Estrogen control


New Member
Looking for some advice on AI/PCT cycle changes to control estrogen. Last two cycles were test only. First with test cyp 350 weekly, second test e 500. These are my first two cycles after a 10 yr hiatus. I am 6'5 240 and 42yoa. Both cycles include arimidex .5mg 2x weekly and 500ius of HCG weekly during cycle. PCT, in addition to 1000ius of HCG start, was clomid only - 100 first 10 days then 50 each day for a total of 30 days. My question and issue is estradiol levels in post cycle blood work were in the 48-55 pg/ml range which is high but not crazy high. Tests were 3 weeks after pct. In both cases blood work 8 weeks after pct and after a few arimidex doses estradiol was in normal range again. I want to tweak next cycle by either switching to aromasin on cycle or adding nolvadex in pct. ANY ADVICE? Do both? WHICH one to change and why?

Thanks in advance
Aromasin and adex use I think is based on preference. Some guys like aromasin while some like me use adex due to the differential in price. I think clomid at 100/100/50/50 may be a little high for just a mild cycle. This is based on what I've researched on here and what I do so I'm no expert. I prefer nolva and clomid for pct and run 50 mg clomid for 4 weeks and nolva at 20mg for 4 weeks. Do you do hcg during pct?