Favorite PCT Ancillaries


New Member
In the process of coming off (hopefully for the last time) for fertility reasons and was wondering if anyone has any favorite PCT ancillaries that they've used to make things as smooth as possible. Aside from the usual SERMs and HCG does anyone have any go to compounds or protocols they run alongside their PCT?

My core PCT plan:

- Last 4 weeks switched from Test C to P.
- Ramped up HCG from 250iu 3x per week on cycle to 750iu 3x per week two weeks after stopping Test P.
- Running 12.5mg pharma Enclo ED

I've felt mostly fine overall, getting some expected strength and size loss, a little brain fog, slightly "off" mood but totally manageable. Waiting on post-cycle bloods at the moment.

Ancillaries I'm trying:

- Glutathione: 200mg 3x per week. Did this for 2 weeks and there's a noticeable effect and overall anti-inflammatory feeling. Skin looked and felt healthier the day after pinning. Not a game changer but a definitely an overall wellness benefit.

- NAD+: 100mg 3x per week. Just did one week of this so far and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I think there's an energy level improvement but it's hard to say for sure. Will probably run this for at least another week or two.

- Semax: Haven't added yet but would like to see if this can mitigate the slight brain fog I've got going on.
Yeah modafinil is a good call. I've had a little trouble sleeping with that before and am prioritizing good sleep for better recovery right now but if the brain fog gets worse at any point maybe I'll throw that in.

I've tried semax in the past and I felt a little clearer headed on it but I understand some people experience that compound differently.
Yeah modafinil is a good call. I've had a little trouble sleeping with that before and am prioritizing good sleep for better recovery right now but if the brain fog gets worse at any point maybe I'll throw that in.

I've tried semax in the past and I felt a little clearer headed on it but I understand some people experience that compound differently.

Take it as early as possible. A lot of people just keep it bedside, taking it before hitting the snooze button and even go back to sleep. Also, duration is dose dependent so keep that in mind. Finally, Moda wears off much faster than Armo, so consider using that instead of Armo until you know it's not affecting your sleep :)