Faking TRT Levels Right Before Labs


New Member
So, I am pretty transparent with my doctor, however I am about to change over to a local TRT Clinic and they are very conservative about dosage. I am on 200 CY and my lipids look fine. I want to go up, but think they probably won't do it.

If I dosed higher on UGL and my pharma script TRT regularly, say 250-300 then dosed down to 180 a couple of weeks before my 6 month labs, would my levels be low enough for my doc to think I'm still just doing 200 or less or would they be able to tell that I am overdoing it a bit between labs?

Anyone with any experience? For instance, I am getting labs Friday, and I injected Sunday. I will skip Thursdays injection to make sure I don't spike my levels and then I am going to fake complain that I need to go to 250 when he gets the results. Anyone else out there think this will work based on experience?
So, I am pretty transparent with my doctor, however I am about to change over to a local TRT Clinic and they are very conservative about dosage. I am on 200 CY and my lipids look fine. I want to go up, but think they probably won't do it.

If I dosed higher on UGL and my pharma script TRT regularly, say 250-300 then dosed down to 180 a couple of weeks before my 6 month labs, would my levels be low enough for my doc to think I'm still just doing 200 or less or would they be able to tell that I am overdoing it a bit between labs?

Anyone with any experience? For instance, I am getting labs Friday, and I injected Sunday. I will skip Thursdays injection to make sure I don't spike my levels and then I am going to fake complain that I need to go to 250 when he gets the results. Anyone else out there think this will work based on experience?
So if you are already on TRT, I would go up to three weeks going in pinning only something like 50 or 75 mg a week.

Its different than trying to just get on TRT initially cuz if you fuck around with that, yeah, you can have low total T but they will run other tests to figure out why your LH and FSH is near nil.
So if you are already on TRT, I would go up to three weeks going in pinning only something like 50 or 75 mg a week.

Its different than trying to just get on TRT initially cuz if you fuck around with that, yeah, you can have low total T but they will run other tests to figure out why your LH and FSH is near
Good call. I should've tapered down then 2 weeks ago and started pinning less. Oh well. My telehealth doc is cool af and will probably let me do it for now anyways just because "don't feel it doc" but when I switch over, I'll pin down 3 weeks in advance for sure. Thanks for the input.
Good call. I should've tapered down then 2 weeks ago and started pinning less. Oh well. My telehealth doc is cool af and will probably let me do it for now anyways just because "don't feel it doc" but when I switch over, I'll pin down 3 weeks in advance for sure. Thanks for the input.
I agree with OaltheKs taper your dose down but don’t go too low they’ll know that you’re fucking with your dose.
Lower your dose by half just 8 days before bloodwork


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Why not just use an online hrt clinic you can be honest with? Tell them you're going to run a cycle and they'll time your blood work for like 4 weeks after so your levels are normal again. How do you think they work with competitors? They don't think these guys are running 200mg per week of test and winning shows as super heavies lol. You can be straight up with them
So, I am pretty transparent with my doctor, however I am about to change over to a local TRT Clinic and they are very conservative about dosage. I am on 200 CY and my lipids look fine. I want to go up, but think they probably won't do it.

If I dosed higher on UGL and my pharma script TRT regularly, say 250-300 then dosed down to 180 a couple of weeks before my 6 month labs, would my levels be low enough for my doc to think I'm still just doing 200 or less or would they be able to tell that I am overdoing it a bit between labs?

Anyone with any experience? For instance, I am getting labs Friday, and I injected Sunday. I will skip Thursdays injection to make sure I don't spike my levels and then I am going to fake complain that I need to go to 250 when he gets the results. Anyone else out there think this will work based on experience?
Tried this and it didn't work. I had to switch clinics. My clinic only had me on 100mg a week. I skipped an injection and had my blood drawn. Levels came back at only 498 and she would only bump me to 120. I found a new provider immediately after that visit. New doc said he had no problem getting my levels to 1,100 or 1,200. Still not 100% satisfied. Just tired of jumping through all the hoops with these doctors and clinics. Once of the reasons I'm here is to learn and get information on how to take things into my own hands safely.
why even go to a clinic if want to RX yourself anyway? If want steroids take steroids, but Drs looking out for your health and not after $$ aren't going to "make u satisfied" if looking for blasted levels of test off the hop. I mean every dr, even progressive test ones will slowly increase and watch markers in order to keep u healthy and monitor how u feel vs just rx 400mg a week cause u want that off the hope. ie the whole point of going to a dr is to do it right is it not?

