Exploring the human limits of weight loss, my ongoing experiment


Well-known Member
The idea
My latest bulk went out of hand. I ended up falling back into old habits and gaining much more weight than I would have ever wanted. I decided it was time for a change. I began researching the physiology behind fat loss and various methods and compounds that have produced extraordinary results. I grew interested in finding out just how much someone can lose in a short amount of time and began an extreme experiment on myself to achieve that goal. I encourage you to read this with an open mind and purely for the entertainment of seeing what I am doing and what will happen. I make no mention of this being safe or “right” and am not advocating for anyone to try anything like this. I am simply detailing my experience.

Where we are now
I am nearly one month into the cut and have lost 27 pounds in 24 days. I do 24 hour fasts every day, only eating a very small dinner of 500-600 calories, 800 max. I also completed a 72 hour water fast. Full electrolyte and vitamin supplementation is what makes this possible. Without the electrolytes, I would be wholeheartedly fucked.

As far as compounds go, I am currently on TRT, which is a constant in my life and Tirzepatide. I will gradually be introducing additional compounds and practices as the cut progresses.

Where we are going
This upcoming second month is an exciting one, as it is the month the extreme side of this cut really gets going. Tirzepatide will be switched out for Retatrutide. HGH with fasted cardio will be added in for fat loss, sleep, and autophagy, GHK-Cu as well. T3/T4 will be introduced later in the month in order for beautiful synergy with the GH and to force my metabolism into continuimg to run at full force despite extreme caloric deficits. Muscle loss is inevitable, but weight training will be introduced to signal my body that we still need to keep some of it.

The 24 hour fasts will remain, but I will be doing more extended water fasting than the first month and adding in dry fasts for additional autophagy. This is the part I am really not looking forward to, as I fucking love water. Since I now have a 3 day water fast under my belt, I am really interested in going for a 7 day. I want to really push my limits and explore the mental journey of that, but I’m going to play it by ear. Honestly, I’m pinging around the idea eventually going fir 30 days or even longer. My body can eat my fat.

Onto the most controversial portion of this cut that many of you were already anticipating. DNP cycles lasting 2-3 weeks be introduced a couple weeks into the second month. Dosages will range between 250 and 500 mg. Each cycle will be followed up by at least 2 weeks off the compound. This is the aspect of the cut I am most nervous about, but it is also the part that will produce the truly unreal results we’re looking for. Here are my rules for mitigating as much risk as I can:

1. 500 mg is the absolute max, no exceptions.
2. Electrolytes and copious amounts of water will be a constant
3. Should peripheral neuropathy or any other serious side effects energy, the cycle will immediately be terminated
4. It should go without saying that no dry fasts will happen during these cycles
5. Vitals will be tested daily

This cut should not take longer than 5 months, and there are other compounds I am interested in experimenting with in the later months. I will likely be cycling on clen during the off cycles of DNP, with the first cycle beginning in the third months. L Carnatine, Cardarine, and 5-Amino-1-MQ (not during DNP due to temperature increase) are other compounds that have piqued my interest that I may experiment with. I may run Anavar and Yohimbine at the very end of my cut, in the final 6 weeks or so.

Key Concerns

I haven’t had issues with this before, and I am hoping that I do not now. I have an over 6 month stockpile of pharmaceutical Anastrozole perscribed by my doctor to deploy if I absolutely need to, but I would like to avoid that if possible. I have even flirted around with the idea of running a low dose of Primobolan to combat aromatization and avoid having to take an AI, but running primo honeslty sounds pretty silly during a cut like this. It would however have the added benefit of working to hold onto muscle.

Loose Skin: This one fucking sucks and I am taking as many measures as I can to mitigate it, GHK-Cu, HGH, water fasts, dry fasts, I’m trying to do it all. If anyone knows of anything else that can fight this, do let me know. I have resigned myself to the fact that I still will likely have some loose skin that will have to be taken care of under the knife, and I will be preparing my finances accordingly.

