Exhausted on Primo

I wish I could tell you. I haven’t had any blood work done while I was on primo. It’s only the second time I’ve run it. First time everything was going perfect (at a smaller dose) so I didn’t bother. I know I should go up there right now but life is kinda kicking the shit out of me lately.
Would be helpful to see eos and e2 just for the data
Same thing happened to me when I run 200mg/ML Primo in MCT. What carrier oil are you using? I seem to tolerate 100mg/no I'm GSO just fine even at the same MG dosage.
Well I just started a low dose primo (200mg) & higher test dose cycle. Seeing how the primo effects my e2 before raising it.

I have awful adhd. Guess I’ll keep an eye on my energy/adhd & report back weeks down the road if I experience anything similar here in the thread.

First time primo cycle, last cycle was Tren/test. I noticed lack of motivation and energy on that. But that’s definitely normal to an extent with people. Just felt toxic all the time. Lack of energy and motivation, I stuck it out though till I had to stop cycling due to a potential blood test smh.
A lot of the time on Tren id be so overly
worked up and seeking that dopamine hit, I’d scroll on social media and hangout with a lot of girls. Which was exhausting.

Weird how some compounds affect ya!