Steroid Profile Equipoise

I've come to the conclusion that I should not do any stacks without EQ. It really helps mitigate physical sides. I can run ment and deca much more easily without having to worry about gyno or buku water retention.

I've tried swapping it out for masteron multiple times. Even though masteron makes me feel great mentally, it doesn't stop the physical sides that i mentioned.

Cardio was always my natural strength so EQ doesn't change a whole lot there. Even when I'm off-cycle my RBC is barely in range. EQ tips it from "high" into the "too high" range.

I don't get the intense hunger from EQ like some people say, but I also don't take more than 400mg a week. Overall I consider it more of an accessory drug. I know it's not the main course in my cycles but it has its purpose and has proven to be reliable multiple times for me.

I like EQ. Why would you completely swap it out for masteron, instead of say replacing half?
I've come to the conclusion that I should not do any stacks without EQ. It really helps mitigate physical sides. I can run ment and deca much more easily without having to worry about gyno or buku water retention.

I've tried swapping it out for masteron multiple times. Even though masteron makes me feel great mentally, it doesn't stop the physical sides that i mentioned.

Cardio was always my natural strength so EQ doesn't change a whole lot there. Even when I'm off-cycle my RBC is barely in range. EQ tips it from "high" into the "too high" range.

I don't get the intense hunger from EQ like some people say, but I also don't take more than 400mg a week. Overall I consider it more of an accessory drug. I know it's not the main course in my cycles but it has its purpose and has proven to be reliable multiple times for me.
it's a bit strange to read how eq protects against gyno more than masterone where masteron was medically used to block receptors in breast tissue

for me best gyno protoector is DHB
I like EQ. Why would you completely swap it out for masteron, instead of say replacing half?

The first time was out of curiosity and then mostly for the feel-good effects that masteron has. I just feel like a happy, horny man with mast in my cycles. I really wanted to believe that it could work as an AI as good as EQ but after a few tries I just accepted that EQ is better for me. I'm relatively new (about 2 and a half years) with steroids so a lot of my experience has been trial and error.

I do like the idea of going 50/50 though. I'm running test / eq / deca right now and I think mast would help big time with the lethargy that deca gives. Only problem is my wife just had a kid so I'll be walking around with diamond dick and nowhere to put it lol.
The first time was out of curiosity and then mostly for the feel-good effects that masteron has. I just feel like a happy, horny man with mast in my cycles. I really wanted to believe that it could work as an AI as good as EQ but after a few tries I just accepted that EQ is better for me. I'm relatively new (about 2 and a half years) with steroids so a lot of my experience has been trial and error.

I do like the idea of going 50/50 though. I'm running test / eq / deca right now and I think mast would help big time with the lethargy that deca gives. Only problem is my wife just had a kid so I'll be walking around with diamond dick and nowhere to put it lol.

Gotta experiment man. I've tried a few different combo's at TRT+ dose (240 mg total/week) (my TRT is 120)

Any test ester alone is the most convenient for TRT. I like the blends better (deca, EQ, mast, primo [ime]). There's a trade off. Ymmv.
Only problem is my wife just had a kid so I'll be walking around with diamond dick and nowhere to put it lol.

Your wife will absolutely welcome it. Prolactin or oxytocin or science or something. She's less likely to get pregnant (science?), but still wants to bust a nut.
I want to run EQ so bad again, dam anxiety is brutal. Why the hell do some people get it and some dont? Maybe ill try again
i think the anxiety comes from crashed estrogen, adding a little bit of dbol daily can perhaps fix that.
I always run it with dbol, never had anxiety issues.
i think the anxiety comes from crashed estrogen, adding a little bit of dbol daily can perhaps fix that.
I always run it with dbol, never had anxiety issues.
Even with high test? Might be true, as i have been hearing same. But i have crashed e2 using so many other aas and AI’s, and never ended in panic attacks. I will take your word for it. Not worth the risk ever again.
I love Equipoise, for me it's amazing. I get no side effects. There are two reasons against using it though:
1. Kidney damage? (Inconclusive, but still scary, cuz that's one organ to better not stress too much)
2. Aggression, I don't know why, but for me this comes close to tren. 400/400 T/EQ is my fav stack, but I can't stand idiots at that point. Zero tolerance for bs.
Cycle design / exit seems weird with such a long ester. I heard so much good stuff about this including from big paul Barnett and read IIx’s bit on the safety testing vs primo that I’m going to run it this year but how do you plan for the cycle end. Doesn’t it trail off over line 3+months? What’s that like?
Cycle design / exit seems weird with such a long ester. I heard so much good stuff about this including from big paul Barnett and read IIx’s bit on the safety testing vs primo that I’m going to run it this year but how do you plan for the cycle end. Doesn’t it trail off over line 3+months? What’s that like?
I don't cycle, more like blast and cruise, although my blasts are very moderate for some time now. I like to stack 300/300 or 400/400 T/EQ, gives me amazing cosmetic effect and I like it better than 600mg Testosterone solo.