Blood Pressure: I’ve had problems with this before and am worried that TRT and some other compounds I’ll be introducing may take this too far. I am also perscribed 50 mg of Adderall daily. Despite this, the constant fasting I’m doing should help a lot. I will be keeping my eye on it regardless.

Sleep: Testosterone makes it hard for me to sleep and fasting doesn’t help. I’m really hoping GH fixes this for me, I’m also open to using melatonin if need be.

Assuming I survive, I truly think we will see some extraordinary results from this. I have never heard of someone deploying all of these methods together, and I am confident that the amount of weight loss will be shocking and perhaps even outside the boundaries of what we generally believe to be possible. The DNP cycles, extreme ongoing caloric deficits, and fasts should be the main drivers of this weight loss. Everything else will assist these by pushing them to maximum effectiveness. I will be updating you throughout these coming months. I am so far very much happy with the results and feel quite well all things considered.
I explained it pretty well in my post but I’ll put it more bluntly for you I guess. You could easily cause organ failure, or much much worse doing the stupid shit you’re talking about. Nobody living in reality would do what you are talking about. I told you how to go about it already if you reread my original post. You have some major unresolved issues that you need to deal with before you hurt yourself off life or again something worse.
Yeah, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. That’s kind of where my excitement comes from, no one knows what will happen. Reta GH T3 T4 DNP should all be here by next Friday, then we’ll really see what this cut is made of.
What evidence shows that autophagy in humans is enhanced by dehydration?
I haven’t dove super deep into it beyond anectodal reports yet, but those anecdotal reports were very promising. Multiple people were talking about how their skin tightened up, improved, and how old, nagging injuries got better. I still have a while to go before my first dry fast, I’ll do a deeper dive into the research when I’m getting ready to do it.
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Bro. Just boss up do 30 days fasted. Water only. You’ll be tested mentally and physically and push the limits. You can probably get 40 days or so if you have the fortitude. You will need to be spiritual fit for this no doubt. Log it
Bro. Just boss up do 30 days fasted. Water only. You’ll be tested mentally and physically and push the limits. You can probably get 40 days or so if you have the fortitude. You will need to be spiritual fit for this no doubt. Log it
Now this is the kind of attitude that I like! Just in time for Christmas and new years festivities! It’ll feel great telling extended family to fuck off when they try to get me to gorge myself. I’m really leaning towards giving this a go, and I’ll for sure log it. I’m so close anyways, I was just one enchilada away from not eating anything today so fuck it why not go all the way.
Bro. Just boss up do 30 days fasted. Water only. You’ll be tested mentally and physically and push the limits. You can probably get 40 days or so if you have the fortitude. You will need to be spiritual fit for this no doubt. Log it
Oh yeah Connor Murphy style fasting. GL with that lol...
i used to do 3 and 7 day water fasts and intermittent fasting and lost a lot of bodyweight. It works, lowest I got down to was 175lb at 6,1 from 205lb. That was long before being on test or using steroids which makes losing weight infinitely easier. What are your stats exactly what is your weight and what did you bulk up to?? No offense reading this Im thinking u might just be a fat guy on trt whos never really even trained before about to go overkill on fat burners... cuz no one who trains whos sane would consider a complete reset and sacrifice gains just to lose fat. That said im not looking down on you I dont care itll be interesting to see what results you get..even if you're not that you already paid for all the shit so I would at least use some of it. But if you're not some obese 400-600lb guy with no muscle mass it sounds like overkill
We should all bookmark this thread so we can have something to remind us not to overdo our bulks. Whenever you see yourself in the mirror and see you’re going overboard with the cheat meals, comeback to this thread, it will remind you the pain and desperation someone has to go through to get back in shape.

