Ephedra on a Building Cycle?


New Member
Is it a bad idea? I started my first cycle about 4 weeks ago, and gained about 10 pounds so far, but that was all in the first three weeks. This last week I've seen no weight gain. I've been using an ephedra-based fat burner the entire time. Here's my cycle (in addition to the Ephedra):

200 mg Test Enthanate every 4 days
3 iu's Growth Hormone every day
.5 mg Arimidex every day

If the Ephedra doesn't matter, why did I stop my gains? I want to gain at least 10 more pounds this cycle if I can. BTW, Ephedra does NOT affect my appetite.

sabredude said:
Is it a bad idea? I started my first cycle about 4 weeks ago, and gained about 10 pounds so far, but that was all in the first three weeks. This last week I've seen no weight gain. I've been using an ephedra-based fat burner the entire time. Here's my cycle (in addition to the Ephedra):

200 mg Test Enthanate every 4 days
3 iu's Growth Hormone every day
.5 mg Arimidex every day

If the Ephedra doesn't matter, why did I stop my gains? I want to gain at least 10 more pounds this cycle if I can. BTW, Ephedra does NOT affect my appetite.


You can use ephedra whether you are cutting or bulking...its your diet that matters...I use ephedra for energy, so it is actually good to use it on a bulking cycle. So far I've gained 15 pounds on my cycle, and I use ephedra almost every day.
Sabre, what are the goals of your cycle? Im a little confused as to why you would use test at roughly 300mg/wk and then add in GH. Financially it just doesnt make sense nor does it from a results standpoint, IMO. And unless you have a very high propensity for gyno, .5mg ari ED is way more than necessary. Personally, I wouldnt even bother with an anti-e at such a low dose. Or maybe .25mg EOD or E3D.
I had been using the GH for about two months prior to starting the Test. I had been told that doing a cycle of Test while on the GH would give some very good results, and that a lot of the gains would be permanent. I gained about 10 pounds on the GH only and about another 10 since starting the Test. Total of about 20 pounds since about December 1st. I LOVE the results so far. But I want more...LOL.

So, you think I don't need so much Arimidex? That was also on the recommendation of someother people on this board. I had already decided to cut back to .5 EOD -- but is that even too much?

I'm upping my dose to 300mg every 5 days starting tonight to sede if that does anything.

Any other ideas? This is my first cycle, so I need all the help I can get.

Thanks in advance.
sabredude said:
Is it a bad idea? I started my first cycle about 4 weeks ago, and gained about 10 pounds so far, but that was all in the first three weeks. This last week I've seen no weight gain. I've been using an ephedra-based fat burner the entire time. Here's my cycle (in addition to the Ephedra):

200 mg Test Enthanate every 4 days
3 iu's Growth Hormone every day
.5 mg Arimidex every day

If the Ephedra doesn't matter, why did I stop my gains? I want to gain at least 10 more pounds this cycle if I can. BTW, Ephedra does NOT affect my appetite.


whats your bodyfat? you could be losing some bf and still putting on muscle maybe thats why you've leveled off for the moment. the gh will help you burn fat........11
On my Tanika scale I weight in between 11 and 13% BF depending on the time of day, if I've just eaten, how hydrated I am, etc. That hasn't changed.

eleven11 said:
whats your bodyfat? you could be losing some bf and still putting on muscle maybe thats why you've leveled off for the moment. the gh will help you burn fat........11
sabredude said:
On my Tanika scale I weight in between 11 and 13% BF depending on the time of day, if I've just eaten, how hydrated I am, etc. That hasn't changed.

just keep hittin it hard, dont get to hung up on the scale you can tell by the mirror if you gettin good gains. like I said about the gh it will help with the bf so if you lose 3-4 lbs of fat and gain that in muscle thats still good progress even though your weight didn't change. I would agree on increasing the test and dont worry about the ephedra........11
Rimi @ .5mgs ED or EOD for every 500mgs of gear used wkly. .25mgs rimi EOD would be fine for you....personally I would'nt use it at all for that amount. Save your hgh for in between cycles....