Steroid Profile Equipoise

I love Equipoise, for me it's amazing. I get no side effects. There are two reasons against using it though:
1. Kidney damage? (Inconclusive, but still scary, cuz that's one organ to better not stress too much)
2. Aggression, I don't know why, but for me this comes close to tren. 400/400 T/EQ is my fav stack, but I can't stand idiots at that point. Zero tolerance for bs.
Aggression, close to Tren ? WOW ! Do you trhink it's the EQ anxiety, where with certain individuals, such as yourself, seeks an exit/outlet and simultaneously turns the anxiety (negative energy) into aggression(postive energy) -locomotion where you need to lift or punch some A-hole in the face lol.
I mean I hear it stimulates norepinephrine and it appears that you're a type that fights-physical-gets shit done, where others that internalize the negative energy, would harbor the anxiety and become a flight risk to themselves and maybe others. Fight or Flight? You def the man that is born to fight and not be fearful and allow yourself to succumb to anxiety that often.
Thanks for sharing
Aggression, close to Tren ? WOW ! Do you trhink it's the EQ anxiety, where with certain individuals, such as yourself, seeks an exit/outlet and simultaneously turns the anxiety (negative energy) into aggression(postive energy) -locomotion where you need to lift or punch some A-hole in the face lol.
I mean I hear it stimulates norepinephrine and it appears that you're a type that fights-physical-gets shit done, where others that internalize the negative energy, would harbor the anxiety and become a flight risk to themselves and maybe others. Fight or Flight? You def the man that is born to fight and not be fearful and allow yourself to succumb to anxiety that often.
Thanks for sharing
Interesting analysis, never thought of that. Thanks. Thing is EQ hits different for many people for some reason, I can't understand why, but it's really strange steroid. You either love it or hate, basically there's no in between. Apart from some non responders maybe.

It has to do with anger management and short temper too, I have been working on it for the past 2 years now and addressing those issues. I'm happy to report some positive progress.

I believe steroids shouldn't be excuse to get overly aggressive, but it's important to avoid some situations where one might be triggered. Tren is famous for change of heart for many, strangely enough not that much for me. Still, I think avoiding taking something that makes you more prone to doing bad things is best.

Have you taken Equipoise yourself? What was your experience? Also do you experience any negative personality changes or aggression on certain drugs?
I experienced EQ anxiety and a mix of anxiety and anger with Tren before i got the right treatment for my temper and other issues such as yourself. My meds have made a world of difference. Zoloft with clonidine help things " roll off" much easier and often ,and also allow my brain to take 2 secs and use judgement and foresight which help my cause-effect to be kept in check; avoiding stupid irreperable actions.
I'm glad you've made positive progress And yes, I agree with not fighting the urge 24/7 and just eliminate using it.Why take chances, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, type of thing.

I'm from Ontario, Canada and am fairly new to the forums. I enjoy reading your posts and insights. Are you from the Good Ol US of A ?
I experienced EQ anxiety and a mix of anxiety and anger with Tren before i got the right treatment for my temper and other issues such as yourself. My meds have made a world of difference. Zoloft with clonidine help things " roll off" much easier and often ,and also allow my brain to take 2 secs and use judgement and foresight which help my cause-effect to be kept in check; avoiding stupid irreperable actions.
I'm glad you've made positive progress And yes, I agree with not fighting the urge 24/7 and just eliminate using it.Why take chances, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, type of thing.

I'm from Ontario, Canada and am fairly new to the forums. I enjoy reading your posts and insights. Are you from the Good Ol US of A ?
That's great to hear, it takes a lot more strength to admit and work on our issues than it is to ignore problems.

Oh no man, I'm from Europe the old world. Things are quite different here, although steroids are like in the grey zone and nobody cares much about them unless you start selling larger amounts.

I like your posts too, you seem like you have life experience and give off good vibes which is cool and always appreciated on Meso.

Ohh yah duhh. I havent taken Tren in 5 years. Still use and love EQ, Var and Primo though
Me too man, though I don't use tren for like 2 years now and I don't see myself using it anymore (toxic & unnecessary outside of BB competition imo). Anavar is amazing and Equipoise is great too when used in moderation, I really started digging Primobolan recently. Very refined and excellent steroid. Although some experience low e2 issues, I'm not the one, if anything it helps me manage estrogen better.
got my bloods recently on 840/700/525 EQ/Mast/Test no AI..(since 10 weeks).. RBC in range guys.. cheap mens primo.. i heard guys run EQ at 2-3g per week..
That's great to hear, it takes a lot more strength to admit and work on our issues than it is to ignore problems.

Oh no man, I'm from Europe the old world. Things are quite different here, although steroids are like in the grey zone and nobody cares much about them unless you start selling larger amounts.

