Steroid Profile Equipoise

Try a 1:1 ratio if you wanna play textbook, if you're worried about estrogen crashing, try a 5 test: 3 EQ ratio (e.g. 750 test 600 eq or 500 test 300 eq), keep in mind you'll know your estrogen properly if you've been on cycle long enough, know the symptoms of low T or do bloodwork, in case or crashed estrogen, use Test P, up the Test, use HCG / Dbol (DBOL IS FOR A QUICK FIX ONLY, NOT A PERMAMENT SOLUTION!!!), and most importantly you have to adjust ratios accordingly. @Wolf7
Try a 1:1 ratio if you wanna play textbook, if you're worried about estrogen crashing, try a 5 test: 3 EQ ratio (e.g. 750 test 600 eq or 500 test 300 eq), keep in mind you'll know your estrogen properly if you've been on cycle long enough, know the symptoms of low T or do bloodwork, in case or crashed estrogen, use Test P, up the Test, use HCG / Dbol (DBOL IS FOR A QUICK FIX ONLY, NOT A PERMAMENT SOLUTION!!!), and most importantly you have to adjust ratios accordingly. @Wolf7
That’s perfect, thanks. I’ve got some HCG for this and ordering some Dbol as a quick fix as you suggest. It’s an ancient, watery oral that has no place other than a quick fix for low E. Assuming it does crash at 1:1 and I have to take a couple of dbol through the week, would you take out the EQ next injection then introduce a lower dose next time? Or just increase the test as you stop the dbol?

Thanks again for the quick reply
Interesting.point. Glp peptides like semaglutide, tirz, etc elicit a satiated, low anxiety state that carries over from more than food. They show great efficacy in squashing addictions too (Gamblng, booze, drugs, etc) by "quieting the void." They take away that inner need to keep stuffing yourself full of whatever to fill the emptiness.

I wonder if equipoise has odd effects on that pathway, relating to the increased hunger/anxiety.

I tried EQ once and the anxiety was insane for me.

I'm really interested in playing around with sema or tirz for the aforementioned reasons, not for weight loss
I've been on 10mgs of Tirz for a month now and it's worked wonders for those aforementioned reasons.
Interesting.point. Glp peptides like semaglutide, tirz, etc elicit a satiated, low anxiety state that carries over from more than food. They show great efficacy in squashing addictions too (Gamblng, booze, drugs, etc) by "quieting the void." They take away that inner need to keep stuffing yourself full of whatever to fill the emptiness.

I wonder if equipoise has odd effects on that pathway, relating to the increased hunger/anxiety.

I tried EQ once and the anxiety was insane for me.

I'm really interested in playing around with sema or tirz for the aforementioned reasons, not for weight loss
Definitely give Tirzepatide a go. I took it for weight loss, thinking it would just burn the fat away, but I found you just don’t think about food. It doesn’t stop me eating by making me feel like I couldn’t eat anything, so if you’re trying to hit calorie/ protein goals it doesn’t hinder you, but I can get to like 8pm and just suddenly think “shit! I’ve not eaten anything all day!” The ‘drive’ to eat just fades way.
How many weeks do you guys think until the dose is somewhat stabilised in the system? I plan on running 300 test e with 250 EQ, give it a few weeks (4?) and check my estrogen level, then adjust from there with either 50 more of one or the other depending on the results and reassess. That sound somewhat sensible or just send it and do 400:400?
Watch it carefully 1:1 tanks my estrogen to 0.
I do 500mg's test 500 Eq with 20 mg dianabol to keep my estrogen in normal low range.
Here you can see when will it saturate.
How many weeks do you guys think until the dose is somewhat stabilised in the system? I plan on running 300 test e with 250 EQ, give it a few weeks (4?) and check my estrogen level, then adjust from there with either 50 more of one or the other depending on the results and reassess. That sound somewhat sensible or just send it and do 400:400?
Looks more like 8-10 weeks. Long ester amigo. I just started using it myself for the first time But baby doses on top of my trt.

So far I love it, don’t really feel anything at all but it’s only been a couple weeks. Recovery is good. Making progress. I think I see some increase vascularity and hardne s / fullness. I was planning on checking bloods at 6 weeks. A bit nervous about hematocrit and estradiol.

Primo has a more discernible feel good effect but I’ve heard a lot of good things and it’s cheaper. We’ll see.


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So how’s everyone’s rbc, hemo and hcrit on eq? How much increase did you guys get from running it and the duration of your blasts?
Although I haven't checked all variables yet, I finally was able to take deca without getting gyno from it- I believe I have EQ to thank for that.
From my understanding, Deca gyno is prolactin based rather than estrogen directly. At least what I’ve researched.
If that's the case then the Cialis prevented the gyno. Lol. Apparently pde5 inhibitors will significantly lower prolactin. I just learned. Look it up :D
I wonder if you’d be able to track it with a blood oximeter?
I think you're referring to a pulse oximeter and if so, then the answer is no, you can't. A pulse oximeter measures the oxygen saturation of the hemoglobin which remains mostly consistent regardless of hematocrit.

To simplify the explanation, you can have 5 or 10 red blood cells. A pulse oximeter will give you a measure of average oxygen saturation of those, regardless of how many.

On that note, my Hct isn't as high as I'd like, so I'm about to throw some EQ into the mix.
Not everyone experiences this AI effect from eq (me for example).
yep definetly true , I get no AI from Eq but I do get back acne from it... with just test in the mix....
I want to try test+mast+EQ and see if maybe there is some interaction in my favor....

as a side .. Primo does not lower my e2 significantly either... tried 1000test 700primo and got sensitive nipples.... can't do bloodwork as no sensitiv assay for e2 where I'm from.
yep definetly true , I get no AI from Eq but I do get back acne from it... with just test in the mix....
I want to try test+mast+EQ and see if maybe there is some interaction in my favor....

as a side .. Primo does not lower my e2 significantly either... tried 1000test 700primo and got sensitive nipples.... can't do bloodwork as no sensitiv assay for e2 where I'm from.

Yeah but i think the question goes to those who have their e2 affected, on how long after starting the EQ e2 starts to halt. I think i've heard from Vigorous it starts the same week. You don't see the effects of EQ in first week obviously but this doesn't mean it doesn't working, and i think he's correct. Same happened to me with primo which is enanthate and not a "fast" acting compound and still it reduced my e2 from 106 to 34 in a month, so i'm guessing it started immediately reducing it.
Modified my cycle i originally posted to:
500 test/week (was higher but I didn't like the water retention)
400 tren/week
8.5iu GH/day

growing like an absolute weed on the test and EQ combo. Up about 10lbs in 2 weeks, some water retention, no noticeable fat gain, looking full af. vascularity down a little bit but this is expected slightly. Plan is to add another 20lbs relatively slowly to minimize fat gain, then I'll do a minicut

still toying with the idea of some low dose slin. been on the fence on this for a while, might continue to mull it over. If I do i'll probably just go with nolvalin-r since its OTC and easy to get, then I'll just have to keep my fats low during that 8 hour or so window when its active.