EU domestic source talk

Can anybody suggest a nice supplier of anabolics and maybe hgh WHOM SHIPS TO SCANDINAVIA?
Im aware of Deus, Hilma and human, altho I have my doubts on their HGH. Iv already tried Hilmas altho no tests. My concerns soely comes from other experiences off Meso. Cheers
Edit: Im obviously hinting towards a seller within the EU (not UK)
Who sells pharma cabergoline / Cabaser / Dostinex etc in EU? This 1mg x 20mg vial lasted me years but I'm running out. :eek:
Was already asked on here but any good source for Yohimbine? I'd prefer one that doesn't require minimum order volume and without high shipping costs
Anybody knows of a trusted pharma grade Test E supplier EU domestic? I know there several brands and labs around which are trusted (not sure i can mention names), but still pharma grade is safest bet especially for TRT.
Any suggestion is appreciated
you can get yohimbine hcl from iherb man or just google, many sources out there
Yohimbine is not allowed to be imported into Europe due to the EMA banning.

It used to be easy to import some years ago, but after the hard customs with USA all the shipments were stopped and inspected, and Yohimbine and other substances not allowed retired from the order.
Yohimbine is not allowed to be imported into Europe due to the EMA banning.

It used to be easy to import some years ago, but after the hard customs with USA all the shipments were stopped and inspected, and Yohimbine and other substances not allowed retired from the order.
Cool dude but who asked?
Cool dude but who asked?
A member asked and you gave him stupid options because he is asking on the EU domestic thread. iHerb is not an EU domestic source/option.

Do you get it? Retard.

So shut the fuck up and learn, you simply have no idea and giving wrong information, that is why I corrected you, so the original question member can read it.
A member asked and you gave him stupid options because he is asking on the EU domestic thread. iHerb is not an EU domestic source/option.

Do you get it? Retard.

So shut the fuck up and learn, you simply have no idea and giving wrong information, that is why I corrected you, so the original question member can read it.
Im from EU and i dont have to pay any fee stuff from iherb if i keep the price low and you can do multiple orders with no issues etc.

I gave him one legal source and rest you can literally just google but oh well.

up the tren.. reTarD
Which Lab do u guys use and is legit? I use Omnadren and Insulin from BG but dont know which Lab for other roids