Experienced gh users question.

You're a great salesman mate haha! I was planning to try GH in next cut but if it helps by preventing fat store when in surplas it's a good point to reconsider its use.
Haha except I don't actually sell anything.

But Idk if I'll ever come off gh after going down that route. The enhanced recovery, better sleep (seems to be an individualized response, some report worse sleep), better fat loss on cuts, and reduced fat gain on bulks, in addition to the fullness and pumps, it just changes things--especially if you're igf-1 levels are low, which we know happens with age.

It's kind of like going on TRT and feeling 10 years younger. Gh and higher igf-1 levels also add to that quality of life feeling, kind of like biggerben talks about
Really depends on the diet and the person so it's hard to specifically say.

What i can say is that GH adds a *significant* difference in staying lean while in a surplus. You can probably get away with larger caloric surplus as well without as much (or any) bodyfat gain, depending on how much of a surplus were talking and what the macro breakdown looks like

AAS while bulking or cutting = great
AAS + GH while bulking or cutting = game changer
I am older, so this may not apply to younger guys, but the only time I gained weight and got leaner was my first cycle.

After that, I had to choose, gain weight, or cut. Pick one.

The first time I ran growth hormone, at 3 iu (and a generic at that), I gained weight and got leaner, sort of like running a first cycle again.

Of course, being older, a small amount of growth hormone probably has a larger effect than on you nineteen year olds.

Serostim - no side effects for me. Oh, wait, there was one, pain in my hip, on the side where I carry my wallet. Right there in the wallet.

LOL. Other than cost, it was great. I wish I could afford it year 'round.
Google returns nothing. Could you please elaborate here? Where can I find more information about this?

This is the first time I have become aware that not all of it was produced by modified bacteria.
There’s only a few studies I’ve seen talking about it, largely in child studies for those with ISS and stuff like that. Here’s an example I dug up:

I’ve seen one with aids patients too but for the life of me I can’t find it.

I am not an expert on this shit so take my words here with a grain of salt, We don’t really know how the major peptide producing labs for the UG are being made. Tracy of QSC was asked if they were made with recumbent technology or solid state peptide synthesis but didn’t know the answer and I didn’t see if he followed up. If it’s solid state synthesis I believe that means it could be possible the gh is made with mammalian cells. From what I understand the difficult and expensive part of the task is creating the mammalian cells producing gh to begin with, so maybe it’s as simple as the labs getting their hands on a sample to reproduce it?

TLDR: maybe mammal or maybe E. coli, we honestly don’t know how they’re making it in China. If I was a betting man I’d gangle on E. coli.
Really depends on the diet and the person so it's hard to specifically say.

What i can say is that GH adds a *significant* difference in staying lean while in a surplus. You can probably get away with larger caloric surplus as well without as much (or any) bodyfat gain, depending on how much of a surplus were talking and what the macro breakdown looks like

AAS while bulking or cutting = great
AAS + GH while bulking or cutting = game changer
I wonder if its simply through a higher energy expenditure, or if it actually let's you partition a larger percentage of the surplus into lean tissue.

If its simply through a higher expenditure, its effects would be similar to just eating less.
Really depends on the diet and the person so it's hard to specifically say.

What i can say is that GH adds a *significant* difference in staying lean while in a surplus. You can probably get away with larger caloric surplus as well without as much (or any) bodyfat gain, depending on how much of a surplus were talking and what the macro breakdown looks like

AAS while bulking or cutting = great
AAS + GH while bulking or cutting = game changer
Yes definitely

I think diet plays such a big role, much bigger than many people realize. Not only in regards to progress made with HGH and AAS (not just fat loss) but also in regards to dose tolerance and side effects
I wonder if its simply through a higher energy expenditure, or if it actually let's you partition a larger percentage of the surplus into lean tissue.

If its simply through a higher expenditure, its effects would be similar to just eating less.
Moreso nutrient partitioning. It does also increase resting heart rate which could translate to a higher metabolic rate, so maybe both effects combined? Also helps with creating skeletal muscle cell growth from my understanding

"Growth hormone (GH) is a nutrient partitioner that helps the body switch from storing fat and burning carbohydrates and amino acids to burning fat and storing carbohydrates and amino acids. This process can help build or rebuild muscle, bone, skin, and organ tissues. GH also increases the oxidation of fatty acids relative to glucose or amino acids."
I am older, so this may not apply to younger guys, but the only time I gained weight and got leaner was my first cycle.

