his brothers if he needs prime gear while Whoremoans says he's got a cabinet full of gear so he doesn't need dlabs. Same message. So if you want to claim Whoremoans lied about it then tank did too bc it took him 3 or so posts on the topic for him to finally state it was free. In regards to Whoremoans, please explain to me how giving someone a chance to prove it they'll repeat the same mistake again is a blessing. It's called giving someone an opportunity.

What makes this more ironic is that this is Whoremoans' first time trying to get gear if I recall correctly. This is torro's SECOND TIME takin free gear. You go hard on someone who didn't lie (or who did lie in the same manner as your friend) but the dude who took free gear not once, but twice is "given your blessing" to use your own words. Torro is a serial offender while Whoremoans is a first time one.

Furthermore, Torro admits to repping for a lab which you also ignore. You would follow Dema and ironjulious to hell and back fifteen times for repping for a lab. You tell reps that they cannot participate in other threads except for their lab's thread. You tell reps they're no longer members of the forum. Should I expect this behavior towards Torro when or if he should make another post here or is it going to be in text again? Funny enough, take admits to repping for the lab this week but has been praising them as far back as summer of 2016. I wonder if he was a rep back then or not????????????? Bc he sure as hell didn't admit it then.

The year ago comment is how I'm seeing things right now. I warned you a while ago and again in the last few messages that at some point your credibility would take a hit bc you choose to attack before all the proof comes in sometimes. The event that I recall the most, and probably the turning point for me, was when you tried claiming or insinuating Simec was paid by Pharmacom to get good results.