Favorite offseason cycle

Yes,bro,but even on trt,time by time,your blood getting thicker
I have been above 1g for 4 months and my HCT is 44.
i think that most people just need to be hydrated, and their blood wouldn't be thick.
Chase Irons has said this, that people usually get their bloodwork in the morning when they are dehydrated, they wake up, havent drank anything in 8 hours, then maybe have some coffee and get bloodwork an hour or two later..

this might not be the case for some people, but I have gotten an HCT of 52 and then the next month, 44, and I even increased my testosterone dose during that time
I have been above 1g for 4 months and my HCT is 44.
i think that most people just need to be hydrated, and their blood wouldn't be thick.
Chase Irons has said this, that people usually get their bloodwork in the morning when they are dehydrated, they wake up, havent drank anything in 8 hours, then maybe have some coffee and get bloodwork an hour or two later..

this might not be the case for some people, but I have gotten an HCT of 52 and then the next month, 44, and I even increased my testosterone dose during that time
That's intersting,bro. What did you changed? More water? Gave a blood not early in the morning?
That's intersting,bro. What did you changed? More water? Gave a blood not early in the morning?
probably just drinking more it doesn't matter when you give do bloodletting in general bloodletting is not a good solution to having a high HTC. the reason you test high is bc you're not hydrated enough in general or before getting blood drawn. blood test results are a moment in time if you weren't hydrated when it got drawn you're numbers will be scewed not only HTC
probably just drinking more it doesn't matter when you give do bloodletting in general bloodletting is not a good solution to having a high HTC. the reason you test high is bc you're not hydrated enough in general or before getting blood drawn. blood test results are a moment in time if you weren't hydrated when it got drawn you're numbers will be scewed not only HTC
So,best soliution water and,if necessary plazmotransferezis?
So,best soliution water and,if necessary plazmotransferezis?
hydration is more then just water. Electrolytes and a good balance of these are important also there are other meds that can help with high HTC like methylene-blue for example. i don't see plasmaferese as a good option tbh. bloodletting brings more problems with it lowering iron and ferretin levels plus your body will create more blood thus bringin your HTC back up again

if you currently are dealing with HTC drink 1-1.5L of water before doing your next blood test and see if its still an issue
That's intersting,bro. What did you changed? More water? Gave a blood not early in the morning?
nothing changed, i just must have been more hydrated. I think the HCT number changes quickly based on hydration.

Also at some point i started supplementing with magnesium, not saying that changed the number but its something to consider if your dietary magnesium is low. i dont remember when I started taking it
Last edited:
high test ew (1,5g+)
high eq ew (1g+)
50-100 Anadrol ed

1-2 vials of generic HGH before bed ed
10-20iu Log prewo
10-20iu Log postwo
hydration is more then just water. Electrolytes and a good balance of these are important also there are other meds that can help with high HTC like methylene-blue for example. i don't see plasmaferese as a good option tbh. bloodletting brings more problems with it lowering iron and ferretin levels plus your body will create more blood thus bringin your HTC back up again

if you currently are dealing with HTC drink 1-1.5L of water before doing your next blood test and see if its still an issue
I'll keep in mind,my friend.
No is really funny part and sad in one time. I use to drink a lot water,but niw,when are working days,especially at work a drink no more than 2ltr. Because,then per 8 hours working you are going to pee more then 10 times,you boss start asking maybe you need some rest days.

