Fendi Pharma (US Domestic)

I don't plan on giving up/wont give up. I fully intend to take every piece of criticism and will be applying it to our methodology to be a become a better source. Everything brought to my attention are excellent examples of how to improve. It's very humbling to say the least.

Issue is, you came in here with every intent to sell us unsterile product. Poison if you will.

If your doctor gave you poison, would you be so quick to use him after he says “I’ll fix it”. Fuck no you won’t

Leave, research, and if you feel you have the knowledge and skills at that point, then maybe try again
@T-Bagger you heard him. He says he won’t stop peddling his melted filter gear for his beloved meso members. He also won’t stop peddling his anavar and baking side caps he mixed up in the kitchen like his grandma makes a cake. This guy is a clown. My kids could build a better lab and one still shits his pants.

I hope none of you order from Fendi EVER.
You've said it loud and clear. I'll correct all everything from here on out, and will do my best to prevent any further mistakes. I appreciate it everyone.
And one last thing... if you really want to know what sourcing is about, go read the TGI thread... every. last. page and see what he has had to put up with as a source... seriously.
@T-Bagger you heard him. He says he won’t stop peddling his melted filter gear for his beloved meso members. He also won’t stop peddling his anavar and baking side caps he mixed up in the kitchen like his grandma makes a cake. This guy is a clown. My kids could build a better lab and one still shits his pants.

I hope none of you order from Fendi EVER.
Hey, go easy on the one who still shits his pants. Accidents happen :oops:
I still shit my pants 1-2 times a year
Wait till you get older lol. I feel like I’m frickin 3 again. I just hope I never live to the age where I’m either stopped up and need prunes or shitting my pants. Was at the gym the other day getting ready to leg press and sure enough....
Sasquatch goes to private TGI pops up. TGI goes private now all these domestic labs try a shot. Look at the timelines. I’m still sticking to my theory.
Lol, was hoping shitting myself in my 40’s was still acceptable :oops:

It is absolutely acceptable. I’m younger than you and I shat the bed not long ago. After heavily drinking on a cruise my guts were fucked. I woke up in the morning and lifted my leg for my usual morning fart sesh, but it was pure liquid. The wife still makes fun of me today :oops:
It is absolutely acceptable. I’m younger than you and I shat the bed not long ago. After heavily drinking on a cruise my guts were fucked. I woke up in the morning and lifted my leg for my usual morning fart sesh, but it was pure liquid. The wife still makes fun of me today :oops:
Those damn wives seem to find great humor in all of this, until it happens to them or until they’re face first in my mess!
Those damn wives seem to find great humor in all of this, until it happens to them or until they’re face first in my mess!
My wife is the shit, no pun intended. Lol. We have the same sense of humor, she’s my best friend, and she’s really really hot. Multiple babies later you’d never know. People try to call her out like they ain’t hers cuz she looks so damn good.
Ok. Where to begin.

I already address the filters which already makes you a no go source.

You’re not that bright and neither is your team. You claim 3 people but none of y’all caught the filter thing? What happens when one retard just agrees with others?

You keep saying “my money” “personal money” will be used to buy X. Well no shit where was it supposed to come from? Also, the fact you had to state a portion of the funds were going to be used to buy more raws.... ummmm what? No shit you’re going to use revenue to cover COGS. do we need to cover cap-ex expenses next?

You also mentioned being short on gear and other supplies because of funds, but somehow you expect us to believe you’re going to shit the funds to throw away 100% of your brewed and capped gear to start over with fresh filters and mixing methods? It’s an zero sum game, you already admitted you need money from this first run to cover overhead and consumables but you want ya to believe you’ll destroy it? Get outta here. And one last thing on that point you say you’ve got stuff on order but again you already said your light on funds.

Your method of cleaning some of your glassware is retarded, your method of cleaning stoppers is retarded. I’m not giving a hand out as to why.

Your method of mixing orals isn’t even good enough for home brew. Perhaps you should have started in the home brew section.

I already told you about your “sterile lab” no ventilation bullshit

I’d be interest to hear about these digital watermarks. The word digital implies data, not tactile, but somehow it’s physical and printed?

Your TA and communication is bullshit. With three people there’s no reason you can’t have single day turn around and constant communication.

If three people can’t keep up with stock there’s an issue.

Maybe I’ll find some more issues later. It’s time to crush small iron.