It's not crazy long, similar to deca 14 day and it's like 16 days HL. Using steroid plotter might help to plan your cycle. Though it's not always very accurate. So be mindful about that.

Can you tell me more about safety of Equipoise? I'm possibly missing, but few years ago everyone was saying it's bad for kidneys. What are they saying now in short? I like type IIx's stuff, but he sometimes is too technical and it's hard to understand. Primobolan was regarded the safest after Testosterone.
I don't cycle, more like blast and cruise, although my blasts are very moderate for some time now. I like to stack 300/300 or 400/400 T/EQ, gives me amazing cosmetic effect and I like it better than 600mg Testosterone solo.

It's not crazy long, similar to deca 14 day and it's like 16 days HL. Using steroid plotter might help to plan your cycle. Though it's not always very accurate. So be mindful about that.

Can you tell me more about safety of Equipoise? I'm possibly missing, but few years ago everyone was saying it's bad for kidneys. What are they saying now in short? I like type IIx's stuff, but he sometimes is too technical and it's hard to understand. Primobolan was regarded the safest after Testosterone.

Here is the thread type IIX wrote. I think you’ll find it interesting and reassuring. And yes, at some point he goes too far down the rabbit hole and the technical details escape me. However the key bit is near the top of his initial post where eq has passed certain pharmaceutical tests and guidelines for human use that sounded European and / or I interpreted gsk to be glaxo smith Kline that Primo did not pass so he argues this is evidence it is less toxic/ safer for human use than primo. He also addresses the liver toxicity research as well.

This combined with paul Barnett’s anecdotal experience as well as yours and others on meso have convinced me to try it. Plus I’ve read it is better for joints even than nandralone. Have u experienced that?

Thread 'Boldenone (EQ) Misconceptions and Comparison with Metenolone (Primo) [Author: Type-IIx]'
Boldenone (EQ) Misconceptions and Comparison with Metenolone (Primo) [Author: Type-IIx]
Here is the thread type IIX wrote. I think you’ll find it interesting and reassuring. And yes, at some point he goes too far down the rabbit hole and the technical details escape me. However the key bit is near the top of his initial post where eq has passed certain pharmaceutical tests and guidelines for human use that sounded European and / or I interpreted gsk to be glaxo smith Kline that Primo did not pass so he argues this is evidence it is less toxic/ safer for human use than primo. He also addresses the liver toxicity research as well.

This combined with paul Barnett’s anecdotal experience as well as yours and others on meso have convinced me to try it. Plus I’ve read it is better for joints even than nandralone. Have u experienced that?

Thread 'Boldenone (EQ) Misconceptions and Comparison with Metenolone (Primo) [Author: Type-IIx]'
Boldenone (EQ) Misconceptions and Comparison with Metenolone (Primo) [Author: Type-IIx]
Interesting, too bad there are not many more studies done on EQ. Amazing steroid, if not abused. As for joints, I can't say anything, because I have not experienced any issues yet, so I didn't notice any effect. I'm sticking to Testosterone only for now, until maybe (if) more research is done on safety of other anabolics long term.
Yeah I miss the look, and the added vascularity.

I'm just hoping the sides with tren don't completely screw me over lol
Have you taken eq before? Tren and eq seems like really interesting combo, but I'd test waters with just T + EQ first just in case you get side effects. Some people get bad anxiety or e2 reduction, which never happened to me.
Have you taken eq before? Tren and eq seems like really interesting combo, but I'd test waters with just T + EQ first just in case you get side effects. Some people get bad anxiety or e2 reduction, which never happened to me.
I did a like 5 years ago. I think I ended up having to drop EQ from the anxiety though.

Test+EQ is probably a safer bet, forsure
I've tried boldenone once and only once. The source I was using at the time just happened to be giving some out for a deal, and I got a few vials. I don't even particularly care for the stuff, I just didn't want it to go to waste.

I was using about 600mg at the time and I used it for 18 weeks.

I basically turned into Kirby. Ate everything and anything I could lay my eyes on, including my supervisor's lunch once because he was a massive POS.

I can't recall ever having had an appetite that ravenous since.
I've tried boldenone once and only once. The source I was using at the time just happened to be giving some out for a deal, and I got a few vials. I don't even particularly care for the stuff, I just didn't want it to go to waste.

I was using about 600mg at the time and I used it for 18 weeks.

I basically turned into Kirby. Ate everything and anything I could lay my eyes on, including my supervisor's lunch once because he was a massive POS.

I can't recall ever having had an appetite that ravenous since.
Shot up 3 grams my arse per week - never had any ravenous appetite from it.

Only thing that helped my appetite was MK677.
Shot up 3 grams my arse per week - never had any ravenous appetite from it.

Only thing that helped my appetite was MK677.
Never experienced that so called eq horse appetite. If anything it's perfect cutting steroid for me, helps to retain stamina and strength while slightly boosting metabolic rate, so it allows to eat a bit more and stay lean. Makes me want to move more. Lovely drug with minimal side effects. Better than primo is some ways, especially price.