Filtering finished oils

Great thread @UncleBuns

Just want to add (we had a lengthy discussion about this previously), as far as the exact specifications to look for...

For AAS Oils:

Sterile 0.22μm PTFE 13/25/33mm hydrophilic or hydrophobic syringe filter.

13mm will filter about 10 to 20ml.
25mm will fiter about 20 to 50ml.
33mm will filter 50+ ml
What amount ultimately is filtered through depends on how much "dirt" the filter picks up and slows down/clogs.

The larger the filter size (i.e. 33mm), the easier the oil will push through the filter.

NOTE: Either "hydrophilic" or "hydrophobic" will work for oils. This and the lengthy discussion we previously had about all this, post to thread is at the bottom of this post...


In case anyone is curious about peptides & hGH:

Sterile 0.22μm PES 13/25mm hydrophillic syringe filter.

NOTE: Must be "hydrophillic" so the BAC water can also go through the filter. Otherwise, a "hydrophobic" filter will trap the BAC water and not let any through.

13mm will filter close to 20ml (I have personally filtered 15ml into a 20ml vial for peptide, no problem.

I am sure some people simply can't due to space, time or other constraints. Time not so much I am dedicating max 4h every 6 months or so from start to finish. But space or other reasons I do understand.
how much space is needed? i have access to a ghost town where i usually go to unpack anything i want to move to different vitamin bottles like any orals.

i have a step-by-step guide written because im autistic (srs) and i need to have a guide with every micro adjustment mentioned. im still unsure how right or wrong it is. i dont want to post it in public because of the edit limitations.

when i asked @Dirthand , he was kind enough to teach me few things but im sure im missing key points.
how much space is needed? i have access to a ghost town where i usually go to unpack anything i want to move to different vitamin bottles like any orals.

i have a step-by-step guide written because im autistic (srs) and i need to have a guide with every micro adjustment mentioned. im still unsure how right or wrong it is. i dont want to post it in public because of the edit limitations.

when i asked @Dirthand , he was kind enough to teach me few things but im sure im missing key points.

Sampei wrote a list of equipment and there was another thread about it.
I would imagine you have based your shopping list on that.
But as for step by step instructions, for a very basic set up (if that is what you are aiming for) the info is a bit scattered.
Good that you put it all together in a way that can work and make sense for you.

I am with you with the specific, detailed a to z how to.
Even when I cook a recipe, I would have to follow something written down and systematic.
I would imagine you have based your shopping list on that.
nope. it was based on the list of equipment i see everyone talking about then figuring out how where they are used and what else is missing or can be replaced for ease of use.

But as for step by step instructions, for a very basic set up (if that is what you are aiming for) the info is a bit scattered.
im not looking into much compound but if i do in the future, the entire step by step instructions should be usable for each compound. obviously i will need to adjust the oil, bb, ba, raws.
Great thread @UncleBuns

Just want to add (we had a lengthy discussion about this previously), as far as the exact specifications to look for...

For AAS Oils:

Sterile 0.22μm PTFE 13/25/33mm hydrophilic or hydrophobic syringe filter.

13mm will filter about 10 to 20ml.
25mm will fiter about 20 to 50ml.
33mm will filter 50+ ml
What amount ultimately is filtered through depends on how much "dirt" the filter picks up and slows down/clogs.

The larger the filter size (i.e. 33mm), the easier the oil will push through the filter.

NOTE: Either "hydrophilic" or "hydrophobic" will work for oils. This and the lengthy discussion we previously had about all this, post to thread is at the bottom of this post...


In case anyone is curious about peptides & hGH:

Sterile 0.22μm PES 13/25mm hydrophillic syringe filter.

NOTE: Must be "hydrophillic" so the BAC water can also go through the filter. Otherwise, a "hydrophobic" filter will trap the BAC water and not let any through.

13mm will filter close to 20ml (I have personally filtered 15ml into a 20ml vial for peptide, no problem.

Great info. Thank You!
how much space is needed? i have access to a ghost town where i usually go to unpack anything i want to move to different vitamin bottles like any orals.

i have a step-by-step guide written because im autistic (srs) and i need to have a guide with every micro adjustment mentioned. im still unsure how right or wrong it is. i dont want to post it in public because of the edit limitations.

when i asked @Dirthand , he was kind enough to teach me few things but im sure im missing key points.
A basic kitchen table, raws/oil/solvents, syringes for measuring and filtering, a heater magnetic steerer, a baker, filters, vials. That's a basic no bs setup. You can then gradually upgrade things like graduated cylinders for measuring, digital heater with built in thermometer, stainless steel work bench for easier cleaning/disinfection etc.
I will admit I have purchased 25mm 0.22um filters, 20ml syringes and 10ml KS-TEK vials from Amazon as well. However, I have not used them.

