Factors that Diminish GH Response (↓Δ IGF-I); The Purpose of the Serum IGF-I Test: A Revision (2.0) [Author: Type-IIx]


This writing is intended to replace and supersede The Serum IGF-I Test: Its... (version 1.0; Nov 23 2021).

The Serum GH is utterly useless for any purpose we'd be interested in.

The Serum IGF-I test is what's used to determine GH response (Δ IGF-I).

Factors that diminish GH response (↓ Δ IGF-I) include:

1. Negative caloric balance. Dieting, even a slight deficit, modifies GH effects, so as to stimulate predominately energy release (& protein anticatabolism) rather than influx or storage. RhGH, during prolonged subcutaneous administration (in a state of positive energy balance), causes the actions of IGF-I and insulin to prevail 8 - 10 h post-injection.

2. (a) Estrogens. High estrogen levels & especially exogenous estrogens diminish GH response. Whereas aromatizing androgen increases GH response (↑ Δ IGF-I), (b) Trenbolone† (see below) ↓ Δ IGF-I, but at the tissue level, dramatically increases the efficacy of autocrine/paracrine IGF-I activity. Therefore, (c) Sex (women < men in Δ IGF-I).

3. Duration of use (between 4 - 5 mo of continuous rhGH administration, there is a ↓ Δ IGF-I). This is likely due to GH-binding protein (GHBP) dynamics and/or desensitization of downstream elements of the GH receptor (GH-R).

4. Hereditary genetic factors. GHR gene polymorphisms, e.g., GHR phenotype (flfl < fld3 < d3d3). Homozygous d3-GHR carriers showed a more effective short- and long-term response to low rhGH dose with respect to low-density lipoprotein reduction, body composition and blood pressure & a more robust IGF-I increase during short-term follow-up. The prevalence of d3-GHR homozygousity (d3d3) is estimated to be as high as 50% in some populations.

5. Obesity. Higher fat masses decrease GH efficacy. This concern is mostly related to obesity effects on endogenous GH-IGF-I metabolic effects. However, one complication on rhGH treatment of intra-abdominal obesity is that rhGH-induced lipolysis increases circulating FFAs, thus inhibiting GHRH-induced GH secretion. On balance, however, rhGH > no treatment for obesity.

6. Liver dysfunction or disease. Liver-IGF-I-secreting somatotroph activity is diminished by dysfunction or disease. (b) Kidney disease. (c) Diabetes.

7. Age. As usual, there is an age-related decrement in GH response. This may be an evolutionarily conserved mechanism to promote longevity, according to a prevailing theory within epidemiology that posits that winding down IGF-I activity is necessary to stave off diseases of aging, like cancer/neoplasms that depend on cell # as a precondition to mutagenesis and is rooted in observations such as that individuals with larger body sizes tend to die significantly earlier than their smaller age-matched counterparts. This winding down is reflected by GH/IGF-I axis regulation of the adolescent growth spurt where 3.6 IU/day GH secretion is common versus 0.33 IU/day GH secretion being normal for an aged (50 years old, ±) 70 kg man of average build.

Baseline IGF-I measures are critical. If you do not know your base-line, eucaloric (energy in ≥ energy out, stable or increasing body weight) serum IGF-I taken within the last 9 months, you do not have any basis for comparison.

The Purpose of the Serum IGF- Test
IGF-I in serum provides a measure of an individual's GH response
not quality/veracity of a rhGH preparation.

Neither the serum IGF-I test nor the serum GH test are advised as a means to determine veracity or quality of an rhGH preparation, as they cannot adequately serve as even a binary test (tell whether or not rhGH has indeed been administered). Instead, analytical laboratory testing using a GC/MS quantitative method is advised for this purpose.

The effects of rhGH on serum IGF-I are nonlinear, and are affected by the user's GHBP and GH receptor density (in fact, there exist relatively common genetic polymorphisms & mutations that cause low response to GH) – the principal determinants in inter-individual variation, as well as body composition (fat mass), age, gender, and health status. It is, indeed, possible that a user has no significant change in serum IGF-I levels in response to rhGH treatment even using supraphysiological reference quality rhGH (e.g., Novo Nordisk). This is rare but not unheard of.

Serum IGF-I levels may increase in response to rhGH markedly over several weeks to months, and decrease somewhat, tending to stabilize around a somewhat narrow range.

