STOCK UP: Don't say you weren't warned! (US)

Unless this election drastically changes the composition of the House and Senate, which polls suggest is increasingly unlikely, then yah it’s basically a guarantee. Have you been paying attention to Congress the last 10-15 years?

It just came out of committee, that means most special interests don’t even care about it yet really. Also it doesn’t even really matter if there is no opposition, as laws get sabotaged after committee before the floor in a myriad of ways even if it has overwhelming support politically and publicly.

I’d take that bet because it’s clear you don’t understand the American legislative system and that literally nothing passes unanimously in the House, and hardly anything unanimously passes the Senate that isn’t national security funding related, and even that’s controversial now. That’s an easy bet.

The bill itself is a hollow set of ideas they want implemented, and the implementation of those ideas will take years of other committees working out how to make this possible. It’s 22 pages (nothing) and lacks almost entirely any details on *how* it will be implemented.

This is fear mongering at this stage. A change may be coming, but it’s not anywhere near as rapid as you’re panicking about.

Text of the bill if anyone’s interested in seeing what’s proposed,

I pay very close attention, and the "tell" you don't is that there are multiple bills pending, budget allocations, and "staging" by the authorities to put the prerequisites for quick approval in place. This is how government behaves when it's clear legislation is inbound.

This is NOT the same as a single grandstanding, toothless issue that comes and quickly goes as attention is focused elsewhere.

There are too many motivators and vested interests all pulling in the same direction, from industry losing money to cheap Chinese goods escaping duties and sales taxes,. unions representing workers in those industries, law enforcement seeking expanded powers and the budgets that accompany that, the revenue hungry government of a debt addled country, anti-China defense hawks, and the social groups trying to reduce the tidal wave of deadly overdoses, that have become the public "face" of this issue, adding emotion to the cold logic of the other supporters. . Opposition is made of non-voting Chinese retailers and freight companies.

Your comment, limited context, and the blase, ad hominem insults arise from a childlike desire for it not to be true, and the pruning of facts to "manifest" the
outcome you want.

The choice is yours, stock up just in case, and if this all comes to nothing, you'll just work through your surplus over time.

Or follow this head in the sand advice, and particularly if you're not "plugged in", reliant on self administered "TRT" for instance, see how your quality of life goes for you in the absence of ready availability for some indeterminate amount of time.
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Things are getting strict again
Raws and steroids shortages are expected the next weeks or months.
Some steroid raws products might not be restocked for a while, and it might affect the oils stocks as well.
I advise you to take advantage of current last days of the promo because we don’t plan to redo oils promos for while.
QSC doesn't make clear if the issue is on the China end, the outbound freight companies who risk being suspended and losing millions for allowing falsely declared goods to slip through with the tidal wave of other packages(several of which were made short term "examples of" a few months ago), or the stirrings of a reinvigorated US customs preparing to implement, after years of mostly giving up, the stricter stance towards China.

Tracy may give more details, but I wouldn't expect him to say anything detrimental to his business or opsec.

If nothing else, a reminder interruptions can happen any time, for many reasons. for indeterminate lengths, and a "buffer supply" is a smart strategy regardless.
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Plausible, could be something else, who knows. When was the last time raws manufacturers were clamped down on? Before my time...

China is the last remaining producer of AAS raws, like most pharmaceutical active ingredients, last time I checked
ad hominem

Learn what ad hominem is boss. I did not attack you at all in any way and was in fact nice to you even though I find this to be hysterics... Why are you always being an ass to people who disagree with you in the slightest? Your ChatGPT response fails to impress.