
If youre in Europe you can always shoot me a message if youre looking for a compound i usually know which sites to get them from
dont need to be in Europe to get them from UK site. I got supplements from predator no prob to usa
Same. Ordered Epi twice. Still have 2.5 bottles that idk when I’m gonna use lol
I got 2 bottles, used one. And 4 bottles of phera and used one. I'm thinking of going back to just cycling orals with trt+. I have fun with orals until the sides come on. Phera was one of my favorites and epi was prob second.
I got 2 bottles, used one. And 4 bottles of phera and used one. I'm thinking of going back to just cycling orals with trt+. I have fun with orals until the sides come on. Phera was one of my favorites and epi was prob second.
Epi on top of TRT was okay when I did it earlier this year. I only did 15mg Epi tho to see if low dose for 8 weeks would be any better than a higher dose 4-6 weeks. Still got the hardness and vascularity from it but the gains were far more subtle than 20-30mg for 4 weeks on my first run. Currently running 25mg anavar with my TRT and it blows Epi out of the water. I don’t necessarily “feel” it like with Epi but the gains at 3.5 weeks in now have been great and the vascularity and hardness are on par with, if not slightly better than Epi. Also, I feel no joint dryness like with Epi so that’s a plus as well
I got 2 bottles, used one. And 4 bottles of phera and used one. I'm thinking of going back to just cycling orals with trt+. I have fun with orals until the sides come on. Phera was one of my favorites and epi was prob second.
You see phera is back on a UK seller? Edit half read your post

How has you alls BP been on epistane.
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Epistane is an interesting one, I'm sure one day I'll try it out. I'm all in for unique and exotic stuff makes life interesting. I'm very interested in making comparison versus anavar which is my second fav oral after dianabol.
Epi was the first steroid I ever took back in 2008. At the time I wasn't even fully aware it was a steroid haha. All in all I ran about 7-8 cycles of it over a period of about 3 years. I worked my way up to 80mg which was fucking miserable for my joints. The sweet spot for me was 30mg all taken pwo. If I was "pulsing" it, I could take up 40mg pwo around 2-3x a week without any significant sides.

As far as sides go, what I had was dry joints at higher dosages. Had more drive in the gym for sure and strength went up great, but again at higher dosages I had to work through creaky joints. Naturally I'm not all that vascular, but I was nice and veiny on epi. I don't really remember whether it affected my hair or not, but I do have thinning hair now, dunno if it would have affected me over a decade later or not.