GH response (RhGH Dose/Response vis-à-vis Δ IGF-I): the most important data point in your trial of 1
You may view your results if measured under the conditions given, as a measure of your GH response to the product. That is, even if you picked up your 8 IU daily dose of Norditropin from the local pharmacy yourself (so you know it's real) and administered it properly (perhaps you have HIV): if your serum IGF-I levels are insignificantly altered, you are unlikely to see significant benefit from the product (or, indeed, any rhGH preparation). †.

†: Trenbolone. This AAS decreases endogenous GH pulse amplitude & duration, thereby ↓ Δ IGF-I & ↓ IGF-I. It also is potently insulin sensitizing, decreasing blood insulin, IGF-I, & glucose in humans. Trenbolone does more with less. That is, despite the decrement to liver-secreted systemic/circulating IGF-I (↓ IGF-I [liver]), Trenbolone dramatically increases the intramuscular satellite cell responsiveness to autocrine/paracrine IGF-I (IGF-IEa; IGF-IEc, the mechanosensitive isoform [muscle]). These are both increased substantially by rhGH administration & resistance training. Then, Testosterone + Trenbolone + RhGH + Resistance Training are synergistic (greater than additive; 1 + 1 > 2) in their increases to muscle & total body size.
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@Type-IIx id you have time, can you re touch on why running HGH side by side will diminish peptides such as Cjc dac, mk677, ipamorelin.

I THINK I remember a post where you argued against the Alex kiekel idea of running MK677 with exogenous hgh.

I might be misremembering, so forgive me if I am.
@Type-IIx id you have time, can you re touch on why running HGH side by side will diminish peptides such as Cjc dac, mk677, ipamorelin.

I THINK I remember a post where you argued against the Alex kiekel idea of running MK677 with exogenous hgh.

I might be misremembering, so forgive me if I am.
There is an interference effect from rhGH in the form of a partial feedback inhibition on secretagogues' stimulating GH secretion, and particularly GHS-R agonists like Ibutamoren (MK-677). It is probably modulated by direct action of GH on the hypothalamus to inhibit GHRH & stimulate somatostatin production, but could be modulated by stimulation of local IGF-I production from the somatotroph itself.
@Type-IIx id you have time, can you re touch on why running HGH side by side will diminish peptides such as Cjc dac, mk677, ipamorelin.

Peptides CJC1295 and mk677 are both GH secretagogues but have different mechanisms of action, so you can not really talk about them interchangeably. One is an agonist of the GHRH-R, which action is blocked via the somatostatin negative feedback loop (which exogenous GH use stimulates via igf1) and the other is an agonist for the GHRH-R and the GHS-R (the "ghrelin receptor) which is not effectively inhibited by somatostatin.

Just thought I'd clear this up as you seemingly used them interchangeably.

@Type-IIx A personal anecdote. I've tried using CJC1295 and mod grf while on continuous rhGH use (7 days a week). The purpose of concomitant use was only in order of trying to improve sleep. With rhGH use only in the AM, pre-bed (directly before shut eye) use of mod grf still had a noticeable impact on sleep structure. So while GH release might be inhibited via somatostatin, the SWS promoting effects of GHRH-R agonism are in my personal experience still very much active. Just an anecdote ...
Peptides CJC1295 and mk677 are both GH secretagogues but have different mechanisms of action, so you can not really talk about them interchangeably. One is an agonist of the GHRH-R, which action is blocked via the somatostatin negative feedback loop (which exogenous GH use stimulates via igf1) and the other is an agonist for the GHRH-R and the GHS-R (the "ghrelin receptor) which is not effectively inhibited by somatostatin.

Just thought I'd clear this up as you seemingly used them interchangeably.

@Type-IIx A personal anecdote. I've tried using CJC1295 and mod grf while on continuous rhGH use (7 days a week). The purpose of concomitant use was only in order of trying to improve sleep. With rhGH use only in the AM, pre-bed (directly before shut eye) use of mod grf still had a noticeable impact on sleep structure. So while GH release might be inhibited via somatostatin, the SWS promoting effects of GHRH-R agonism are in my personal experience still very much active. Just an anecdote ...

You are definitely correct, they have different MOAs, I just threw them all out there as I couldn’t remember exactly type II prior posting on the topic.

