You're mistaking crystal clear, thin MCT oil for "watered down".
The raw ingredients to make a vial of Test 250 are 25¢. No one fakes Test anymore. The vial costs more,
GA routinely posts lab tests. His customers often post tests, I have never seen a GA product test bad.
The entire batch would have to be bunk, and none of the numerous customers of GA would've noticed, except you.
I'll bet, if you pay the $125ish to have a sealed vial tested, and it turned out to be bunk, Generic Asia would publically commit to paying all testing costs, and refunding double the price of the kit you bought.
God knows he'd be run off this board and lose a ton of business if he didn't honor that commitment.
Anything's possible, but I'll bet it's you, and your other vials have more color and are more viscous, which you're mistaking for potency.