Enclomiphene Citrate - Pharma vs. Deus Medical


Some of y’all may have seen me complaining about Enclomiphene in the past, as well as praising it at the same time.

I’m actually still trying to figure out what’s going on.

So, long story short, 25mg/day of Enclomiphene Citrate from Deus Medical consistently caused me to have extreme mood swings, extreme suicidal ideation, and just the worst fucking time of my life. However, it verifiably increased the size of my nuts and natural test, as well as LH/FSH, and it gave me crazy fucking strength gains — far crazier than anything else to date… so I’m confident it’s real, but may be cut with something else.

I haven’t yet tested out strength gains, but Enclomiphene directly from a legitimate pharmacy at 25mg/day causes me absolutely zero mood swings or mental stability issues, and my nuts are doing great. Bloodwork is also normal-ish but I’m back on TRT along with it.

In short,

TRT + Deus Medical enclomid = extreme mood swings + retard strength

Deus Medical Enclomid alone = extreme mood swings + retard strength

TRT + Pharma Enclomid = all good man.

I’m thinking I might need to get this tested by Janoshik because I seriously think something is wrong with my Enclomid from Deus Chem.
Please test it. I have used Deus Enclomiphene and it has been good, but that doesn't mean your batch is also good.

At the same time, I think you probably have another variable causing these mental issues. One thing that can really help is NAC. It works.
I believe Deus does own a GMP facility but that's not really considered "pharma" in the United States. But rather a higher end UGL if you will...
I haven't seen any pharma enclomiphene before.
For those interested...

Empower continues to make a compounded version in spite of FDA guidance. I don't think enclomiphene has been officially added to the difficult to compound list yet but it isn't FDA approved so Empower as usual is operating in a gray zone. Unclear where they get their API.

Recent update:

Please test it. I have used Deus Enclomiphene and it has been good, but that doesn't mean your batch is also good.

At the same time, I think you probably have another variable causing these mental issues. One thing that can really help is NAC. It works.
Deus Medical enclomiphene caused these issues nearly 7 times in a row. It subsides after a day, to a day and a half. Not so with pharma compounded enclomiphene which has no sides.
Deus Medical enclomiphene caused these issues nearly 7 times in a row. It subsides after a day, to a day and a half. Not so with pharma compounded enclomiphene which has no sides.
Thanks for the data point. You should test it. It would do the community a service and Deus would have to address the issue if it wasn't pure enclomiphene.

All I can say is that I've used Deus and I believe it is what it claims to be. But I also bought it a long time ago and maybe the quality has changed.
whats the point of taking exogenous testosterone (trt) + enclomiphene if you don't mind me asking? Seems slightly counterproductive shutting yourself down while trying to restart natural production? HCG could maybe be better option if you're nut size is a concern. Comes without aromitization, but obviously less sides than you're experiencing

I've used clomid before back when I used to PCT. That stuff definitely makes you overly emotional. Haven't tried the newer "enclomiphene", but apparently it's supposed to be better and more side free than traditional clomid. Doesn't seem to be the case in your experience.

Almost agree with @Jin23 in that it sounds like clomid. getting it HPLC tested is probably the best bet
whats the point of taking exogenous testosterone (trt) + enclomiphene if you don't mind me asking? Seems slightly counterproductive shutting yourself down while trying to restart natural production? HCG could maybe be better option if you're nut size is a concern. Comes without aromitization, but obviously less sides than you're experiencing

I've used clomid before back when I used to PCT. That stuff definitely makes you overly emotional. Haven't tried the newer "enclomiphene", but apparently it's supposed to be better and more side free than traditional clomid. Doesn't seem to be the case in your experience.

Almost agree with @Jin23 in that it sounds like clomid. getting it HPLC tested is probably the best bet
Yeah, so apparently enclomid works better than HCG (per the doctors) for TRT to keep nut size intact. My balls are a big part of my personality, because I don't have a personality, and I swing my balls in pride daily.
Yeah, so apparently enclomid works better than HCG (per the doctors) for TRT to keep nut size intact. My balls are a big part of my personality, because I don't have a personality, and I swing my balls in pride daily.
Sounds like, based on the sides you're getting, that HCG might be the lesser of the two evils, while accomplishing the same function.

If you weren't getting sides, it might be another story
Sounds like, based on the sides you're getting, that HCG might be the lesser of the two evils, while accomplishing the same function.

If you weren't getting sides, it might be another story
But I’m not getting the sides with pharma enclomid.