Exploring the human limits of weight loss, my ongoing experiment


Well-known Member
The idea
My latest bulk went out of hand. I ended up falling back into old habits and gaining much more weight than I would have ever wanted. I decided it was time for a change. I began researching the physiology behind fat loss and various methods and compounds that have produced extraordinary results. I grew interested in finding out just how much someone can lose in a short amount of time and began an extreme experiment on myself to achieve that goal. I encourage you to read this with an open mind and purely for the entertainment of seeing what I am doing and what will happen. I make no mention of this being safe or “right” and am not advocating for anyone to try anything like this. I am simply detailing my experience.

Where we are now
I am nearly one month into the cut and have lost 27 pounds in 24 days. I do 24 hour fasts every day, only eating a very small dinner of 500-600 calories, 800 max. I also completed a 72 hour water fast. Full electrolyte and vitamin supplementation is what makes this possible. Without the electrolytes, I would be wholeheartedly fucked.

As far as compounds go, I am currently on TRT, which is a constant in my life and Tirzepatide. I will gradually be introducing additional compounds and practices as the cut progresses.

Where we are going
This upcoming second month is an exciting one, as it is the month the extreme side of this cut really gets going. Tirzepatide will be switched out for Retatrutide. HGH with fasted cardio will be added in for fat loss, sleep, and autophagy, GHK-Cu as well. T3/T4 will be introduced later in the month in order for beautiful synergy with the GH and to force my metabolism into continuimg to run at full force despite extreme caloric deficits. Muscle loss is inevitable, but weight training will be introduced to signal my body that we still need to keep some of it.

The 24 hour fasts will remain, but I will be doing more extended water fasting than the first month and adding in dry fasts for additional autophagy. This is the part I am really not looking forward to, as I fucking love water. Since I now have a 3 day water fast under my belt, I am really interested in going for a 7 day. I want to really push my limits and explore the mental journey of that, but I’m going to play it by ear. Honestly, I’m pinging around the idea eventually going fir 30 days or even longer. My body can eat my fat.

Onto the most controversial portion of this cut that many of you were already anticipating. DNP cycles lasting 2-3 weeks be introduced a couple weeks into the second month. Dosages will range between 250 and 500 mg. Each cycle will be followed up by at least 2 weeks off the compound. This is the aspect of the cut I am most nervous about, but it is also the part that will produce the truly unreal results we’re looking for. Here are my rules for mitigating as much risk as I can:

1. 500 mg is the absolute max, no exceptions.
2. Electrolytes and copious amounts of water will be a constant
3. Should peripheral neuropathy or any other serious side effects energy, the cycle will immediately be terminated
4. It should go without saying that no dry fasts will happen during these cycles
5. Vitals will be tested daily

This cut should not take longer than 5 months, and there are other compounds I am interested in experimenting with in the later months. I will likely be cycling on clen during the off cycles of DNP, with the first cycle beginning in the third months. L Carnatine, Cardarine, and 5-Amino-1-MQ (not during DNP due to temperature increase) are other compounds that have piqued my interest that I may experiment with. I may run Anavar and Yohimbine at the very end of my cut, in the final 6 weeks or so.

Key Concerns

I haven’t had issues with this before, and I am hoping that I do not now. I have an over 6 month stockpile of pharmaceutical Anastrozole perscribed by my doctor to deploy if I absolutely need to, but I would like to avoid that if possible. I have even flirted around with the idea of running a low dose of Primobolan to combat aromatization and avoid having to take an AI, but running primo honeslty sounds pretty silly during a cut like this. It would however have the added benefit of working to hold onto muscle.

Loose Skin: This one fucking sucks and I am taking as many measures as I can to mitigate it, GHK-Cu, HGH, water fasts, dry fasts, I’m trying to do it all. If anyone knows of anything else that can fight this, do let me know. I have resigned myself to the fact that I still will likely have some loose skin that will have to be taken care of under the knife, and I will be preparing my finances accordingly.

Blood Pressure: I’ve had problems with this before and am worried that TRT and some other compounds I’ll be introducing may take this too far. I am also perscribed 50 mg of Adderall daily. Despite this, the constant fasting I’m doing should help a lot. I will be keeping my eye on it regardless.

Sleep: Testosterone makes it hard for me to sleep and fasting doesn’t help. I’m really hoping GH fixes this for me, I’m also open to using melatonin if need be.

Assuming I survive, I truly think we will see some extraordinary results from this. I have never heard of someone deploying all of these methods together, and I am confident that the amount of weight loss will be shocking and perhaps even outside the boundaries of what we generally believe to be possible. The DNP cycles, extreme ongoing caloric deficits, and fasts should be the main drivers of this weight loss. Everything else will assist these by pushing them to maximum effectiveness. I will be updating you throughout these coming months. I am so far very much happy with the results and feel quite well all things considered.
over a lb a day and u want to use more compounds!???

dude, good to loose weight, but not only is it taxing on your kidneys it is on your whole body. if already lost nearly 30 lbs assume that has to be ~10% of ur body weight? thats ALOT in a month id be careful as if need to loose more than another 30-50lb its pretty taxing on your body.

almost sounding anorexic, if can slow to 1/4 of how fast ur loosing weight u are still killing it.

