Is it worth it? Depends on how much the Seros are costing you. At this point in my life the kids are grown.....We eat out pretty much every night...I'm not going to go backwards and start counting pennies when it comes to something that improves my quality of life as much as it does.
I've never been a drinker or narcotics user. My wife and I have introduced DMT into our nightly bedroom play. She's 12 years younger than myself. I've got TriMix if I'm over tired and the ed pills for a kick. Better living through pharmacology.
I run 6iu's ed one shot before bed. Metformin, T4, and 500mg(give or take) of Testosterone every week. I'll add 400mg of Primo for a couple of months and bump the Seros to 9iu/ed and then slin as well.
My Son In Law won his Pro Card at Nationals in Vegas last July. He's lucky to have me. I can't barely stand him myself. I thought I was self Centered. But he's family, for now. My daughter is my ex's twin. He has no idea what pain is. Its coming though. He's responsible for giving me my Granddaughter so he gets some credit.
You asked if there were any tests I can point you to? Years ago when Opti wasn't as busy as he is now....he hit me up and asked if I would send him a vial of Seros to send to Jano to test and compare his generics to. I did. I don't remember what if anything important became of the results? There are things that the results aren't going to be able to explain.
@Spaceman Spiff may be able to expand on the testing some more?