Failed PCT

Test 202 ng/dL. Low
LH 6.0. Good
FSH 1.2 low
Alkaline phosphate 125 high
Lymphs (absolute) 3.3 high

21 weeks test E 500mg a week. 2 pins at 250mg a week.

Waited 21 days+ to start nolva and clomid. Ran 100 clomid first few days then 50 for the rest till end of third week. 25 last week. Nolva was 40 for almost 3 weeks, then 20, and 10 for most the last week. 30 day PCT.

Came off test first week of December, ran PCT in January. Just got blood work done. Save the BS answers etc.... lesson learned.

IMO I haven’t felt that bad. Training has been poor because so busy with work and life, but hindsight is 20/20 and now i can see why looking back with the results.

I took bad advice from people I thought knew there stuff. If your new DYDD and this sight is the best place to learn.

Recommendations? I have clomid on hand still but nothing else.


Edit: explains why i still have minimal acne on back and shoulders. Also, PCT was from legit popular UG lab from the thread forum here.
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Never used them Pharmacist has easily the best history of anyone ever. NandroXL is domestic so he's fast
Thank you. Can you tell me why he is legit/respected/trustworthy?

Edit: I’m in the states. Looking to get something quick if it’s an option. Grade is most important
Use NandroXL, he's domestic and has pharmaceutical

Well.... What would make someone those things? Customer service, shipping success, product quality and consistency on all things.
Use NandroXL, he's domestic and has pharmaceutical

Well.... What would make someone those things? Customer service, shipping success, product quality and consistency on all things.

Thank you. Appreciate the time. I’ll do some more reasearch.

Can anyone else confirm?

Also gotta look into this high alkaline posphate, possibly get an ALP isoenzyme test to see if it’s from liver or bones.
Test 202 ng/dL. Low
LH 6.0. Good
FSH 1.2 low
Alkaline phosphate 125 high
Lymphs (absolute) 3.3 high

21 weeks test E 500mg a week. 2 pins at 250mg a week.

Waited 21 days+ to start nolva and clomid. Ran 100 clomid first few days then 50 for the rest till end of third week. 25 last week. Nolva was 40 for almost 3 weeks, then 20, and 10 for most the last week. 30 day PCT.

Came off test first week of December, ran PCT in January. Just got blood work done. Save the BS answers etc.... lesson learned.

IMO I haven’t felt that bad. Training has been poor because so busy with work and life, but hindsight is 20/20 and now i can see why looking back with the results.

I took bad advice from people I thought knew there stuff. If your new DYDD and this sight is the best place to learn.

Recommendations? I have clomid on hand still but nothing else.


Edit: explains why i still have minimal acne on back and shoulders. Also, PCT was from legit popular UG lab from the thread forum here.
PCT wasn’t pharm grade.

If it was me I would get pharmgrade, blast HCG and try again.
Your protocol for pct did look pretty good though.
Also you can look up Scally a power pct protocol.

Honestly, a 21 week cycle... you may never recover the same man. It sucks bro.
Thank you. Can you tell me why he is legit/respected/trustworthy?

Edit: I’m in the states. Looking to get something quick if it’s an option. Grade is most important
Alright bro the dude gave you THREE freebies and they all have their own threads here.
If you figure out how meso works you’ll realize that was extremely generous.

You have the resources to go do your own research.

For all you know anybody recommending sources to you are shills or reps or just flat out motherfuckers.
PCT wasn’t pharm grade.

If it was me I would get pharmgrade, blast HCG and try again.
Your protocol for pct did look pretty good though.
Also you can look up Scally a power pct protocol.

Honestly, a 21 week cycle... you may never recover the same man. It sucks bro.

I doubt the last sentence.
@Michael Scally MD
graciously have any input to OP?
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Alright bro the dude gave you THREE freebies and they all have their own threads here.
If you figure out how meso works you’ll realize that was extremely generous.

You have the resources to go do your own research.

For all you know anybody recommending sources to you are shills or reps or just flat out motherfuckers.

I get this. I figured who they are and was aware of them. I plan on getting some pharma grade.
any thoughts on a PCT. Should i just stick with a 45 day run of clomid and nolva, should i throw in HCG and i should i get aromasin either way?
No. Yes I’m aware how dumb.

Would 5000iu hcg suffice if I ran it every 3or maybe even 4 days, overlapped clomid and nolva after first week of hcg. Should Blood work be done after the introduction of the SERMS or during just hcg use?

For what it’s worth I use to do construction and lift hard around the clock and never be tired. Been that way my whole life, a slave driver. I do physical work for one day and I’m dying.

I’m guessing it would be smart to have aromasin in hand as well?
I don't think HCG is going to be of huge help... Your LH is pretty good.

Yeah LH was perfectly fine. I’d post a pic but honestly no need. I have the pertenant info.

Plus It’s also been 3 months after PCT already. Wouldn’t I slowly be recovering over this time already a bit?
I don't think HCG is going to be of huge help... Your LH is pretty good.

For what it’s worth. The blood test was done right at 1pm

I’ve had heard LH levels from one test wouldn’t be something to hold confident in.... akbeit, a few months later and low T, it’s not a surprise to see LH at normal levels trying to tell the body to produce T.
My question is, does this change the protocol at all with clomid and nolva. Does that change how much, how long I should run, or when to get another blood test or two done?