GHK-cu is a sparingly used topical(As can make skin worse), used sub-q it does little but make scare tissue and pain... GHK needs to be injected 4-5 X a day at least to do anything and u will get copper poisoning before that half life is very very short.

yes skin you'll need surgery, if was an easy way ladies would be doing it...

just seems a little scary the mental state if want to add SOOO many things just to do what your already successful at? anyway, just dont harm yourself.
I do 24 hour fasts every day, only eating a very small dinner of 500-600 calories, 800 max. I also completed a 72 hour water fast.
This part confuses me a little. How do you do a 24 hour fast every day (that statement would indicate you just don't consume calories....at all) while still eating 500-800 calories?

Honestly man, I would keel over doing what you are doing. Be careful. And rebound is going to be a mofo.
This part confuses me a little. How do you do a 24 hour fast every day (that statement would indicate you just don't consume calories....at all) while still eating 500-800 calories?

Honestly man, I would keel over doing what you are doing. Be careful. And rebound is going to be a mofo.
Something does not add up, but even if he does what he says then it's just a partial fast to the evening. This is downright dangerous to do more than for a week unless he's obese and his out of hand "bulk" was him eating his normal.

I can only imagine that insane rebound will likely far surpass his previous bulk or everyday achievements.

Anyway, I have noticed that people who do such extreme things like overeating a lot and then starving to death rarely succeed and often fail and dig themselves in to even deeper hole.

OP, if you want to lose that weight for good this is such a wrong approach and it's just you worsening your eating disorder. Bulimic and then anorexic phases do not fix your issues and will ruin your health in the lon run.

Find a balance between all of this and quit going extreme ways. That's the only way of doing it right.

Create a moderate deficit and be patient. Then eat the right amount which is enough for you, but that you're not overeating and gaining fat and not too little that your energy levels dip.
This part confuses me a little. How do you do a 24 hour fast every day (that statement would indicate you just don't consume calories....at all) while still eating 500-800 calories?
I realized that part was worded confusingly. Here’s how it goes down: I eat dinner every day, usually around 6, and then I don’t eat for 24 hours until I eat dinner again. I just keep repeating that, so that I have around 24 hours of fasting between each meal.
even if he does what he says then it's just a partial fast to the evening.
There is a 24 hour fast in between each meal
This is downright dangerous to do more than for a week unless he's obese and his out of hand "bulk" was him eating his normal.
Like I said, my bulk got out of hand, I fell back into bad habits and just got fa, and eventually just kept getting fatter. I am obese now, 341 as of Friday at 6’0”. I expect to be under 340 when I weigh myself tomorrow.
I can only imagine that insane rebound will likely far surpass his previous bulk or everyday achievements.
I am making myself fall in love with the gym in order to stop this. It’s not too hard for me because I’ve always loved lifting. I know this is the only way it will work, to become obsessed with building a physique I love and working out enough to where my TDEE is high enough that I’m able to eat a good amount so that I don’t feel deprived.

Anyway, I have noticed that people who do such extreme things like overeating a lot and then starving to death rarely succeed and often fail and dig themselves in to even deeper hole.
It is a big risk I am fighting against. I believe falling in love with lifting and building my physique is going to put those odds in my favor. But the thing that really makes me confident that I’ll keep it off is that I am 100% prepared and willing to add any of these compounds back if shit starts going downhill. I will take whatever measures needed to not regain, no matter how extreme.
OP, if you want to lose that weight for good this is such a wrong approach and it's just you worsening your eating disorder. Bulimic and then anorexic phases do not fix your issues and will ruin your health in the lon run.

Find a balance between all of this and quit going extreme ways. That's the only way of doing it right.

Create a moderate deficit and be patient. Then eat the right amount which is enough for you, but that you're not overeating and gaining fat and not too little that your energy levels dip.
I have no argument against this, you are 100% correct. I am just sick of being fat. I don’t want this shit on my body for one more second. I want it gone. I want it to die. I want it to feel my insides burning on DNP. I want it to hurt. I want to suffer. I deserve this, for what I did to my body, for not having the self control to put down a fucking hamburger.
over a lb a day and u want to use more compounds!???

dude, good to loose weight, but not only is it taxing on your kidneys it is on your whole body. if already lost nearly 30 lbs assume that has to be ~10% of ur body weight? thats ALOT in a month id be careful as if need to loose more than another 30-50lb its pretty taxing on your body.

almost sounding anorexic, if can slow to 1/4 of how fast ur loosing weight u are still killing it.

GHK-cu is a sparingly used topical(As can make skin worse), used sub-q it does little but make scare tissue and pain... GHK needs to be injected 4-5 X a day at least to do anything and u will get copper poisoning before that half life is very very short.

yes skin you'll need surgery, if was an easy way ladies would be doing it...

just seems a little scary the mental state if want to add SOOO many things just to do what your already successful at? anyway, just dont harm yourself.
I didn’t know that about GHK, thank you. It’s something I’ve been putting off researching since I don’t have it yet, but I’m gonna to learn everything I need to before I start running it.
I think you should just focus on learning how to properly eat without getting fat.

