EU domestic source talk

Did you consider QSC? Not sure which country you are from but shipping to most EU countries seems to be very safe.
Thanks for reply, price would be the best, for sure.
The problem Is i am not sure about quality and i do prefer a source shipping within EU.
I totally agree with you, Liska!
I was studying about switching product as you wrote and i think it's going to do After 4 months, when sema seems (from reports) do not help anymore with appetite suppression, what do you think about it?
I think this discussion really belongs in the Semaglutide thread so everyone interested can partake/benefit from it. I would try Tirzepatide as soon as you can to check what the effective dosage is for you personally and how that compares financially to increasing dosages of Semaglutide.

More, you are right here, again:
With UG peptides we have that 28days limit due to bac water expiration, damn!
Do keep in mind that expiration dates are generally set with a large safety margin to the duration at which markers for said expiration reached the treshold for the definition of "expired" during testing. Expiration dating is a topic that gets a lot more annoying the further you look into it.
Hello liska, nice to meet you!
You understood my needs, bravo!
I am close to 1mg EW and i want to go up to 2,5mg EW (i am Ramping up every week - not every 4 weks - with zero problems) so i am searching 5-10mg vials to have a buffer stock and do not spend a ton of € on 2ng vials, you know..

That Said, i cannot afford ozempic brand sema at those doses, unfortunatly.
Oh man.............there seems to be this misunderstanding of how to use semaglutide, and people are escalating the dose while not understanding the drug.

Why are you in a rush to increase the semaglutide? Taking more isn't going to make the weight magically come off of you. You only get tolerant to the dose, and while semaglutide still works as an appetite suppression at any dose, as you become tolerant, you don't get as nauseous or filled with food as easily, but it is that disgusting nauseous feeling (known as a side effect) that people seem to be chasing after. But the side effects go away and then you think the drug doesn't work anymore, but it's not true.

I've been taking Semaglutide for a year, and I eventually went up to 1mg weekly, unnecessarily, and I decided to stay there, and it still works just as good, but if I focused on the side effects as proof of it was working, I'd keep on escalating the dose and that would be a mistake.

How does it help me? It helps me not make diet mistakes, it helps me with my discipline and reduces the chance of me eating those few hundred extra calories that will sabotage my cut. But semaglutide is NOT a fat burner. It just helps you stop excessive eating. That's it. That's the core of how it works. It may have other benefits but it's power is as an appetite suppressant. And when I say appetite suppressant, that means you still get hungry and eat, but it takes the edge off and helps you make smarter choices. That's it.

Don't be stupid. Use semaglutide as a tool in your arsenal and use it responsibly so you can get the most out of it, and avoid the dangers.
Oh man.............there seems to be this misunderstanding of how to use semaglutide, and people are escalating the dose while not understanding the drug.

Why are you in a rush to increase the semaglutide? Taking more isn't going to make the weight magically come off of you. You only get tolerant to the dose, and while semaglutide still works as an appetite suppression at any dose, as you become tolerant, you don't get as nauseous or filled with food as easily, but it is that disgusting nauseous feeling (known as a side effect) that people seem to be chasing after. But the side effects go away and then you think the drug doesn't work anymore, but it's not true.

I've been taking Semaglutide for a year, and I eventually went up to 1mg weekly, unnecessarily, and I decided to stay there, and it still works just as good, but if I focused on the side effects as proof of it was working, I'd keep on escalating the dose and that would be a mistake.

How does it help me? It helps me not make diet mistakes, it helps me with my discipline and reduces the chance of me eating those few hundred extra calories that will sabotage my cut. But semaglutide is NOT a fat burner. It just helps you stop excessive eating. That's it. That's the core of how it works. It may have other benefits but it's power is as an appetite suppressant. And when I say appetite suppressant, that means you still get hungry and eat, but it takes the edge off and helps you make smarter choices. That's it.

Don't be stupid. Use semaglutide as a tool in your arsenal and use it responsibly so you can get the most out of it, and avoid the danger
Thanks for your contribution to the discussion, i Will think about it and maybe i could also decide to stay at 1mg EW for months, as you suggest.

