Elite Labs

It's trial by fire.
If his shit checks out, he will have an ample opportunity to keep doing business.

Same thing happend with TSL, SQS and the list goes on.

Do you want an example of how stupid this community is?

Meso: We want phramecutical grade fucking gear and don't cut any corners but we're complaining about 25 dollars for a bottle of test P.

And to add insult to injury, I have this juicy proposal.

You want gear as cheap as you can get it right? Well I have a proposal: I'll make gear in my bathtub, and use a soup spoon to fill my vials. I'll get ones with screw on tops. I will melt point test with a bic lighter too. And I will use cotton balls to filter my gear. Sound good? I'll be able to charge 20 for a vial of Tren.

You're welcome meso, just what you wanted.
And to add insult to injury, I have this juicy proposal.

You want gear as cheap as you can get it right? Well I have a proposal: I'll make gear in my bathtub, and use a soup spoon to fill my vials. I'll get ones with screw on tops. I will melt point test with a bic lighter too. And I will use cotton balls to filter my gear. Sound good? I'll be able to charge 20 for a vial of Tren.

You're welcome meso, just what you wanted.

So it's been a couple weeks and you still are saying the same shit. You've said it all multiple times.
No one cares anymore.
You're such a smart little flamer, and such a good troll, I would expect that after a couple weeks you'd have something else interesting to say.

Unfortunately you've let me down. :(
Your game seems to only have one dimension, and you've worn it out.

Back to the drawing board.
So it's been a couple weeks and you still are saying the same shit. You've said it all multiple times.
No one cares anymore.
You're such a smart little flamer, and such a good troll, I would expect that after a couple weeks you'd have something else interesting to say.

Unfortunately you've let me down. :(
Your game seems to only have one dimension, and you've worn it out.

Back to the drawing board.
I don't understand why anoyone even entertains his ass...
I don't understand why anoyone even entertains his ass...

Just onc in a while. Kind of like the neighbours dog... You let it keep barking until it gets annoying, tell it to stfu, and go back to your shit.

Makes you feel a little better but doesnt really accomplish anything lol
Just onc in a while. Kind of like the neighbours dog... You let it keep barking until it gets annoying, tell it to stfu, and go back to your shit.

Makes you feel a little better but doesnt really accomplish anything lol

It would be nice to feed these trolls glass-filled hamburger.
So it's been a couple weeks and you still are saying the same shit. You've said it all multiple times.
No one cares anymore.
You're such a smart little flamer, and such a good troll, I would expect that after a couple weeks you'd have something else interesting to say.

Unfortunately you've let me down. :(
Your game seems to only have one dimension, and you've worn it out.

Back to the drawing board.

LOL I'm right and you know it idgaf That's all that matters period.

And c'mon I already have ppl PM'ing me for that 20 dollar Tren you better jump on it while supplies last!
@Elite_Labs Still no lab pics?? Did you get the autoclave?? All this bullshit in the forums no ones even thinking about it anymore!!

No we did not purchase the autoclave as the one we found locally was not what we were looking for. As far as lab pics, many pages back I stated I will not be posting any pictures anymore as I have already posted pics of our equipment, stock, and explained our current sterilization process
@Elite_Labs Still no lab pics?? Did you get the autoclave?? All this bullshit in the forums no ones even thinking about it anymore!!

Yeah did you get that autoclave you don't fucking need? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
IM GONNA SHIT MYSELF so please keep it going I'm gonna get fucked in the ass later so I need to be all cleaned out down there don't stop!!

It's a nice decorative piece and I heard the ladies go crazy for a man with an autoclave!!
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Yeah you know what does nobody remember that brilliant post I made about how a compounding lab made steroids contaminated with black mold and gave hundreds of people fungal meningitis and 80 died? Which I'm pretttttyyyy sure is defcon 1 for anybody injecting ANYTHING. and remember how I said they USED AN AUTOCLAVE and it didn't fucking matter and all they had to do was FILTER THAT SHIT and it would have gotten rid of the fungus?

and you're still going about the fucking autoclave. can't fix stupid I guess.

I'm going to keep spamming this fucking thread until you all fucking learn something. I'm doing god's work, except god hates all you closeted fags, so I guess not really.

And don't worry I have plenty of patience I spent one summer working with retards so I'm used to this.
@cdt5074 , you're still here?!

Look, kiddo, it was fun at first but come on, you're trolling attempts are increasingly lame. Get some new material, fuck-face. And I mean that sincerely because I know how much you love getting your face fucked by bbc.

you can't even differentiate between trolling and fucking facts. or you don't want to. not sure which. you're a joke and so are the faggots who like your comment lol. approval seeking beta bitch behavior 101. Gotta get your likes! must mean your the cool kid on the block! when are you all having your gay orgy? Like I said I'm down just tell me the time and the place.

I'm sorry I'm trying to have an intelligent discussion please stop cluttering this thread with your pandering it's really pathetic at this point.
you can't even differentiate between trolling and fucking facts. or you don't want to. not sure which. you're a joke and so are the faggots who like your comment lol. approval seeking beta bitch behavior 101. Gotta get your likes! must mean your the cool kid on the block! when are you all having your gay orgy? Like I said I'm down just tell me the time and the place.

I'm sorry I'm trying to have an intelligent discussion please stop cluttering this thread with your pandering it's really pathetic at this point.
You aren't coherent you fat fucktard. Why are you even here?
You aren't coherent you fat fucktard. Why are you even here?

I liked your comment! you are popular now and have validation! that should postpone your suicide for a few days.

soooo do you actually want to talk about the autoclave thing or are you going to continue to deflect because that's too intellectually challenging for you to actually have a discussion about? no? okay. That's what I thought. queer bashing definitely requires a lower intellectual threshold.