End of second week (Testo C 350mg), nipples puffy


Hi, I am exactly at the end of my second week of Testosterone Cypionate 350mg/week.
I administer it with vials of 1ml/250mg. Below is the schedule of administration:

Markdown (GitHub flavored):
| Day               | Dosage            |
| Monday 8th May    | 250mg/1ml Testo C |
| Saturday 13th May | 250mg/1ml Testo C |
| Thursday 18th May | 250mg/1ml Testo C |
| Saturday 21th May | 0.5mg Arimidex    |

Yesterday, saturday 21st I felt for the first time the Testo C. I wake up 2 a.m. completely wet and at the gym I smashed.
Back home, my wife noticed that my nipples are now bigger. I never had nipples so she noticed immediately. She likes it but I got panic so I took an Arimidex 0.5mg. (I know I shouldn't but I did, I am learning how to deal with AAS).
Today I woke up, went to gym, shaved and I noticed that my nipples are bigger. If I touch them I do not have sensitivy, but they are hard and outside which is quite usual for me. Only the nipples are hard, the area around is not. I do not have sensitivity different than usual, I do not have pimples at all. I have oily skin but I always have, so it is not more oily than usual.

My next blood test is Saturday 28th May, I will measure again Testo, Lipids, Emochrome and Estrogens.

My first test before starting was ok, except my Testo was extremely low (less than 185) and my LDL was 3.2, where the max is 3. Thyroid and everything else was fine. I didn't measure Estrogens because it costs 150$ so I didn't want to measure them before starting the cycle. Next Saturday I will definitively measure E2.

Here is the photo of Today and the day before starting the cycle (Sorry for the resolution, it is the best I can):

- Should I continue to use Arimidex 0.5 the day after injection or should I stop?
- I do I know that this is the beginning of high E2? Apart from blood results, is there any other symptom?

Reading around, it seems that nipples enlargement is quite common on people who are on TRT or on a cycle. I just want to be sure I catch it in time.

At home I have Novaldex (it is for PCT actually) and Arimidex. I am using Testosteron C, I am 45 and this is my first cycle ever.
I’m in the exact same boat. Exact same cycle same nipples. I have not been stressing it as I have no other side effects. I have seen a lot of people take armidex right off the bat whole cycle and never really complain about anything. I’m going to go ahead and take 12.5mg aromasin 2x a week see if it subsides.
Really if I wasn’t paying attention I could overlook the sensitivity but they did get slightly bigger and I can’t over look that
I’m in the exact same boat. Exact same cycle same nipples. I have not been stressing it as I have no other side effects. I have seen a lot of people take armidex right off the bat whole cycle and never really complain about anything. I’m going to go ahead and take 12.5mg aromasin 2x a week see if it subsides.
Really if I wasn’t paying attention I could overlook the sensitivity but they did get slightly bigger and I can’t over look that
Today I ha my injection and went to gym. Nipples got quite hard. I did blood test yesterday and I am waiting results and decide
Friend told me one arimidex 24h after injection should work fine but I wait blood first. Two more days
Nolvadex is the best to stop gyno in it's tracks. Arimedex works ok for me but Nolva stops it dead.
That's right. Nolvadex is selective gyno killer.

Nolvadex is not an ai. You can have high e on it.

It seemed like you were comparing the two.
It is not an AI, that's right. On cycle it is mostly used by people who are prone to gyno, but are not prone to high estrogen symptoms. People who are in general prone to high E are better candidates for arimidex or aromasin. Then there are ultra sensitive people to any kind of aromatase inhibitor. Nolva is still the best option for gynecomastia prevention.
I haven't looked into this in years as I haven't had many problems.... torem or ralox never proved themselves as less toxic with similar effects?
The only time I ever run a SERM or an ai is if I am running test at 750/we or more.
250/wk based on lab results they my test levels to mid normal range so when I run that dosage I never run anything. During a cycle like I am current I run my ai 2x’s a week as a preventative measure and don’t have any issues. Every one is different and you have to find what jives with your body chemistry based on what you are running and where your labs are.
Good luck
Hi, I am exactly at the end of my second week of Testosterone Cypionate 350mg/week.
I administer it with vials of 1ml/250mg. Below is the schedule of administration:

Markdown (GitHub flavored):
| Day               | Dosage            |
| Monday 8th May    | 250mg/1ml Testo C |
| Saturday 13th May | 250mg/1ml Testo C |
| Thursday 18th May | 250mg/1ml Testo C |
| Saturday 21th May | 0.5mg Arimidex    |

Yesterday, saturday 21st I felt for the first time the Testo C. I wake up 2 a.m. completely wet and at the gym I smashed.
Back home, my wife noticed that my nipples are now bigger. I never had nipples so she noticed immediately. She likes it but I got panic so I took an Arimidex 0.5mg. (I know I shouldn't but I did, I am learning how to deal with AAS).
Today I woke up, went to gym, shaved and I noticed that my nipples are bigger. If I touch them I do not have sensitivy, but they are hard and outside which is quite usual for me. Only the nipples are hard, the area around is not. I do not have sensitivity different than usual, I do not have pimples at all. I have oily skin but I always have, so it is not more oily than usual.

My next blood test is Saturday 28th May, I will measure again Testo, Lipids, Emochrome and Estrogens.

My first test before starting was ok, except my Testo was extremely low (less than 185) and my LDL was 3.2, where the max is 3. Thyroid and everything else was fine. I didn't measure Estrogens because it costs 150$ so I didn't want to measure them before starting the cycle. Next Saturday I will definitively measure E2.

Here is the photo of Today and the day before starting the cycle (Sorry for the resolution, it is the best I can):

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- Should I continue to use Arimidex 0.5 the day after injection or should I stop?
- I do I know that this is the beginning of high E2? Apart from blood results, is there any other symptom?

Reading around, it seems that nipples enlargement is quite common on people who are on TRT or on a cycle. I just want to be sure I catch it in time.

At home I have Novaldex (it is for PCT actually) and Arimidex. I am using Testosteron C, I am 45 and this is my first cycle ever.
Stick with arimidex daily. Worked for me. I had exactly the same issue. Still made gains using arimidex. Get blood work done. Check E2 levels. Then check again in a month. If they’ve gone down then all good
Change your injection frequency. That might help. Pin every 3.5 days max for more stable blood levels. I pin everyday. If you are using 1ml vials load up a few insulin needles and split the dosage
I always get puffy/itchy after week 2. With test/dbol. By week 3 a fine size lump will form. I run Nolva 40mg a day until it subsides and drop to 20mg. Arimedex alone doesn't help. Have no idea about Ralo
I always get puffy/itchy after week 2. With test/dbol. By week 3 a fine size lump will form. I run Nolva 40mg a day until it subsides and drop to 20mg. Arimedex alone doesn't help. Have no idea about Ralo
But when you drop Nolva to 20mg daily, do you keep taking Nolva for the entire cycle?
I always get puffy/itchy after week 2. With test/dbol. By week 3 a fine size lump will form. I run Nolva 40mg a day until it subsides and drop to 20mg. Arimedex alone doesn't help. Have no idea about Ralo
You do not need that much. Puffy nippels is no Gyno. Only when you get real gyno take 20mg Tamoxifen to end it. 40mg and later 20mg Will drop your estrogen to much.
But when you drop Nolva to 20mg daily, do you keep taking Nolva for the entire cycle?
No. It subsides after several days but I ran 40mg a day for 7 days (all of week 3) and 20mg a day week 4 as a precaution. I dropped the dbol after week 5 and the last 5 weeks (weeks 6 to 10 of cycle) I have been running just test/deca with nothing at all. Not saying this is the best way but it worked for me. It's really the dianabol that causes me trouble (and insane gains!) Not the test or deca.