Thanks for the additional information.
Number 6 is a huge factor in my opinion. If you have a healthy liver you will respond better from my experience anyway. And When i supplement NAC, Milk thistle or a liver supplement, i actually notice I dont need as much gh to get the same result. again just my experience.
Is there a way to upregulate IGF receptors? I know Lcarnitine injected before a workout followed by a meal upregulates androgen receptors, does it also upregulate IGF receptors?
Is there a way to upregulate IGF receptors? I know Lcarnitine injected before a workout followed by a meal upregulates androgen receptors, does it also upregulate IGF receptors?
Doesnt L carnitine needs insulin ( taking lcar with carbs) in order to be shuttled to muscles?
yeah tren increases production of igf-1 and upregulates the receptors i believe. Isnt it weird tho becasue on paper tren in supposed to increase appetite becasue of the igf-1 increase. but i notice tren fucks up my stomach sometimes ill throw up while training when im on tren its weird. there are the few lucky bros out there who get hungry from tren.. im not one but can you imagine if you could eat like a fucking horse on tren? god damn i would be 300lbs ripped. I can get down 4k-4.5k cals max on tren ill start thorwing up my last couple meals if i try to go higher. but eq? I can put down 6k no problem. kind of got off track there but it indeed does increase igf-1
Kind of weird that the rhetoric now is that Tren keeps you shreded and increases insulin sensitivity when 10-20years ago most guys said tren made them fat and insulin resistant if they were in a caloric surplus or maintanace....
I myself experienced this on just 210mg/week tren E, it jacked up my glucose 10 points, did not notice any recomp effect and it bloated my stomach for half a day to the point I could not eat my last meal... great strengh gains though...
Peptides CJC1295 and mk677 are both GH secretagogues but have different mechanisms of action, so you can not really talk about them interchangeably. One is an agonist of the GHRH-R, which action is blocked via the somatostatin negative feedback loop (which exogenous GH use stimulates via igf1) and the other is an agonist for the GHRH-R and the GHS-R (the "ghrelin receptor) which is not effectively inhibited by somatostatin.

Just thought I'd clear this up as you seemingly used them interchangeably.

@Type-IIx A personal anecdote. I've tried using CJC1295 and mod grf while on continuous rhGH use (7 days a week). The purpose of concomitant use was only in order of trying to improve sleep. With rhGH use only in the AM, pre-bed (directly before shut eye) use of mod grf still had a noticeable impact on sleep structure. So while GH release might be inhibited via somatostatin, the SWS promoting effects of GHRH-R agonism are in my personal experience still very much active. Just an anecdote ...
I know. I refer to both GHS-R agonists (Ghrelin mimetics; GH-releasing peptides; GHRPs) & GHRH-R agonists (GH-releasing hormone analogues; GHRHs) in my reply. The former is more affected by GH partial interference inhibition, but the latter is still affected.
I know. I refer to both GHS-R agonists (Ghrelin mimetics; GH-releasing peptides; GHRPs) & GHRH-R agonists ...

Didn't even think to assume you wouldn't know this. That part of the comment wasn't meant for the person I quoted ..
This writing is intended to replace and supersede The Serum IGF-I Test: Its... (version 1.0; Nov 23 2021).

The Serum GH is utterly useless for any purpose we'd be interested in.

The Serum IGF-I test is what's used to determine GH response (Δ IGF-I).

Factors that diminish GH response (↓ Δ IGF-I) include:

1. Negative caloric balance. Dieting, even a slight deficit, modifies GH effects, so as to stimulate predominately energy release (& protein anticatabolism) rather than influx or storage. RhGH, during prolonged subcutaneous administration (in a state of positive energy balance), causes the actions of IGF-I and insulin to prevail 8 - 10 h post-injection.

2. (a) Estrogens. High estrogen levels & especially exogenous estrogens diminish GH response. Whereas aromatizing androgen increases GH response (↑ Δ IGF-I), (b) Trenbolone† (see below) ↓ Δ IGF-I, but at the tissue level, dramatically increases the efficacy of autocrine/paracrine IGF-I activity. Therefore, (c) Sex (women < men in Δ IGF-I).

3. Duration of use (between 4 - 5 mo of continuous rhGH administration, there is a ↓ Δ IGF-I). This is likely due to GH-binding protein (GHBP) dynamics and/or desensitization of downstream elements of the GH receptor (GH-R).

