emotions back in action


New Member
Is it just me, or does time “on” go by faster then off?

Ive on test prop daily, since the beginning of April, 8 months??? Today concludes my first week off! Nobody know about my needle/pinning addiction....still. I felt sad for the first time tonight and it’s a very good feeling to have an emotion other then anger.

Nonetheless, I have a terrible memory at the moment(extreme brain fog.) Example, today I locked my keys in the house three times in a row. Thank god for ladders and hide away keys. I’m gunna need to go see a doctor, shitttttt!!!

Anyway back to the topic.
Currently taking daily:

50-75mg nolva and 10-25mg clinic
-(keeping clomidlow, due to mood swings-brain fog issues of the past.)

I return to work after Xmas break in 4 days. I am wondering my options for taking these pct pills. Currently I’m forgetful and disorganized,

1. can I cut clomid out of my diet starting tomorrow?

2.Is there anything I can take in lieu of these that won’t inadvertently kill my memory? Unfortunately I need my a memory for work that’s more important then my gains.
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You're one week in to PCT using "50-75mg nolva and 10-25mg clomid" because of brain fog issues.... And you're already prepared to quit because of brain fog? After an 8 month cycle of test prop?

Is it just me, or does time “on” go by faster then off?

Ive on test prop daily, since the beginning of April, 8 months??? Today concludes my first week off! Nobody know about my needle/pinning addiction....still. I felt sad for the first time tonight and it’s a very good feeling to have an emotion other then anger.

Nonetheless, I have a terrible memory at the moment(extreme brain fog.) Example, today I locked my keys in the house three times in a row. Thank god for ladders and hide away keys. I’m gunna need to go see a doctor, shitttttt!!!

Anyway back to the topic.
Currently taking daily:

50-75mg nolva and 10-25mg clinic
-(keeping clomidlow, due to mood swings-brain fog issues of the past.)

I return to work after Xmas break in 4 days. I am wondering my options for taking these pct pills. Currently I’m forgetful and disorganized,

1. can I cut clomid out of my diet starting tomorrow?

2.Is there anything I can take in lieu of these that won’t inadvertently kill my memory? Unfortunately I need my a memory for work that’s more important then my gains.
Modafinil can help with the brain fog if that's an issue for you
Just an FYI if i turned into a crying bitch-i would be jobless, just like you—in which, case, would never get off test. And would use trt for life

Yes, pretty much 160days/240. Took a 2wk break @8wks in
Swim then started back on for a weak cycle for the past 22wk@ .1-.2mg/5days wkly - due to curveballs thrown at me in life.

Don’t hate me for pinning that daily,
Swim currently pin twice daily some weak hgh-4iu daily must be why He still lvl headed???
Just an FYI if i turned into a crying bitch-i would be jobless, just like you—in which, case, would never get off test. And would use trt for life

Yes, pretty much 160days/240. Took a 2wk break @8wks in
Swim then started back on for a weak cycle for the past 22wk@ .1-.2mg/5days wkly - due to curveballs thrown at me in life.

Don’t hate me for pinning that daily,
Swim currently pin twice daily some weak hgh-4iu daily must be why He still lvl headed???
Obvious difference being Growth HAS to be pinned daily or thereabouts - when Test is available with different esters that make that unecessary.
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