Anyway, your protocol with semaglutide Is way different from brand's guideline so you could be stupid such as me since both we both are customizing something that Is canonized and backed with studies from a Big Pharma brand.
Just this.

Thanks for your contribution to the discussion, i Will think about it and maybe i could also decide to stay at 1mg EW for months, as you suggest.

Anyway, your protocol with semaglutide Is way different from brand's guideline so you could be stupid such as me since both we both are customizing something that Is canonized and backed with studies from a Big Pharma brand.
Just this.

It depends what your goals are. Are you really fat? Maybe you need more.

Remember that the clinical trials serve the purpose of trying to demonstrate that this amount of semaglutide will work at healing people with diabetes and in getting as much weight off extremely obese and sickly people. The goal is basically to make extremely fat people stop eating so they will lose some weight. The dose escalation in the studies is probably a useful feature because fat people will start to "out eat" their dose of semaglutide too quickly for sustained weight loss. I just don't think this dose escalation is useful or necessary unless you are morbidly obese.

I tracked my progress and I used .25mg for a long time. And then I increased out of curiosity. And I feel like all doses worked for me. If I could go back, I would have escalated my own dosing even more slowly. So I don't think it is necessary to try and replicate the dose escalation in the studies and trials etc. I don't think it is necessary, and because you will only become tolerant to the effects, so a 1mg dose will be extremely similar to or even the same as a 2mg dose.

Even if people feel semaglutide isn't working, it is. They'd have eaten way more calories without it. Semaglutide is a miracle because it saves your weight cut by stopping you from sabotaging your progress.

Or if you see yourself going in a bad direction with weight gain, just buy a vial of semaglutide and then cool off on the eating for a month or two.
It depends what your goals are. Are you really fat? Maybe you need more.

Remember that the clinical trials serve the purpose of trying to demonstrate that this amount of semaglutide will work at healing people with diabetes and in getting as much weight off extremely obese and sickly people. The goal is basically to make extremely fat people stop eating so they will lose some weight. The dose escalation in the studies is probably a useful feature because fat people will start to "out eat" their dose of semaglutide too quickly for sustained weight loss. I just don't think this dose escalation is useful or necessary unless you are morbidly obese.

I tracked my progress and I used .25mg for a long time. And then I increased out of curiosity. And I feel like all doses worked for me. If I could go back, I would have escalated my own dosing even more slowly. So I don't think it is necessary to try and replicate the dose escalation in the studies and trials etc. I don't think it is necessary, and because you will only become tolerant to the effects, so a 1mg dose will be extremely similar to or even the same as a 2mg dose.

Even if people feel semaglutide isn't working, it is. They'd have eaten way more calories without it. Semaglutide is a miracle because it saves your weight cut by stopping you from sabotaging your progress.

Or if you see yourself going in a bad direction with weight gain, just buy a vial of semaglutide and then cool off on the eating for a month or two.
Yeah, right!
Great suggest, thank you
Have you all tried the German Pharmacy Testosterone Enanthates?
Particular Eifelfango or Panpharma.
Panpharma is a little too thick for my likings. Eifelfango seems to be perfect for me.
German Pharmacies. not too sure where else they are licensed
Yes that's quite obvious, from a pharmacy but with a prescription. You're talking as if prescription are available to everyone. That's why I asked " where do you get them from" WITHOUT a prescription ?
Yes that's quite obvious, from a pharmacy but with a prescription. You're talking as if prescription are available to everyone. That's why I asked " where do you get them from" WITHOUT a prescription ?
i do have some extra ones for sale. Check out my thread.
Oh man.............there seems to be this misunderstanding of how to use semaglutide, and people are escalating the dose while not understanding the drug.

Why are you in a rush to increase the semaglutide? Taking more isn't going to make the weight magically come off of you. You only get tolerant to the dose, and while semaglutide still works as an appetite suppression at any dose, as you become tolerant, you don't get as nauseous or filled with food as easily, but it is that disgusting nauseous feeling (known as a side effect) that people seem to be chasing after. But the side effects go away and then you think the drug doesn't work anymore, but it's not true.

I've been taking Semaglutide for a year, and I eventually went up to 1mg weekly, unnecessarily, and I decided to stay there, and it still works just as good, but if I focused on the side effects as proof of it was working, I'd keep on escalating the dose and that would be a mistake.