Definitely make a log @ShredSeason , I don’t like your method but at least you’re trying to be better.
i used to do 3 and 7 day water fasts and intermittent fasting and lost a lot of bodyweight. It works, lowest I got down to was 175lb at 6,1 from 205lb. That was long before being on test or using steroids which makes losing weight infinitely easier. What are your stats exactly what is your weight and what did you bulk up to?? No offense reading this Im thinking u might just be a fat guy on trt whos never really even trained before about to go overkill on fat burners... cuz no one who trains whos sane would consider a complete reset and sacrifice gains just to lose fat. That said im not looking down on you I dont care itll be interesting to see what results you get..even if you're not that you already paid for all the shit so I would at least use some of it. But if you're not some obese 400-600lb guy with no muscle mass it sounds like overkill
I always liked lifting, but I never experienced noticeable gains due to extremely low T. I got on TRT a year and a half ago, started training again, finally started making awesome newbie gains, and I fucking loved lifting. After around 5 or 6 months, I didn’t have money for more test. I started gaining fat, getting depressed, lazy, shit fell the fuck apart. I got discouraged, stopped lifting, stopped doing anything positive for my life, and got more and more fat, all the way up to 368 fucking pounds at 6’0”.

That’s why I’m fine with a reset. The version of me that was building muscle is a distant memory. I don’t see myself as that guy anymore, I see myself as someone who desperately needs to lose weight and turn his life around, and I’m doing everything in my power to make that happen. I know what I am doing is extreme, but I just want to seize this moment while it’s still here and never look back. Is it dangerous yes but what could be more dangerous then what I’ve been doing to myself? Enough is enough. I’m done. I am ending this chapter of my life and burning the fucking pages.
We should all bookmark this thread so we can have something to remind us not to overdo our bulks. Whenever you see yourself in the mirror and see you’re going overboard with the cheat meals, comeback to this thread, it will remind you the pain and desperation someone has to go through to get back in shape.

Definitely make a log @ShredSeason , I don’t like your method but at least you’re trying to be better.
Thank you for understanding, I doubt this would happen to any of y’all though. This was so much more than just getting overdoing my bulk. I fell apart and fell into a deep, dark hole with a shovel in hand to make sure I could keep digging myself deeper. Still, you never know which card is going to cause the entire house to collapse once it’s pulled. Those cheat meals can easily lead to looking in the mirror one day, seeing something you do not want to recognize, saying fuck it, and going off the rails.
We should all bookmark this thread so we can have something to remind us not to overdo our bulks. Whenever you see yourself in the mirror and see you’re going overboard with the cheat meals, comeback to this thread, it will remind you the pain and desperation someone has to go through to get back in shape.

Definitely make a log @ShredSeason , I don’t like your method but at least you’re trying to be better.
I'd agree not to overdo on bulk. But op was fat before his "bulk". The way I see it, that "bulk" was more like non stop binging that got him obese. Most important for him is to not relapse in to his "bulk" again which he is highly susceptible given his eating disorder. Binging followed by extreme starvation. Using more drugs next time. Rinse and repeat.
I’ll start logging now, hopefully every day.

Day 30, SW: 368, CW: 341 as of December 3rd.
Current Compounds: 2.5 mg/week Tirzepatide, 25mg/day Test Prop.

It’s been around 30 hours since I ate an enchilada, which was after 24 hours of fasting. I’m going to a concert with my family tomorrow, and we’re going to a pizza restaurant beforehand. I am going to eat one slice of pizza, ending my 48 hour fast, and will then either restart my regular 24 hour fasting OMAD thing or begin another extended fast.

I usually weigh myself halfway through the week, can’t right now because of bloating and constipation. Tirzepatide seems to turn off my digestion completely, I need to buy magnesium powder to fix that.

I feel good, a little too much energy for 12am. Insomnia has been an issue with these fasts. I have a very slight headache, probably because of how I’m sitting, but I need to go take my vitamins and drink my electrolytes. I take a liter of water and throw 2tsp of potassium powder and 1tsp of salt into it. Himalayan pink salt or Real Salt is best, but right now I just have sea salt. I also take multivitamins, collagen, chromium, and 30,000 IU daily of vitamin D.

