.::Fine Tuning Series::. Compound Integration.

kosta jeezy

New Member
More isn't always better.

Yes, sometimes more is better (to a certain degree)... We all know this but we don't always follow this 'general rule'. Mainly in hopes of more instant results. As you become more experienced the more you realize the benefits of lowering doses, tapering doses, combining compounds certain sequences and compound integration.

Compound integration is often ignored, unthought of and highly underrated.
When starting a fresh cycle we all normally use testosterone as our "base". But it is often forgotten how beneficial testosterone alone is. By putting more testosterone in your system then your body normally makes you are already in benefit. You have the recipe for growth, strength, repair, recovery and so on.
BUTTTTT to often, we feel the instant need to add other compounds, in hopes of greater benefit more quickly. In some cases this is possible. But consider this:

You inject only testosterone prop to start your cycle, that consists of multiple compounds. Because it is a short Ester it becomes available to your body in 2-4 days. Within a week you start to gain real benefits from the compound. (It has most likely not shut down your natural testosterone yet, but your body feels the need to stop making it the more times you pin).
You can do a cycle of testosterone alone and have great results. It's the base to all cycles!
But not enough people allow testosterone itself to do its work. To often a second compound is dosed in. Consider this though...

Yes allow it to do work on its own. Why not reap the benefits of testosterone alone before adding in the next compound. Why not run the testosterone compound 2-4 weeks (alone) so that your body can adjust (increased testosterone levels, balance estrogen levels, allow your muscles to catch up to the level of strength your body can commit to, etc). Allowing your body to adjust slowly is much healthier when it comes to side effects, much in the same regards as when you taper doses.
Do the same with the next compound you introduce to your system and so on with every following compound.

This is big for when it comes to Tren. Especially Tren ace, as the compound shuts you down hard. Why shock your system in a negative way, throw your levels off in large ways and not allow your body a chance to adjust to everything smoothly.

As the same as my last series post I will use the same cycle I ran as example: I ran All short esters from euro pharmacies consisting of:
Testosterone Prop
Tren Ace
Mast prop

My integration was as follows:
Testosterone prop weeks 1-3 before
Adding Tren ace weeks 4-7 before Adding anavar weeks 8-9 before
Adding mast prop and ran them all
At this point for 3 weeks before closin out on my goal deadline (vacation trip).

My results have me tagged with the best cycle I have ever run.

Guys I can not express how much having legit gear means to a great cycle, more so when it comes to Tren and anavar!

Compound integration is something I have adapted recently into my cycles, as the more experienced I become and the more knowledge I obtain the more logical and benefit all my cycles are. As they should be. Fine tuning.

Some people allow for integration naturally when planning their cycles and other do it just because of the phase of the cycle they are in, for instance ending win a cutting phase.

Any thoughts and impressions are welcome for us to learn off of.

Wait you don't care what gear I use?

Why is it that your main concern?

Why not bounce some input off what you run so that benefits you best.

Forget the "plug" then bro. The post isn't about that. I would edit it if I could. My mistake.
What a load of shit. You are trying to reinvent the wheel. It's 2016 bud. Don't you think that people using gear have tried all sorts of ways of using gear over the 70 or so years they have been around. It's like that dickhead who was trying to say that sub q injections is the way to go. Don't you think researches have looked at this already over the years. It's not new and your theory is not a new concept either.
What a load of shit. You are trying to reinvent the wheel. It's 2016 bud. Don't you think that people using gear have tried all sorts of ways of using gear over the 70 or so years they have been around. It's like that dickhead who was trying to say that sub q injections is the way to go. Don't you think researches have looked at this already over the years. It's not new and your theory is not a new concept either.

Never claimed it to be new or anything more then a method to further receive greater benefits from you cycle by actually working with your body and not against it. This method of integration has been around for ever. Doctors use it for all types of producers. But hey what do I know. I was just trying to see who might be able to input some more knowledge on making the most beneficial progress from their cycles.

You can keep overloading though, if it works for you bro.