Great thread @UncleBuns
Just want to add (we had a lengthy discussion about this previously), as far as the exact specifications to look for...
For AAS Oils:
Sterile 0.22μm PTFE 13/25/33mm hydrophilic or hydrophobic syringe filter.
13mm will filter about 10 to 20ml.
25mm will fiter about 20 to 50ml.
33mm will filter 50+ ml
What amount ultimately is filtered through depends on how much "dirt" the filter picks up and slows down/clogs.
The larger the filter size (i.e. 33mm), the easier the oil will push through the filter.
NOTE: Either "hydrophilic" or "hydrophobic" will work for oils. This and the lengthy discussion we previously had about all this, post to thread is at the bottom of this post...
In case anyone is curious about peptides & hGH:
Sterile 0.22μm PES 13/25mm hydrophillic syringe filter.
NOTE: Must be "hydrophillic" so the BAC water can also go through the filter. Otherwise, a "hydrophobic" filter will trap the BAC water and not let any through.
13mm will filter close to 20ml (I have personally filtered 15ml into a 20ml vial for peptide, no problem.
Just want to add (we had a lengthy discussion about this previously), as far as the exact specifications to look for...
For AAS Oils:
Sterile 0.22μm PTFE 13/25/33mm hydrophilic or hydrophobic syringe filter.
13mm will filter about 10 to 20ml.
25mm will fiter about 20 to 50ml.
33mm will filter 50+ ml
What amount ultimately is filtered through depends on how much "dirt" the filter picks up and slows down/clogs.
The larger the filter size (i.e. 33mm), the easier the oil will push through the filter.
NOTE: Either "hydrophilic" or "hydrophobic" will work for oils. This and the lengthy discussion we previously had about all this, post to thread is at the bottom of this post...
In case anyone is curious about peptides & hGH:
Sterile 0.22μm PES 13/25mm hydrophillic syringe filter.
NOTE: Must be "hydrophillic" so the BAC water can also go through the filter. Otherwise, a "hydrophobic" filter will trap the BAC water and not let any through.
13mm will filter close to 20ml (I have personally filtered 15ml into a 20ml vial for peptide, no problem.
Juat as a "Public Service Announcement" for Re-filtering:
AAS Oils:
1. For completely re-filtering oils, ideally: Sterile .22um PTFE 33mm hydrophilic syringe filter. 33mm will allow filtering up to 50ml. However, good luck finding any under $200 for 100 qty. in the US. They're not sold at anything less than that at the moment. 25mm will allow filtering up to 20ml, still difficult to find, but available. 13mm, up to 10ml, a little easier to find.
2. Re-filter into sterile vial. @Ghoul and @Sampei have posted some that fit the right specs. Thank you to you...
AAS Oils:
1. For completely re-filtering oils, ideally: Sterile .22um PTFE 33mm hydrophilic syringe filter. 33mm will allow filtering up to 50ml. However, good luck finding any under $200 for 100 qty. in the US. They're not sold at anything less than that at the moment. 25mm will allow filtering up to 20ml, still difficult to find, but available. 13mm, up to 10ml, a little easier to find.
2. Re-filter into sterile vial. @Ghoul and @Sampei have posted some that fit the right specs. Thank you to you...