After that, I had to choose, gain weight, or cut. Pick one.

The first time I ran growth hormone, at 3 iu (and a generic at that), I gained weight and got leaner, sort of like running a first cycle again.

Of course, being older, a small amount of growth hormone probably has a larger effect than on you nineteen year olds.

Serostim - no side effects for me. Oh, wait, there was one, pain in my hip, on the side where I carry my wallet. Right there in the wallet.

LOL. Other than cost, it was great. I wish I could afford it year 'round.
Yeah I think it could theoretically be possible to gain weight and lose fat depending on diets, compounds and gh dose, but I think in reality it just helps prevent storing fat mostly because you're mobilizing free fatty acids to burn as energy, rather than being stored so unless the diet is atrocious or you're in a mega surplus, it would make sense that one could grow with minimal bodyfat gain with GH in the mix, compared to just aas.

But yeah serostim is expensive stuff. I'll just stick to generics for now
Is it worth it? Depends on how much the Seros are costing you. At this point in my life the kids are grown.....We eat out pretty much every night...I'm not going to go backwards and start counting pennies when it comes to something that improves my quality of life as much as it does.

I've never been a drinker or narcotics user. My wife and I have introduced DMT into our nightly bedroom play. She's 12 years younger than myself. I've got TriMix if I'm over tired and the ed pills for a kick. Better living through pharmacology.

I run 6iu's ed one shot before bed. Metformin, T4, and 500mg(give or take) of Testosterone every week. I'll add 400mg of Primo for a couple of months and bump the Seros to 9iu/ed and then slin as well.

My Son In Law won his Pro Card at Nationals in Vegas last July. He's lucky to have me. I can't barely stand him myself. I thought I was self Centered. But he's family, for now. My daughter is my ex's twin. He has no idea what pain is. Its coming though. He's responsible for giving me my Granddaughter so he gets some credit.

You asked if there were any tests I can point you to? Years ago when Opti wasn't as busy as he is now....he hit me up and asked if I would send him a vial of Seros to send to Jano to test and compare his generics to. I did. I don't remember what if anything important became of the results? There are things that the results aren't going to be able to explain. @Spaceman Spiff may be able to expand on the testing some more?
I wish I could talk more about the testing. I really don't know.

I go off of feels and more of the unique delivery system.

I typically like data but cannot explain the difference.
If just feels cleaned and better overall. The value of generics is great but people who haven't ran both cannot comment on the difference. There are a few people that say it feels the same, most of the sero users say there is a difference.

Is the money they are dropping a cope to say it's different? It's possible. But no one will know unless they try.
The most supercharged recomp I ever experienced was GH + TRT + Low Carb Diet. Ketosis and GH seem to work together amazingly. First time in my life, in my 40's, that I could see my abs clearly and in any light/mirror
For those that take berberine, how much do you usually take a day?

I was thinking 600mg 2x a day (1200mg a day total) with my big meals

Then at night time I'll do 1g metformin with my BOLO GH shot (the logic being that GH spikes blood glucose, while the metformin will decrease the blood glucose and increasing insulin sensitivity while I'm sleeping, while the GH is mobilizing and burning free fatty acids). The last thing I want is high blood glucose when sleeping

If I find this to be too much on lowering blood sugar I'll kind of scale things back, but this is kind of what I've been thinking. Just got the berberine yesterday and want to add it in
For those that take berberine, how much do you usually take a day?

I was thinking 600mg 2x a day (1200mg a day total) with my big meals

Then at night time I'll do 1g metformin with my BOLO GH shot (the logic being that GH spikes blood glucose, while the metformin will decrease the blood glucose and increasing insulin sensitivity while I'm sleeping, while the GH is mobilizing and burning free fatty acids). The last thing I want is high blood glucose when sleeping

If I find this to be too much on lowering blood sugar I'll kind of scale things back, but this is kind of what I've been thinking. Just got the berberine yesterday and want to add it in

I take glucovantage which is dihydroberberine. Supposably it is supercharged berberine, as in 100mg of dihydroberberine is equal to 500mg of regular berberine. The product i take is SNS Glucovantage XT. I take 2 caps (200mg dihydrobeberine) in the morning as I tend to have it as a higher carb meal. I take 1 caps before bed with my GH shot.
Also post workout I take a product (evomuse Slintensity) that has berberine in it, that helps with glucose and nutrient partitioning post workout.
For those that take berberine, how much do you usually take a day?