How does it help me? It helps me not make diet mistakes, it helps me with my discipline and reduces the chance of me eating those few hundred extra calories that will sabotage my cut. But semaglutide is NOT a fat burner. It just helps you stop excessive eating. That's it. That's the core of how it works. It may have other benefits but it's power is as an appetite suppressant. And when I say appetite suppressant, that means you still get hungry and eat, but it takes the edge off and helps you make smarter choices. That's it.

Don't be stupid. Use semaglutide as a tool in your arsenal and use it responsibly so you can get the most out of it, and avoid the dangers.
I agree with key points - subjective sense of effectiveness is not the thing to chase after or look for with GLP1s; and upping the dose unnecessarily, pre-emptively, etc, is not prudent, advisable, or beneficial; and that point of progressive dosing schedule is to acclimate body to and diminish side effects of while reaching effective dose amounts thereby ensuring better results and patient compliance, etc.

Strong disagree, however, that the magic is only in appetite suppression. Real magic is impact on insulin sensitivity, blood sugar levels, fat storage mechanisms, general glucose metabolism, pleasure and reward circuits in brain stem and limbic system, etc. Many even report appetite suppresion fades after time, but those other systemic effects likely remain despite lack of appetite suppression, as the measured outcome of them (e.g. blood sugar levels A1c, etc.) remain even when appetite comes back after tolerance established.

Of course eating less means better weight loss, but the GLP1s seem to have a profound impact on what our bodies DO with whatever amount of food we do eat in addition to their impact on HOW MUCH we eat.

But, yes, strong agree overall, no need to aggressively fiddle with the dosing schedule to potentially detrimental effect when the clinical results of dosing mfg. recommended dosing schedules are already so astoundingly good.
I agree with key points - subjective sense of effectiveness is not the thing to chase after or look for with GLP1s; and upping the dose unnecessarily, pre-emptively, etc, is not prudent, advisable, or beneficial; and that point of progressive dosing schedule is to acclimate body to and diminish side effects of while reaching effective dose amounts thereby ensuring better results and patient compliance, etc.

Strong disagree, however, that the magic is only in appetite suppression. Real magic is impact on insulin sensitivity, blood sugar levels, fat storage mechanisms, general glucose metabolism, pleasure and reward circuits in brain stem and limbic system, etc. Many even report appetite suppresion fades after time, but those other systemic effects likely remain despite lack of appetite suppression, as the measured outcome of them (e.g. blood sugar levels A1c, etc.) remain even when appetite comes back after tolerance established.

Of course eating less means better weight loss, but the GLP1s seem to have a profound impact on what our bodies DO with whatever amount of food we do eat in addition to their impact on HOW MUCH we eat.

But, yes, strong agree overall, no need to aggressively fiddle with the dosing schedule to potentially detrimental effect when the clinical results of dosing mfg. recommended dosing schedules are already so astoundingly good.
I couldn't have said it better myself. I agree, but I like to keep it simple sometimes, and so simply saying "appetite suppression" was the main function, was my way of helping to dispel this idea that semaglutide is a "fat burner" which people are mistakingly thinking it is.

And while semaglutide is helpful in all those areas of bodily function, I emphasize that people should be cautious with dose escalation and duration of treatment because of examples like this article below, where problems appeared after the clinical trials were completed, therefore these potential effects were missed. That's why I am standing up and saying "do not subscribe to this idea that treatment can or should be life-long, nor should you escalate the dose because logic dictates it will fast track someone to these developments, like the enlargement of the intestines, which may be permanent."

Anyone has a sibutramine and clenbuterol source? Having trouble finding one. Been using Human Labs for AAS and HGH but they only have Albuterol of their brand.

Appreciate any help.
Lots of EU sources are out of Bac Water, can I just buy a 100ml vial of sterile water from the pharmacy and add some BA to it?
Lots of EU sources are out of Bac Water, can I just buy a 100ml vial of sterile water from the pharmacy and add some BA to it?
Yes but why everybody needs bac
Im using sterile water for peptites and sometimes i use a vial for 6 or 8 weeks sq without a problem