also remember being straight up with ur dr isn't always smart depending on if want health insurance at a decent rate... something to keep in mind, nothing is "perfect"... although obv better to be under a dr care than winging things on feels.
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why even go to a clinic if want to RX yourself anyway? If want steroids take steroids, but Drs looking out for your health and not after $$ aren't going to "make u satisfied" if looking for blasted levels of test off the hop. I mean every dr, even progressive test ones will slowly increase and watch markers in order to keep u healthy and monitor how u feel vs just rx 400mg a week cause u want that off the hope. ie the whole point of going to a dr is to do it right is it not?

also remember being straight up with ur dr isn't always smart depending on if want health insurance at a decent rate... something to keep in mind, nothing is "perfect"... although obv better to be under a dr care than winging things on feels.
I agree with you, a doc isn’t going to put you on high amounts of test if they actually care about you. They will put you on just enough to have healthy levels
why even go to a clinic if want to RX yourself anyway? If want steroids take steroids, but Drs looking out for your health and not after $$ aren't going to "make u satisfied" if looking for blasted levels of test off the hop. I mean every dr, even progressive test ones will slowly increase and watch markers in order to keep u healthy and monitor how u feel vs just rx 400mg a week cause u want that off the hope. ie the whole point of going to a dr is to do it right is it not?

also remember being straight up with ur dr isn't always smart depending on if want health insurance at a decent rate... something to keep in mind, nothing is "perfect"... although obv better to be under a dr care than winging things on feels.
I agree with the first half, but I may have gotten lucky with the second. My primary care knows I B&C, had to fill out paperwork for Marek Health and knows that I plan to have annual scans and ultrasounds on my organs.

They don't agree, but after a simple conversation they agreed to help.

My 3 rules to dealing with healthcare:
1. Prove there is a need for the treatment (I was diagnosed hypogonadal at 19 in the army)
2. Demonstrate harm reduction/understanding of side effects (they understand I'm old and don't desire to be 300lbs lean)
3. Passively insist on doing it yourself, they'll empathize and decide on helping (last thing they want is for you to screw up and blame them). :cool:

I know it can be hit/miss for most, but I've coached friends on what to say and how to say it and they're having a great time on TRT now.
I agree with you, a doc isn’t going to put you on high amounts of test if they actually care about you. They will put you on just enough to have healthy levels
True but many aren't even willing to put you on enough to have healthy levels or perhaps I should say increase your overall health and sense of well being.

Docs were throwing out scripts like candy 10+ years ago and now regular docs are much more cautious and actually try to shy away from TRT even if patients are say under 300 total T. Most GPs will refer you to an endo and that endo will run a bunch of other tests before ever even hinting at TRT.
yup, they try and figure out cause as MAY be other options OR something far more serious. due diligence as it were and not only covers their butts but also formulate best plan..

sounds like Merick health tries its best to really offer good care vs pill mill like many trt clinics.
Tried this and it didn't work. I had to switch clinics. My clinic only had me on 100mg a week. I skipped an injection and had my blood drawn. Levels came back at only 498 and she would only bump me to 120. I found a new provider immediately after that visit. New doc said he had no problem getting my levels to 1,100 or 1,200. Still not 100% satisfied. Just tired of jumping through all the hoops with these doctors and clinics. Once of the reasons I'm here is to learn and get information on how to take things into my own hands safely.
I got my results back... and holy fuck I was at 1500 on just 200 cy.. I bumped up to 250 cy for two weeks and the side effects were terrible. Edema, no matter what I did, and so forth. I bumped back down. Told my doc I injected the night before and did a workout.. oops. whatever.. he was like "ohh.. okay well don't do that again". Then he says, "check in and do labs in 6 months or a year... whatever". So I guess he was okay with me having astronomical T levels.
I was with a TRT clinic and 200 a week had me at 1200. I spent a few bucks at Any Test Now and found out that if I waited 10 days after a shot I fell into the 500 to 600 range that a family dr would be ok with. I told my family dr that 200 a week is what I needed because I was using 800 a week in my 30s and 40s and fucked my system up. He said ok and wrote me a scrip for 200 a week and tested me after a month and what do you know. I was just under 600. So every 6 months when he tests me I know exactly when to schedule my pre test shot.
I have a script from my family Doc for 200 TestC/week. I like to B&C so about 1-2 months before my semiannual blood test, I drop down to 200mg TestC then as a precaution don't have blood drawn until 7 days after last injection, which puts my levels around 800 which my Doc is fine with. I have since switched to TestU but now have to wait 14 days after my last 200mg injection for my levels to come down to 800s. TestU blood test results: 2 month cruise blood test on 200mg/week TestU