Experience with compound specific cosmetic effects. Changing drugs mid cutting phase/offseason. DHT derivatives/Serum E2?


So I’m cutting right now on what would be considered not the usual cutting phase combo. 210 mg Testosterone per week/ 1050mg Nandrolone Deca per week. At first, since it was my first cutting phase, I had the initial discouragement the first couple weeks going flat and not being lean yet, and wondered if I was missing out by not using the compounds like primo/masteron known for being “dry”.

I’m in the rare spot that even on 600mg Testosterone per week, with no AI or DHT derivative, my E2 is between 40-51pg/ml. Not very high considering the dose of testosterone and the fact I’m using hcg, and 100/100mg Dhea/Pregnenolone daily.

Now, 6 weeks into my cut, Using 1050mg Deca and 210 testosterone per week, I’m looking completely different. Like, night and day. Im not anywhere near where I want to be to get full dick skin, but I’m hard looking objectively compared to where I was at. Using “wet” drugs.

So what I’m wondering is, does anyone think the fact that these drugs like masteron/primo produce a hard dry look is due to their estrogen lowering effect as well as masteron reducing e2 mediated dna transcription?

I wonder if the hard dry look could be replicated for others by using aromasin, letrozol, arimidex, and that this cosmetic appeal is a combination of more aas total and lower e2. I wonder if someone pushed up their dose of test and added an AI it would have the same effect as taking masteron/primo.

Right now, I’ve been keeping my estrogen high, by using injectable E2, I feel amazing on it actually 2 months or so into this protocol. I’m going to be tracking this cut using nandrolone, and then dropping my e2 by dropping the injectable EV. Theoretically this should have the skin thinning effect too- not like winstrol because winstrol has its own unique effects.

What’s peoples experience with this? Has anyone switched compounds mid cutting phase and noticed a visual change when they were already lean/hard ? I’m wondering if there is really more to the DHT derivatives aside from estrogen control, and if the cosmetic appearance is directly attributable to this. I’m fully open to anyones experience. I don’t know either way from first hand experience.

Thanks for reading my wall.
So I’m cutting right now on what would be considered not the usual cutting phase combo. 210 mg Testosterone per week/ 1050mg Nandrolone Deca per week. At first, since it was my first cutting phase, I had the initial discouragement the first couple weeks going flat and not being lean yet, and wondered if I was missing out by not using the compounds like primo/masteron known for being “dry”.

I’m in the rare spot that even on 600mg Testosterone per week, with no AI or DHT derivative, my E2 is between 40-51pg/ml. Not very high considering the dose of testosterone and the fact I’m using hcg, and 100/100mg Dhea/Pregnenolone daily.

Now, 6 weeks into my cut, Using 1050mg Deca and 210 testosterone per week, I’m looking completely different. Like, night and day. Im not anywhere near where I want to be to get full dick skin, but I’m hard looking objectively compared to where I was at. Using “wet” drugs.

So what I’m wondering is, does anyone think the fact that these drugs like masteron/primo produce a hard dry look is due to their estrogen lowering effect as well as masteron reducing e2 mediated dna transcription?

I wonder if the hard dry look could be replicated for others by using aromasin, letrozol, arimidex, and that this cosmetic appeal is a combination of more aas total and lower e2. I wonder if someone pushed up their dose of test and added an AI it would have the same effect as taking masteron/primo.

Right now, I’ve been keeping my estrogen high, by using injectable E2, I feel amazing on it actually 2 months or so into this protocol. I’m going to be tracking this cut using nandrolone, and then dropping my e2 by dropping the injectable EV. Theoretically this should have the skin thinning effect too- not like winstrol because winstrol has its own unique effects.

What’s peoples experience with this? Has anyone switched compounds mid cutting phase and noticed a visual change when they were already lean/hard ? I’m wondering if there is really more to the DHT derivatives aside from estrogen control, and if the cosmetic appearance is directly attributable to this. I’m fully open to anyones experience. I don’t know either way from first hand experience.

Thanks for reading my wall.
I like the stringy glycogen depleted look. Mast provides it. But the hair sides makes mast unsustainable in the long run. What would be my next best choice?
So I’m cutting right now on what would be considered not the usual cutting phase combo. 210 mg Testosterone per week/ 1050mg Nandrolone Deca per week. At first, since it was my first cutting phase, I had the initial discouragement the first couple weeks going flat and not being lean yet, and wondered if I was missing out by not using the compounds like primo/masteron known for being “dry”.

I’m in the rare spot that even on 600mg Testosterone per week, with no AI or DHT derivative, my E2 is between 40-51pg/ml. Not very high considering the dose of testosterone and the fact I’m using hcg, and 100/100mg Dhea/Pregnenolone daily.

Now, 6 weeks into my cut, Using 1050mg Deca and 210 testosterone per week, I’m looking completely different. Like, night and day. Im not anywhere near where I want to be to get full dick skin, but I’m hard looking objectively compared to where I was at. Using “wet” drugs.

So what I’m wondering is, does anyone think the fact that these drugs like masteron/primo produce a hard dry look is due to their estrogen lowering effect as well as masteron reducing e2 mediated dna transcription?

I wonder if the hard dry look could be replicated for others by using aromasin, letrozol, arimidex, and that this cosmetic appeal is a combination of more aas total and lower e2. I wonder if someone pushed up their dose of test and added an AI it would have the same effect as taking masteron/primo.

Right now, I’ve been keeping my estrogen high, by using injectable E2, I feel amazing on it actually 2 months or so into this protocol. I’m going to be tracking this cut using nandrolone, and then dropping my e2 by dropping the injectable EV. Theoretically this should have the skin thinning effect too- not like winstrol because winstrol has its own unique effects.

What’s peoples experience with this? Has anyone switched compounds mid cutting phase and noticed a visual change when they were already lean/hard ? I’m wondering if there is really more to the DHT derivatives aside from estrogen control, and if the cosmetic appearance is directly attributable to this. I’m fully open to anyones experience. I don’t know either way from first hand experience.

Thanks for reading my wall.
Yah i experimented with being low e2 and pounding the ai, but didnt exactly translate into that hard dry mast look as far as i can recall
Yah i experimented with being low e2 and pounding the ai, but didnt exactly translate into that hard dry mast look as far as i can recall
I could be mistemembering, maybr the dry mast look is from causing low e2. My skin and hair was dry af on mast