EU domestic source talk

gh, peptides (bpc and semaglutide rn) and in the past iv stuff
Is there any chance that sterile water could ruin semaglutide?

I'm asking because I wanted bac water for dulaglutide but can't find any, and was worried that sterile water might ruin it somehow.
Is there any chance that sterile water could ruin semaglutide?

I'm asking because I wanted bac water for dulaglutide but can't find any, and was worried that sterile water might ruin it somehow.
no? its the same shit pretty much...
my semaglutide has lasted several weeks with no issues, if that eases ur mind lol
Any EU labs using oils other than MCT? I know on this board there is Majestic who use castor, and a few sources like CC and HL using GSO (both now discontinued however), anyone else?
Have you used unique pharma? If so which products, and how you liked it? Consider trying them myself
I am using it right now. Just test enanthate. First started with sustanon from another source and i was getting pip. Switched to them and the pip is better now. Haven’t done blood work yet but i am not seeing any diffrence. Though it has been only two weeks.
I am using it right now. Just test enanthate. First started with sustanon from another source and i was getting pip. Switched to them and the pip is better now. Haven’t done blood work yet but i am not seeing any diffrence. Though it has been only two weeks.
Sure, they have quite large inventory of different oils and orals, but hard to find any reviews about their products.
I believe it is a dutch ugl. you check dutch forums many people are using them but there is actually no review since you are only allowed to ask about it being real or fake.
I believe it is a dutch ugl. you check dutch forums many people are using them but there is actually no review since you are only allowed to ask about it being real or fake.
Heard this aswell, but as you said, they dont really comment on the products, but I find it kinda odd that a dutch UGL isn't somehow more mentioned on forums.
I don’t think there are many ugls left who would fake gear. It is really easy to buy raws and customer can test their gear in matter of days.
Anyone know decent source with shipping to Nordic/Scandinavia (or even better, within)? If you don't want a rush of new customers from high risk countries, feel free to pm me instead of advertising publicly.

Last source decided to start shipping from NL regardless of having specifically stated a different shipping country.. Another fine from customs in coming.