Roger rabbit
New Member
Basically, the reason that PIP occurs is due to the compound crystallizing after injection. Having too much in a "depot" spot can encourage this to happen. That is why the massaging helps - it disperses it more. Another thing that can help is to run the syringe under hot water once loaded. This will warm the solution and bring it closer to your internal body temp. Having it closer to your body temp prevents the muscle from contacting (slightly) when it comes into contact with the colder temp solution, thereby making disbursement more difficult.
(It also makes it easier to push the solution through the needle)
Edit: and I should have continued reading all the way down before posting[emoji23] others already suggest what I wrote below.
If i may make a suggestion on heating the syringe.
Running under water probably isn't the most sanitary conditions, water spillage over on to needle etc.
If you were to choose to heat the oil I would suggest using a candle warmer plate. Place your bottle of oil on the plate and warm the oil up trough the bottle.