Elite Labs

Not sure what decision ur saying I'm making but just as he is tired of seeing people fighting in lab threads I'm tired of guys saying shit about the fighting this lab shouldn't even be on meso so imo I could give a Fuck what is in this tread

You're trying to make the decision on whether others should or shouldn't use this source... Frankly I don't care whether they do or don't unless there is something concrete.

In addition, I've seen your name get associated with another lab before. Quite a few times too... I'm not accusing you of anything but others may at some point, so might want to pick your battles with this source.
I bet elites reading this shit, shaking his head like 'I should have listened. never awaken the meso beast'
Like what happened with Prime Hammer ;)

If sources were that smart they come here well prepared.

Self regulation works quite well here :)
You're trying to make the decision on whether others should or shouldn't use this source... Frankly I don't care whether they do or don't unless there is something concrete.

In addition, I've seen your name get associated with another lab before. Quite a few times too... I'm not accusing you of anything but others may at some point, so might want to pick your battles with this source.
Ur missing my point completely I didn't tell him wether or not to use this lab because I could care less who anyone uses all I'm saying is who gives a shit if this thread is clogged with fighting the lab shouldn't be here anyway I say fight all u want in here but it's guess other people are here for different reasons then me I like to learn and have fun
I hear u but to me I'd rather it be in a lab thread then somewhere that it matters like training etc this lab shouldn't even be at meso if he wants to sell gear there are other boards for that
Why the selective cluttering of lab threads? I don't see this going on in pharmacist, pharmasource, Turkish labs and s fair amount of others that seem to be slipping through the cracks.
Why the selective cluttering of lab threads? I don't see this going on in pharmacist, pharmasource, Turkish labs and s fair amount of others that seem to be slipping through the cracks.
Pharmacist doent sell gear I don't see a problem with him being here the others you mentioned I'm not sure what they sell only reason I even come in this thread is because i see all the guys are over here talking
Haha and meso comes thru again! Making a joke in spite of your own stupidity! You can't make this stuff up!

a bic lighter and a spoon IS ebough to perform a melting point test WHATS YOUR POINT jokes on you dumbass!

You're too good for us Meso Jesus, you should leave and spread your message to the masses.

Us heathens just aren't getting it.
Pharmacist doent sell gear I don't see a problem with him being here the others you mentioned I'm not sure what they sell only reason I even come in this thread is because i see all the guys are over here talking
...but Pharmacist is still here to make money off of the people here on a free board. These are still products being shipped illegally into the US. Most of them, if used improperly, will cause harm as bad as any gear being sold.
...but Pharmacist is still here to make money off of the people here on a free board. These are still products being shipped illegally into the US. Most of them, if used improperly, will cause harm as bad as any gear being sold.
That is true but his products are pharma he not making them in his bath tub
In my time the best I seen was 24 k he even left like a boss
He left when things were getting too hot for him and he let everyone in that thread know he is shutting down. Smart move I say.

Pharmacist is legit as far as I can tell from reviews here.
You're too good for us Meso Jesus, you should leave and spread your message to the masses.

Us heathens just aren't getting it.

your heads are so far up your asses that you would rather be wrong than admit that you're wrong and actually learn something. It's a toxic cult mentality. Good lord.

I didn't clutter this thread. The first goddamn comment was BS crap and it's spiraled out of control from there. Without even realizing it, I have made a mockery of this entire community by playing a character that you have taken seriously. This persona has encapsulated everything that's wrong with the underground and now you have members getting fed up with it. They are sick and tired and exasperated by it and now you're arguing amongst yourselves. Everything came full circle. I very clearly accomplished something. You're fucking welcome.

I'm the troll you deserved. Yes this is all really fucking stupid and pointless isn't it? Bingo. Point proven.
your heads are so far up your asses that you would rather be wrong than admit that you're wrong and actually learn something. It's a toxic cult mentality. Good lord.

I didn't clutter this thread. The first goddamn comment was BS crap and it's spiraled out of control from there. Without even realizing it, I have made a mockery of this entire community by playing a character that you have taken seriously. This persona has encapsulated everything that's wrong with the underground and now you have members getting fed up with it. They are sick and tired and exasperated by it and now you're arguing amongst yourselves. Everything came full circle. I very clearly accomplished something. You're fucking welcome.
One word describes you: Troll.

So now be gone!
One word describes you: Troll.

So now be gone!

Here we go again. @MindlessWork grows some balls when he can join the mob.
And who are you to tell someone to "be gone"? People have been telling you to leave forever. Through multiple handles. You leave for a little, but alwats come back.
You are like a human version of herpes. You come out, get on everyones nerves, then leave and wait until no one is paying attention to come back.
MindlessWork = Herpes*

*No Mindless doesnt actually have herpes, he would have to have sex to do that.
It's trial by fire.
If his shit checks out, he will have an ample opportunity to keep doing business.

Same thing happend with TSL, SQS and the list goes on.
I know your just comparing labs but I haven't seen sqs brought up in some time...be careful ordering straight from them instead of the reseller as a buddy of mine got burnt for some serious dough going straight through sqs.