4. Hereditary genetic factors. GHR gene polymorphisms, e.g., GHR phenotype (flfl < fld3 < d3d3). Homozygous d3-GHR carriers showed a more effective short- and long-term response to low rhGH dose with respect to low-density lipoprotein reduction, body composition and blood pressure & a more robust IGF-I increase during short-term follow-up. The prevalence of d3-GHR homozygousity (d3d3) is estimated to be as high as 50% in some populations.

5. Obesity. Higher fat masses decrease GH efficacy. This concern is mostly related to obesity effects on endogenous GH-IGF-I metabolic effects. However, one complication on rhGH treatment of intra-abdominal obesity is that rhGH-induced lipolysis increases circulating FFAs, thus inhibiting GHRH-induced GH secretion. On balance, however, rhGH > no treatment for obesity.

6. Liver dysfunction or disease. Liver-IGF-I-secreting somatotroph activity is diminished by dysfunction or disease. (b) Kidney disease. (c) Diabetes.

7. Age. As usual, there is an age-related decrement in GH response. This may be an evolutionarily conserved mechanism to promote longevity, according to a prevailing theory within epidemiology that posits that winding down IGF-I activity is necessary to stave off diseases of aging, like cancer/neoplasms that depend on cell # as a precondition to mutagenesis and is rooted in observations such as that individuals with larger body sizes tend to die significantly earlier than their smaller age-matched counterparts. This winding down is reflected by GH/IGF-I axis regulation of the adolescent growth spurt where 3.6 IU/day GH secretion is common versus 0.33 IU/day GH secretion being normal for an aged (50 years old, ±) 70 kg man of average build.

Baseline IGF-I measures are critical. If you do not know your base-line, eucaloric (energy in ≥ energy out, stable or increasing body weight) serum IGF-I taken within the last 9 months, you do not have any basis for comparison.

The Purpose of the Serum IGF- Test
IGF-I in serum provides a measure of an individual's GH response
not quality/veracity of a rhGH preparation.

Neither the serum IGF-I test nor the serum GH test are advised as a means to determine veracity or quality of an rhGH preparation, as they cannot adequately serve as even a binary test (tell whether or not rhGH has indeed been administered). Instead, analytical laboratory testing using a GC/MS quantitative method is advised for this purpose.

The effects of rhGH on serum IGF-I are nonlinear, and are affected by the user's GHBP and GH receptor density (in fact, there exist relatively common genetic polymorphisms & mutations that cause low response to GH) – the principal determinants in inter-individual variation, as well as body composition (fat mass), age, gender, and health status. It is, indeed, possible that a user has no significant change in serum IGF-I levels in response to rhGH treatment even using supraphysiological reference quality rhGH (e.g., Novo Nordisk). This is rare but not unheard of.

Serum IGF-I levels may increase in response to rhGH markedly over several weeks to months, and decrease somewhat, tending to stabilize around a somewhat narrow range.

GH response (RhGH Dose/Response vis-à-vis Δ IGF-I): the most important data point in your trial of 1
You may view your results if measured under the conditions given, as a measure of your GH response to the product. That is, even if you picked up your 8 IU daily dose of Norditropin from the local pharmacy yourself (so you know it's real) and administered it properly (perhaps you have HIV): if your serum IGF-I levels are insignificantly altered, you are unlikely to see significant benefit from the product (or, indeed, any rhGH preparation). †.

†: Trenbolone. This AAS decreases endogenous GH pulse amplitude & duration, thereby ↓ Δ IGF-I & ↓ IGF-I. It also is potently insulin sensitizing, decreasing blood insulin, IGF-I, & glucose in humans. Trenbolone does more with less. That is, despite the decrement to liver-secreted systemic/circulating IGF-I (↓ IGF-I [liver]), Trenbolone dramatically increases the intramuscular satellite cell responsiveness to autocrine/paracrine IGF-I (IGF-IEa; IGF-IEc, the mechanosensitive isoform [muscle]). These are both increased substantially by rhGH administration & resistance training. Then, Testosterone + Trenbolone + RhGH + Resistance Training are synergistic (greater than additive; 1 + 1 > 2) in their increases to muscle & total body size.
Anecdotally, when using igf1lr3 with even a low dose of trenbolone present, I and others are able to use the lr3 longer without feeling desensitization effects.

So I found this part of the post particularly interesting for you to post. I was aware of this before hand, but it’s nice to see info like that being put out.