Elite Labs

Well Simec/lab testing is the only way to show your worth a purchase, so its basically a waiting games till those come in. I would guess you are familiar with this board and/or have another name on here. As a well known member. But thats fine. As long as the stuff is good.
I think @Weston has a plan for testing
It is kind of entertaining. I won't be so entertained if I find out I've got Wesson cooking oil. I'm ok with Avocado oil though.
Im right behind you i think depending on how u make out. I need a break from the paranoia of WU to Yuri in Moldova...to be flagged and have to do it again...the newbieness scares me a bit though. hope he knows whats up with sending bunches of packs out i would be at a different post office rotating faces all the time.
Well Simec/lab testing is the only way to show your worth a purchase, so its basically a waiting games till those come in. I would guess you are familiar with this board and/or have another name on here. As a well known member. But thats fine. As long as the stuff is good.

There's a guy over in the lab testing forum. You can go read up on Analyzers thread if you're interested in the testing that will be done.
I think @Weston has a plan for testing

Im right behind you i think depending on how u make out. I need a break from the paranoia of WU to Yuri in Moldova...to be flagged and have to do it again...the newbieness scares me a bit though. hope he knows whats up with sending bunches of packs out i would be at a different post office rotating faces all the time.

Rest assured sir
On a side note, after seeing the anabolic lab logo some members have we wanted to look into what this was, and we were blown away. The thought of a legit lab doing testing on big name brands a lot of people are using is awesome and we are all for harm reduction. Although our lab will most likely never be tested by them, we went ahead and made a donation to support the cause.
Our raws are tested via meltpoint test in addition to the results provided by our supplier. Although I agree that a supplier may provide fake results and who would know the difference? We are completely confident in our raw supplier, but also some members have purchased some gear of ours to send out for complete testing.
Prove that you do melting point test
Although some may say our methods are not good enough, I have heard of individuals using their oven with an electronic and/or laser thermometer to do this. We have done this a while back but have also used the hot plate method with a laser thermometer.