Is it a bad idea? I started my first cycle about 4 weeks ago, and gained about 10 pounds so far, but that was all in the first three weeks. This last week I've seen no weight gain. I've been using an ephedra-based fat burner the entire time. Here's my cycle (in addition to the Ephedra):
200 mg Test Enthanate every 4 days
3 iu's Growth Hormone every day
.5 mg Arimidex every day
If the Ephedra doesn't matter, why did I stop my gains? I want to gain at least 10 more pounds this cycle if I can. BTW, Ephedra does NOT affect my appetite.
200 mg Test Enthanate every 4 days
3 iu's Growth Hormone every day
.5 mg Arimidex every day
If the Ephedra doesn't matter, why did I stop my gains? I want to gain at least 10 more pounds this cycle if I can. BTW, Ephedra does NOT affect my appetite.