This is the last week of my Tirzepatide, and I’m worried thst my Retatrutide won’t come in on time. I placed an order with Q on Saturday for Reta, GH, and GHK-Cu, express shipping, but I haven’t received tracking yet. I don’t want to clog the WhatsApp though, and everyone on the Q thread will just tell me to fuck off if I say something lmao. I’m honestly thinking about putting in a domestic order tomorrow with X (CA) for Semaglutide, just so that I have something in case this doesn’t work out on time.

My test is also running low, I’m about to place a domestic order right now. Everyone seems to say running prop for TRT is dumb, but I like it. My bropothesis is that I can extend the honeymoon stage by having daily peaks and troughs. We’ll see.
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I'd agree not to overdo on bulk. But op was fat before his "bulk". The way I see it, that "bulk" was more like non stop binging that got him obese. Most important for him is to not relapse in to his "bulk" again which he is highly susceptible given his eating disorder. Binging followed by extreme starvation. Using more drugs next time. Rinse and repeat.
I was eating healthy and losing fat during my bulk (more of a newbie recomp). It didn't become unhealthy until I stopped taking my test.
I always liked lifting, but I never experienced noticeable gains due to extremely low T. I got on TRT a year and a half ago, started training again, finally started making awesome newbie gains, and I fucking loved lifting. After around 5 or 6 months, I didn’t have money for more test. I started gaining fat, getting depressed, lazy, shit fell the fuck apart. I got discouraged, stopped lifting, stopped doing anything positive for my life, and got more and more fat, all the way up to 368 fucking pounds at 6’0”.

That’s why I’m fine with a reset. The version of me that was building muscle is a distant memory. I don’t see myself as that guy anymore, I see myself as someone who desperately needs to lose weight and turn his life around, and I’m doing everything in my power to make that happen. I know what I am doing is extreme, but I just want to seize this moment while it’s still here and never look back. Is it dangerous yes but what could be more dangerous then what I’ve been doing to myself? Enough is enough. I’m done. I am ending this chapter of my life and burning the fucking pages.
respect for being honest. the fattest i ever was after getting off anti psychotics 250lb no muscle mass couldnt even do pushups on my knees. took years of calisthenics and cardio with intermittent fasting to lose weight and change my bodies composition from skinnyfat back to normal. itl be interesting to see how things go for you...i think you should get on a good trt dose that puts you in the high ranges (800+ng/dl) with consistent training / intermittent fasting before adding on the fatburners. Just losing weight isnt going to fix things you're just gonna be skinny fat you need fat loss and muscle building to start to get what you want you might aswell do both at the same time
ive thought about if i was that fat and weak again with what i know now i would take a low test dose that doesnt aromatize with my weight and something like 600-800mg masteron with anavar. do intermittent fasting with 3 day fasts every couple weeks, 30 mins of cardio everyday with high volume 10-20 rep range weight training.
The best way is sustainable way. There is no need to rush and do crazy weight loss.

LIke I said 9/10 people relapse after this. Learn to do things moderately. Create a deficit of 200-500 calories and follow that for 6 months. You will have life.

Extreme binges/starving is what got you guys in to that never ending loop. Retrain your mind and find the balance.
ive thought about if i was that fat and weak again with what i know now i would take a low test dose that doesnt aromatize with my weight and something like 600-800mg masteron with anavar. do intermittent fasting with 3 day fasts every couple weeks, 30 mins of cardio everyday with high volume 10-20 rep range weight training.
I really like this idea. I’ve thought of using primo in the way you’re talking about mast to control the estrogen. I’m worried about hair loss, but I’m looking into a regimen for that anyways to combat this caloric restriction. I’m thinking about adding Anavar during my final 6 weeks or so.
I really like this idea. I’ve thought of using primo in the way you’re talking about mast to control the estrogen. I’m worried about hair loss, but I’m looking into a regimen for that anyways to combat this caloric restriction. I’m thinking about adding Anavar during my final 6 weeks or so.
ya the primo would be better ive just got no experience with it if u wanted to use high amounts you would have to raise the test so you dont crash e2. it would take a lot more experimenting and bloodwork while with mast its far less effective but u can pile it on without caring. (if you're not prone to hairloss that is)