I was thinking 600mg 2x a day (1200mg a day total) with my big meals

Then at night time I'll do 1g metformin with my BOLO GH shot (the logic being that GH spikes blood glucose, while the metformin will decrease the blood glucose and increasing insulin sensitivity while I'm sleeping, while the GH is mobilizing and burning free fatty acids). The last thing I want is high blood glucose when sleeping

If I find this to be too much on lowering blood sugar I'll kind of scale things back, but this is kind of what I've been thinking. Just got the berberine yesterday and want to add it in
Only way to know for sure is to get a blood glucose monitor kit to see where youre at. Around $20 on amazon
Yeah I'm usually between 87-92 but I feel the readings aren't accurate as they vary a lot
Im assuming this is morning fasted which is good. Take some throughout the day as well, 1hr after meals, 2hr after, ect. To get some baseline readings. Also in the morning before you test try to move around a little bit get the blood flowing and when you prick to get blood wipe the first drop away and use the second to test
My question is that is there a huge noticeable difference between running 4 iu and iu a day? Also if there isn’t much of benefit from the amount what would you recommend for fat loss and muscle growth. 8iu a day? Yes I’ve ran gh multiple times for long periods just never taken more than 4-5 iu a day for 8-12 months. Mostly just used four at the time bc it was easier to dose my vials and cost effective.

Above 6000iu user checking in ;)

Fat loss from rHGH is a myth, you just accrue intramuscluar water which makes them buldge through the fat, giving you the illusion you lost fat.

There is a missing figure in your text, we don't know what needs to be compared to 4iu.

Anything above 3iu will bring more side effects than benefits.
Above 6000iu user checking in ;)

Fat loss from rHGH is a myth, you just accrue intramuscluar water which makes them buldge through the fat, giving you the illusion you lost fat.

There is a missing figure in your text, we don't know what needs to be compared to 4iu.

Anything above 3iu will bring more side effects than benefits.
"Fat loss from rHGH is a myth" absolutely disagree in the strongest terms. In fact, bellyfat in particular is reduced without a doubt.
Fat loss from rHGH is a myth

Moron strikes again! 6000iu in and you still don’t know this basic shit? That TNE has made you one stupid mother fucker…

"Fat loss from rHGH is a myth" absolutely disagree in the strongest terms. In fact, bellyfat in particular is reduced without a doubt.

Don’t listen to this guy. He’s a dipshit troll I hope gets banned soon for handing out some of the dumbest/most dangerous advice on this site.
Above 6000iu user checking in ;)

Fat loss from rHGH is a myth, you just accrue intramuscluar water which makes them buldge through the fat, giving you the illusion you lost fat.

There is a missing figure in your text, we don't know what needs to be compared to 4iu.

Anything above 3iu will bring more side effects than benefits.
buddy your brain damage is showing. Get well soon mate
Above 6000iu user checking in ;)

Fat loss from rHGH is a myth, you just accrue intramuscluar water which makes them buldge through the fat, giving you the illusion you lost fat.

There is a missing figure in your text, we don't know what needs to be compared to 4iu.

Anything above 3iu will bring more side effects than benefits.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Just stop giving advice or presenting your statements as facts.
For those that take berberine, how much do you usually take a day?

I was thinking 600mg 2x a day (1200mg a day total) with my big meals

Then at night time I'll do 1g metformin with my BOLO GH shot (the logic being that GH spikes blood glucose, while the metformin will decrease the blood glucose and increasing insulin sensitivity while I'm sleeping, while the GH is mobilizing and burning free fatty acids). The last thing I want is high blood glucose when sleeping

If I find this to be too much on lowering blood sugar I'll kind of scale things back, but this is kind of what I've been thinking. Just got the berberine yesterday and want to add it in
I been using 1500 mg daily with very little reduction in fbg , im only using 5 ius hgh daily at night only and my fbg is creeping up into into the low to mid 90's ? I may switch to splitting the hgh to twice daily and see how that goes