I like your posts too, you seem like you have life experience and give off good vibes which is cool and always appreciated on Meso.

Me too man, though I don't use tren for like 2 years now and I don't see myself using it anymore (toxic & unnecessary outside of BB competition imo). Anavar is amazing and Equipoise is great too when used in moderation, I really started digging Primobolan recently. Very refined and excellent steroid. Although some experience low e2 issues, I'm not the one, if anything it helps me manage estrogen better.

Thanks for the " Good Vibes " comp lol
I come from an Era when thihngs were much simpler. I had a family member who was a doctor and I could get literally anything via script, Anapolon, Test, Halo, lots of Deca etc.. Plus I had a wild Vet connection as well, Then things changed, my doc passed ( lung cancer), vets were held accountable and busted due to the grey zone> illegal classifications of our beloved Eq and Winny Inj's hahah.

I also love Primo in place of Aromasin for managing E2 sides when dosages of Test exceed 500 mgs/wk, best IMO for fullness and dense, hard dry look esp when dieting. It's like killing 3 birds with one needle . Arimidex, Femara and Aromasin has always made me feel weird, regardless if I lowered the dosages or not.
I think eq actually does stress kidneys guys. have bloods pulled a few days ago and my kidney markers are slightly elevated. Last bloods they were solid so idk but nothing else has changed. Could be from being dehydrated?
I think eq actually does stress kidneys guys. have bloods pulled a few days ago and my kidney markers are slightly elevated. Last bloods they were solid so idk but nothing else has changed. Could be from being dehydrated?
Did you make sure to drink same amount of water before the blood draw?
I think eq actually does stress kidneys guys. have bloods pulled a few days ago and my kidney markers are slightly elevated. Last bloods they were solid so idk but nothing else has changed. Could be from being dehydrated?
That's exactly the reason I avoid it. I used to love Eq, but really reconsidered and decided against using it and other toxic stuff like tren. Too many problems and kidneys is not that organ you wanna mess with. It's not as resilient as liver and once damaged it's very bad. Best to prevent/avoid problems.
I think eq actually does stress kidneys guys. have bloods pulled a few days ago and my kidney markers are slightly elevated. Last bloods they were solid so idk but nothing else has changed. Could be from being dehydrated?

Best thing is to drink always the same amount of water before draw blood. Although it's a bit disgusting in the morning but i think it's the most crucial time for proper hydration since we don't drink water for 8-10 hours. I'm drinking a bottle (1,5 liter) before bloods for the last 3-4 times i gave blood and i'll stick with that as a baseline.

If EQ legit affected your kidneys you'll probably be the first one i've seen, since until now we only had rat studies to support it.

If i was you i'd go again for labs (at least only the kidney ones) and make sure i'm hydrated enough and preferably 2 days after last workout, because exercise can elevate some markers. Is there a chance you raised your protein intake lately? If bloods come back again the same consider some astragalus root extract and 3-4 grams of vitamin C or a antioxidant blend.
Best thing is to drink always the same amount of water before draw blood. Although it's a bit disgusting in the morning but i think it's the most crucial time for proper hydration since we don't drink water for 8-10 hours. I'm drinking a bottle (1,5 liter) before bloods for the last 3-4 times i gave blood and i'll stick with that as a baseline.

If EQ legit affected your kidneys you'll probably be the first one i've seen, since until now we only had rat studies to support it.

If i was you i'd go again for labs (at least only the kidney ones) and make sure i'm hydrated enough and preferably 2 days after last workout, because exercise can elevate some markers. Is there a chance you raised your protein intake lately? If bloods come back again the same consider some astragalus root extract and 3-4 grams of vitamin C or a antioxidant blend.
3-4g of vit C can rise RBC
I want to use this opportunity to high MESO-Rx's Equipoise Profile written by Bill Roberts.

@Bill Roberts doesn't see it as a "first call" steroid although he does find ways that it could be useful. For example:

Let us know what you think of the article. Please share your experiences with Equipoise, either alone or in combination with other compounds and/or other specific use cases.

Can someone help and give some info about Napsgear, is that a reliable source? I'm new here sorry to start with a stupid question
curious to hear more input on everyones "sweet spot" EQ dosage. obviously it varies person to person

Really want to add it to the next cycle, but don't want a massive anxiety spike
curious to hear more input on everyones "sweet spot" EQ dosage. obviously it varies person to person

Really want to add it to the next cycle, but don't want a massive anxiety spike
Dont frontload…. Its trouble

I liked 500 mg.

I ran 1000 mg, but never again. Week worth of panic attacks. After stopping.

I did not really see a huge factor in physique.

I should run it again one day lol.

Also my hemotacrit got high. Need to donate alot