Ephedrine ..WMD


New Member
Bush declares ephedrine a weapon of mass destruction.:rolleyes: I can imagine getting locked up for possesion of xenadrine.I am sure that will impress fellow inmates.:D
This is some kinda shit. What next creatine? Just something else for the administration to make themselves look they are making a difference. Now I know who I am not voting for! FUCK THE F.D.A.!!
Big Brother has been taking away more and more of our freedoms since 9/11. If the goverment really cared about our health they would ban cigarettes, alcohol, and Big Macs! Of course there are risks with ephedra, just like with about anything else if it is misused or abused. Hell, maybe they're right, look how many lives have been saved since the recreational use of steroids was made illegal in 1989(lol)--thanks to George senior I might add! Hell, I think I'll vote libertarian in 2004!
armsports said:
Big Brother has been taking away more and more of our freedoms since 9/11. If the goverment really cared about our health they would ban cigarettes, alcohol, and Big Macs! Of course there are risks with ephedra, just like with about anything else if it is misused or abused. Hell, maybe they're right, look how many lives have been saved since the recreational use of steroids was made illegal in 1989(lol)--thanks to George senior I might add! Hell, I think I'll vote libertarian in 2004!
Lets see.. 155 deaths due to ephedrine.

Ok bush now ban ALL products in this country that have killed 155 people or more.10 x more people die using cellphones while driving.Thats our govt for ya.:mad:
Health and Human Service secretary Tommy Thompson is an assclown. This really pisses me off when "supposedly" ephedrine has been directly linked to about 100-150 deaths. Ok, that sucks, but in the grand scheme of things, big freakin deal. Think of how many billions yes, billions) of doses are used every single year mulitplied by say 10 or 15 years. And out of all that we get, lets say even 200 deaths. WHO CARES!! Its almost statistically insignificant! And I would bet that nearly every one of those people had an underlying medical condition that their either knew about, or had been undiagnosed. Some people shouldnt use ephedrine, thats not rocket science. That doesnt mean everyone should be punished because of it.

Why arent aspirin, cigs, alcohol, driving, running, bicycling, fishing, swimming, ibuprofen, etc all banned? Cigs and alochol are both addictive and kill HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people every single year!!

People like Tom Osbourne (co-sponsor of bill to ban prohormones) need a good ass kicking.


Here is a great site to find your reps.

1. Contact your senators for sure
2. Keep is simple stupid, ie: "I am against the banning of ephedra and the obvious contol this administration has given the FDA" or "I find the additional loss of my freedoms to be contrary to the republican position I have taken in the past, please reconsider the direction this administration has taken regarding these issues. Especially the actions of the FDA and the US attourney General..

3. If you email or call the whitehouse they can give you subjects, pro or con to comment on.. it is really a good tool. The data is coalated and passed on.

4. The internet is great for this reason, if you really believe in this issue get involved.

The bad thing is i like bush ,but now this makes me mad. Why dont they ban smoking or something that kills thousand a year . I seen a thing on yahoo more people died of cold medicine than of ephedra last year.
I just bought a whole lot of this stuff. Someday, I'll get rich selling it black market--no really, I like the old eca stack, and want it around for a while--tomo
Here's some numbers for you,

Estimated deaths in the US this year:
Cigarette-related 400,000
Alcohol-related 100,000
Prescription drug-related 100,000
Aspirin & Ibuproforen-related 4,000
Ephedra-related 40

This is just simple politics as usual-it doesn't matter if its the Dems or Republicans in control. All it takes are a few loud people screaming how something is dangerous(with no opposition), and it gets pulled off the market. Besides, the've had a hard on for ephedrine for years. You've got obese people with bad hearts trying to use it to burn fat, some dumass kids trying to get high by downing the whole bottle, and probably a few people for whatever reason didn't react well to it(kinda like people having severe allergic reactions to certain foods). If there were enough loud opposition to it, they would probably keep ephedrine on the market(just like what happens when communities try to ban smoking!). It may be too late though, the wheels are in motion. Better stock up now...........
By the way,I haven't heard anything about it becoming a controlled substance,only a prescription item. Has anyone heard anything else?