Fiancee going through perimenopause. Advice?


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Hi All! My fiancee is 44 and has been having perimenopausal symptoms for about 2 years now. The only thing she ever takes is 10-15mgs of Anavar which she cycles on and off during the year.

I'm curious what you ladies who are in peri or full menopause are using for HRT? I was thinking a very low dose of test (7mgs ish? ) once per week. Would that amount cause a reasonable increase in estrogen? We'll be pulling a full hormone panel soon. I'm just trying to research well in advance.
My wife takes 15mg of test per week(split into 2 doses). She also takes progesterone nightly.
It has been a game changer for energy/mood/libido.
Make absolutely certain she's on top of her mammograms. Most breast cancers are "hormone positive", meaning estrogen speeds up development. Can go from "nothing detected" to significant malignancy in one year. You don't want to be responsible for that by encouraging HRT without also insisting on diligent mammograms.