MESO-Rx Exclusive Exogenous Growth Hormone and Nocturnal Endogenous Secretions

Yes, @ChestRockwell and I have had each other's back for a while when it comes to rHGH (double bicep pose in case you wonder).

@mands was there too but less so
Trying to sift off some credit/credibility from a 6 year old article by pretending that you played some part in it. And then cringily name dropping for no reason.


Have some respect for Chest, don't blame your biochemistry lackings on him.

He is miles above @Type-IIx in understing the intricacies of compounds functionings and layed out the basis for most meso cycles.

You still have plenty of readings and experimenting to do, Chest and I both have above 6000iu of rHGH under out belt.
You're just embarrassing yourself here, and in every other thread parading as a "vet" while also spouting absolute nonsense in each one. I think it's time to retire from forums before you embarrass yourself further.

I am the original promoter of transdermal TNE and initiator of the ethanol + MCT formula, which has served hundreds very well.

You may want to check my threads ;)

Sorry who are you ?

#doubt and even if so, and I literally could not care less or be bothered to check, why do you assume some casual bathtub homebrew dermals makes you any body at all when you stumble around like a lunatic trying to throw around you imaginary weight and credibility around as if to demand some sort of respect.

Sorry who are you?