Estro Annoying me!


New Member
Hated to make another estrogen thread, but through my research I can’t quite find any situation like mine. Wanted to get some opinions.

35 yo
~10% bf

Current cycle
Week 5
600mg/week deca
600mg/week test e
Was on 50mg/wk Anadrol but stopped due to the below.
.5 mg adex ED
.5 mg caber mon/friday

Baseline e2 <15pg/ml

Baseline e2 was taken last year after about 4 years off gear. Bloods prior to this cycle had e2 at 25pg/ml.

Gyno surgery, full gland excision in 2014

I went back on a cycle last year and completed two cycles for the year on a blast and cruise. Came off everything after a full pct in October, cleaned out, and started this cycle on February 1st.

I get these estrogen issues every single cycle. At .5mg adex eod, my nips hurt, I get a bit of discharge when squeezed. I up my adex to .5mg ed and get some nipple relief, but my mood and libido changes. A little grumpier, less patient, harder to orgasm, and gains in the gym aren’t as strong. And it drives my e2 down to a very low range, <2. I feel mentally great at .5 eod, but the nips get sore.

Same thing happened this cycle. I started off at .5ed and started feeling kinda crappy. Went to .5 eod and bam, nips sore and discharge.

On .5mg eod my e2 holds around 22-25pg/ml.

Obviously I want to be able to take the least amount of drugs possible, especially with an AI. I have tried adding nolva. It’s does provide relief. Wondering what the opinions are on running this the entire cycle.

Wondering if anyone else has been down this path before and what the outcome was? Should I stick out nolva for the entire cycle? Try upping caber?
Anything I’m not thinking of?
you could also get some labs to get an idea?

maybe mast wouldnt be a bad idea?(just throwing this out there)
you could also get some labs to get an idea?

maybe mast wouldnt be a bad idea?(just throwing this out there)
So I have no issue going to get labs, but honestly they all come back within normal ranges every cycle. That’s where I’m stuck treating the symptoms. I do have some mast sitting in the drawer and happy to use it. Was concerned it would be a waste of my bf% was too high.

I’ll try to get out Thursday for a blood draw. Any other tests I should try other than the standard test total, e2 and prolactin?
So I have no issue going to get labs, but honestly they all come back within normal ranges every cycle. That’s where I’m stuck treating the symptoms. I do have some mast sitting in the drawer and happy to use it. Was concerned it would be a waste of my bf% was too high.

I’ll try to get out Thursday for a blood draw. Any other tests I should try other than the standard test total, e2 and prolactin?
Add progesterone just in case. But Prolactin and retest E2 should be enough, but check progesterone if you can as well.
Was concerned it would be a waste of my bf% was too high.

I’ll try to get out Thursday for a blood draw. Any other tests I should try other than the standard test total, e2 and prolactin?
thats a big misunderstanding about bf%. it can still help with the e2 receptors. we talked about it in another thread. (Also possibly prolactin). I plan on running DECA on my next cycle on a test/deca/mast cycle. I am on my first cycle too but it seems like it is a great cosmetic/symptom control AAS with minimal side effects. I do enjoy the crazy libido increase