After reading William Llewellyn's Anabolics 11th Edition, I just put my vials in the oven @ 80C/175F for 2 hours before using. This theoretically should kill most bacteria.
I'm not trying to enter into a scientific squabble, but I would not fully trust the claim about thermal inactivation. The specific issue has to do with something called water activity and the thermal protection it offers spores -- often some of the nastiest pathogens, like Clostridium tetani, Bacillus cereus, etc. There is documentation of such spores persisting (edited to add bolded for clarity) in oil at temperatures up to 105 C on the order of an hour or so. This risks popping vials if steam collects in the headspace, which definitely renders the product less sanitary. That makes it all a risky game of kinetics.

80 C for two hours is a great practice, I'm not trying to discourage it. In fact, along with filtering, it's probably the best that one can do. I'm sure it will inactivate almost all vegetative pathogens one is likely to encounter in a lifetime. I have just saw seen some really fucking nasty infections from spores that germinate and go sick once they get into the blood stream or a muscle.

I guess all I'm trying to convey is, if you inject and feel more than a little PIP and it's warm to the touch for any length of time, don't trust any filter or thermal processing -- get to a doctor and get some eyes on it. In other words, it's my usual advice to be a pussy to the greatest extent possible without living in bubble wrap.
I'm not trying to enter into a scientific squabble, but I would not fully trust the claim about thermal inactivation. The specific issue has to do with something called water activity and the thermal protection it offers spores -- often some of the nastiest pathogens, like Clostridium tetani, Bacillus cereus, etc. There is documentation of such spores persisting (edited to add bolded for clarity) in oil at temperatures up to 105 C on the order of an hour or so. This risks popping vials if steam collects in the headspace, which definitely renders the product less sanitary. That makes it all a risky game of kinetics.

80 C for two hours is a great practice, I'm not trying to discourage it. In fact, along with filtering, it's probably the best that one can do. I'm sure it will inactivate almost all vegetative pathogens one is likely to encounter in a lifetime. I have just saw seen some really fucking nasty infections from spores that germinate and go sick once they get into the blood stream or a muscle.

I guess all I'm trying to convey is, if you inject and feel more than a little PIP and it's warm to the touch for any length of time, don't trust any filter or thermal processing -- get to a doctor and get some eyes on it. In other words, it's my usual advice to be a pussy to the greatest extent possible without living in bubble wrap.
80c is not enough at all for heat sterilization.

Is it so difficult to Google things? Heat sterilization for 1 hour you need at least 170+ c for 160c it's 2 hours.
80c is not enough at all for heat sterilization.

Is it so difficult to Google things? Heat sterilization for 1 hour you need at least 170+ c for 160c
I hope you're stronger than you are humble cause otherwise you don't have much going for you. You're confusing Fahrenheit and Celsius chieftain, and being a dickhead about it in the process.
Y’all actually trust the claim of “sterile” on items purchased on Amazon from international sellers?
I hope you're stronger than you are humble cause otherwise you don't have much going for you. You're confusing Fahrenheit and Celsius chieftain, and being a dickhead about it in the process.
No It's Celsius!
can't even google dry heat sterilization temperatures

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Imagine having two rotten neurons and calling another person a dickhead when the smartest thing you could do in your life is stopping to breath.
It's called kinetics, a word I used as the concluding sentence of my introductory paragraph. Structurally, that usually signals it's the most important thing I'm thinking about. 6 to 12 minutes is a different order of magnitude -- literally a factor of 10 -- from one to two hours, which is 60 to 120 minutes. Do you think that would make a difference?

I am going to guess that, in this conversation, only one of us has done about a decade of research on bacterial stress resistance. One of us writes the papers that Wikipedia entries cite and the other one of reads those entries quite badly.

You do you, but it might benefit you to learn to tell the difference between what you know and what you don't know.

I'm imagining you don't work somewhere that provides you with access to a whole bunch of obscure academic journals, but here's the citation on point, discussing spore survival in oils. If you need help with any of the words... ah, forget it. You'll never admit you don't know what they mean anyway.
Oh, shit, I missed entirely that you think submerged in an oil is the same thing as exposed to dry air. We have almost nothing in common.
Oh, shit, I missed entirely that you think submerged in an oil is the same thing as exposed to dry air. We have almost nothing in common.
That's terminal sterilization

Yes terminal sterilization is done around 80c by pharma companies
So you brought in an entirely irrelevant method on purpose. Very wiley of you. Or you're a dishonest shitbird trying to muster up a post hoc justification. I can't be sure but I can guess...
So you brought in an entirely irrelevant method on purpose. Very wiley of you. Or you're a dishonest shitbird trying to muster up a post hoc justification. I can't be sure but I can guess...
You are just fear mongering, explain to me how one could have spores in a vial that has been first dry heat sterilised or autoclaved and than has been filled with a sterile solution in front of a flow hood or let's do the even more safest option, buy a pre sterilised vial that filled with an oil solution that has been sterile filtered.


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