First course when there are problems with the liver


New Member
Hi, I'm almost 39 years old, 174cm/64kg (5'8/141pounds). For last 12 months I worked out 3-4 times per week and I think I have reached my natural limit. I consider steroids to compensate my age and dropping testosterone level. Despite my concentration of T is "pretty high for my age" as my doctor said, I experience all symptoms of low T including low level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. I have never used gear before and I've got some thyroid and liver issues so I want to be very cautious with pharmaceutics. Because of my health issues I have very high level of SHBG, I think it kills my free T.

What I want to achieve:
- I don't want to go crazy on steroids, I only want to compensate my age and SHBG. I would like to have my free T at the top of "normal natural level" for men.
- I don't expect quick results, I want to do gear as safe as possible.
- I have minor liver issues so I would prefer to avoid oral steroids and reduce any possible liver damage to its minimum.
- When I was 25 I worked out as hell and I had decent body shape, I would like to regain it, nothing more.
- I don't have any experience with gear, I'm here for reasonable advice.
- I have a friend of my age, he uses gear extensively for 8 years, he is steroid eating machine with twisted by steroids health and mind, I don't want to be like him.

I use some supplements for last few months: whey and casein protein, creatine, omega-3, D3, citrulline malate, L-arginine, Zn citrate, BCAA, collagen. I try to fight high level of SHBG by taking MgB6, vitamin D3 and of course healthy diet.

What would be your recommendation for my first cycle? I was advised testosterone enanthate, but I'd like to know what doze I should use (I'm small dude, 250mg/week looks too much for me), what anti-estrogen gear has lowest impact on liver and what PCT I need?

I have degree in chemistry so you are free to spam terminology and other difficult words, I'll understand it.

Some results of my latest blood test.

My resultsLab says it's OK
Estradiol37,19 pg/mL≤84
Total Testosterone31,72 nmol/L7,88–33,87
Free Testosterone24 pg/mL12,3–46,6
SHBG78,3 nmol/L18–53,4
Free androgen index40,51%35–92,6
Shutting down your HPTA and doing a cycle to obtain high natural test?

dude dont use gear.

Or take some boron

EDIT:Just saw you been working out for a year and reached your natural limit?

come on bro.