Elite Labs

..Just to ad a word of caution here.
If you are losing repeated shipments of raws....a trackable shipment pattern is more than likely being developed by LE.
Considering that you guys are fairly small and relatively new...it would follow in my mind that raws shipments would go to a small number of shipping addresses.
Hence the possibility of unwanted attention at the ugl level.
If this has already become problematic to the point of raising prices....it may be the time to think about taking a meaningful break from the game.
Juggle up the entire operation...players... addresses...clear out everyone and everything.
Jus sayin....
Idk whats going on but my last 2 overseas packs have gotten snagged.....my packs go through the "easiest" ISC in the country....this has never happened to me...clearly, something is going on.....
Warm TNE pinned smooth as butter in the delt,,,awesome shoulder workout.yeah you can taste it,,and smell it when you sweat,,I like it! It's not a foul smell,,kinda like a solvent.duh
@Kinetic how was the anavar? Looking for some good quality. Preparing for a contest in October, thank you.

Not sure, brother. I ended up cutting the cycle short and was planning on running it at the end. The oils I've gotten from him have been legit so far, but don't want to give a report on an oral of his I haven't tried yet.

Good luck in October.
Hey man ,,I have only used it twice,,50mg,,1hr before hitting legs or chest,,only going to use it twice a week.its great though.
Personally I have to run a lot more test over my npp or it messes with my sex life. I'm running 900mg sust/600mg npp and everything works good but when I ran 500mg test every and 450mg npp weekly I couldn't finish in bed. I'd fuck for hours and nothing. It was very frustrating to constantly be horny and not to be able to finish.
That happens to me a lot . I'll fuck till I'm exhausted and nothing then I'll lay down for 30 min or so then over over and put it in and boom a fucking explosion and it is the greatest feeling .