I fucked this up for the past year too (facepalm). I switched from bank transfers to crypto payments through binance, but anonymity stays the same (basically 0)... What i just realised 2 weeks ago is that I was constantly using "Buy crypto" option on binance, i made a SEPA transfer of fiat currency to binance which has only 1€ fee no matter the transfer amount, but then paid provision for buying USDT. If i just went to trading pair EUR/USDT i would pay a provision of maybe a few cents to exchange EUR to USDT, but i was wasting money, probably wasted a few 100€... or atleast 100. If you just do a bank transfer and use trading pair, you will pay 1€ for transfer to binance, a few cents for conversion in usdt with basically no loss, and another 1 USDT for TRC20 transfer, which amounts to good 2€ total, which isnt really anything, in comparison to lets say 20-25. So try to not make my mistake, and you wil actually get that discounted price
Disclaimer: That is just a fun story, i did not buy any illegal drugs, just theorised up there