Experience with Deus medical's letrozole?


Does anyone have experience with it? I've been taking 2.5mg ED for the past week and it doesn't feel like it's making any difference on estrogen levels whatsoever, my right nipple is even itchy. I planned on taking letrozole and nolvadex to try to get rid of my pubertal gyno bc it's fucking annoying the crap out of me but letro seems fake as fuck. My estrogen should be non existent at this point but it seems to be on the higher end since my nipple is itchy (although that has unfortunately been normal for me for at least 6 years now).
Does anyone have experience with it? I've been taking 2.5mg ED for the past week and it doesn't feel like it's making any difference on estrogen levels whatsoever, my right nipple is even itchy. I planned on taking letrozole and nolvadex to try to get rid of my pubertal gyno bc it's fucking annoying the crap out of me but letro seems fake as fuck. My estrogen should be non existent at this point but it seems to be on the higher end since my nipple is itchy (although that has unfortunately been normal for me for at least 6 years now).
Have you considered prolactin issues? Maybe caberbolin is for you.