Get that bulk and cut mindset out of the way for now. Just get on a structured diet plan that you can adhere to and got from there.

I think a slight deficit will net you a consistent fat loss, which you can milk for months if you adhere to it religiously.

Too much drugs and crash dieting is not sustainable in the long run in my opinion, most often you revert back to your bad habits.
My bad bro, I see that a lot of the quotes that had your name were actually from @lukiss96 , not sure how I did that but I’ll fix it eventually lol.
No worries. Anyways man, like others have said, the longer road is the better bet but I have been where you are when I was younger and went at it hard. I hope you make out better then I did with ending up skinny fat.

My current protocol that has worked well is simply TRT+ combined with 30min AM fasted cardio with 10mg of Yohimbine HCL and a slight deficit in calorie intake. I do throw 2 weeks of 40mcg of clen or 200mg dnp in here and there when I stall but thats about it.

I have never had good results with T3.

That said, I know you are going to do what you want to do so I wont preach anything else and will look forward to your journal if you post one.
No worries. Anyways man, like others have said, the longer road is the better bet but I have been where you are when I was younger and went at it hard. I hope you make out better then I did with ending up skinny fat.

My current protocol that has worked well is simply TRT+ combined with 30min AM fasted cardio with 10mg of Yohimbine HCL and a slight deficit in calorie intake. I do throw 2 weeks of 40mcg of clen or 200mg dnp in here and there when I stall but thats about it.

I have never had good results with T3.

That said, I know you are going to do what you want to do so I wont preach anything else and will look forward to your journal if you post one.
Thanks for understanding where I’m coming from, I’ll definitely be keeping what you said in mind, especially once I’m transitioning into mantaining. I won’t be kerping a daily log, but I will post updates here throughout the journey whenever there’s something interesting to add.
lol the 24 hr fast was a bit confusing but obv just means eat once per day ie 24 hrs till next meal.

if u want pain just get an assault/aero bike 30-40 min will bring all the pain u want at this point....no joint stress but hard AF..
Man you are going down a dark rabbit hole that you may not ever be able to recover from honestly. Take it form someone who was always “chubby” in the midsection. I let myself get way too fat like you did also but my heavy weights got was 305 lbs but I’m 6’3 and I’m down to 215 and leaning out big time while adding muscle. You don’t need all these drugs you can do this much healthier and train yourself to do things the right way. I’m not saying don’t use helpers because some of them absolutely will help like tirzepatide or one of the others is fine. All you need is some self control and a caloric deficit and you can achieve your goal. It make take a little longer, ( then again maybe less time because you might be dead the way you’re going about it now) but you’ll be much healthier and not destroying yourself. I did this over a 16 month period but I took breaks to let my body have breaks. You’re going to destroy your body or worse. Please rethink this whole plan. I do t mean this disrespectfully but you sound like you have some mental health issues that you need to address as well. Either way you’re treading on very dangerous grounds.
You’re doing what they call an OMAD diet. Which, for some, is successful. The way you’re doing is stupid, however. You bulked, got too fat, and are now going to cut to the point where you’ll have made the bulk a fool’s errand. You’ll be smaller than when you started. It sounds like you have an undiagnosed eating disorder, frankly. You’re going to crush your ghrelin/leptin signaling. Then you’re messing with your thyroid. You’re going to be a complete mess. There’s an anthill in the driveway anaology I like. You can strap the snow plow on and knock the anthill over. OR, you can just get a broom. You’ve gone for the snowplow on the monster truck with the blowtorch attachment. You can run all those drugs if you want, I know you’re going to anyway. Fix your diet, you’ll make yourself sick. Take it as you will, I have a feeling you didn’t come here for this answer, only the answer for which you were looking.
You bulked, got too fat, and are now going to cut to the point where you’ll have made the bulk a fool’s errand. You’ll be smaller than when you started.
It was already a fool’s errand. The bulk is over, the gains are beyond saving. This is a full reset.
It sounds like you have an undiagnosed eating disorder, frankly.
You’ve gone for the snowplow on the monster truck with the blowtorch attachment.
Lmao, you’re not wrong

Fix your diet, you’ll make yourself sick.
Obese is sick, in every sense of the word.
I have a feeling you didn’t come here for this answer, only the answer for which you were looking.
Not true at all. I didn’t come here for an answer, this is just a non-daily log of this extreme weight loss experience. I already know what I’m doing is unhealthy and do not expect or want validation.
Could you explain this because it sounds quite scary. I know that what I am doing is not healthy, but how would I not ever be able to recover from it?
I explained it pretty well in my post but I’ll put it more bluntly for you I guess. You could easily cause organ failure, or much much worse doing the stupid shit you’re talking about. Nobody living in reality would do what you are talking about. I told you how to go about it already if you reread my original post. You have some major unresolved issues that you need to deal with before you hurt yourself off life or again something worse.