Long story short:
-August 2021 started training fully naturally (although I did try a vial of ipramorelin/ModGRF 1-29) at 128lb 5’11” then got to 152lb same leanness December 5 2021. All natural to this point.
-December 5th 2021 I began prescription trt at 160mg per week split daily.
-increased to 250mg per week and ended up at 175lb in February
-February 7th is when i stared really slowly ramping up and got to 500-600Testosterone with 600-700 nandrolone decanoate per week. and ended up at 190lb April 27th 2022 about 14.5-15.5 according to my scale. I had visible abs, but blurry. Very noticeable when flexed due to development, but clearly covered by a half inch of thick skin/fat total.
-I finally ended up at like 195lb by May and this is when I wanted to begin a full cutting phase. I had some false starts due to being new to tracking and weighing food/knowing how to shop in ways that’s conducing to measuring calories of the recipes I cook.
-June 7th I figured it all out how to measure calories and weigh food/use cronometer and by this day I was measuring calories daily and eating between 2500-3200 calories per day which equates to a -500 to -1100 calorie deficit per day, depending on weather it was a day I had to skip morning fasted cardio, or if I did cardio but missed a weight workout later in the day or potentially neither on 1-2 occasions where I only walked with my girlfriend a few miles.
Here are the parts I’m wondering that seem weird and I’m uncertain of:
_However despite being consistent for 4 weeks now, my weight has had the same level of fluctuations as it did before.
_Actually, on average it’s lower by 1.5-2 lb. But when I seem to eat and hydrate close to maintaince on refeed days, I actually blow up to sometimes 2lb heavier than the most I’ve ever weighed in the off-season. I get to 198lb instead of 195 which is the peak of where I originally started the cutting phase.
_Body composition improvement is visible. Like I’d say pretty damn noticeable, but I’m also new to this so I’m not sure what is expected for 4 weeks in. I wonder If it possible I’m still gaining muscle and that’s why When I refeed and hydrate a lot with potassium my weight increases to above my previous max weight because the additional muscle is actually soaking it up instead of peeing it out. Not sure on this
_ I’m using my Apple Watch to calculate my resting energy/ active energy. It seems like it may be overestimated my total burned calories by 300-400 calories. So that my “-500 to 1000” deficit is more like -200 or - 700. For example.
_ I’m running the same doses as I was off-season that I peaked at the last 4-5 weeks of it in may.
_1050mg nandrolone decanoate, 140mg Testosterone Enanthate, and 350mg Trenbolone Aceate. 2.7iu hgh pre fasted cardio, 13iu Lantus, 3-4iu R insulin Preworkout for intraworkour carbs.
But I’ve added in Gw-501516, and T4 at 150mg per day which I feel I should have used earlier due to my hgh.
Do you think this could be normal ? Or am I off somewhere and I should weigh less by now ?
-August 2021 started training fully naturally (although I did try a vial of ipramorelin/ModGRF 1-29) at 128lb 5’11” then got to 152lb same leanness December 5 2021. All natural to this point.
-December 5th 2021 I began prescription trt at 160mg per week split daily.
-increased to 250mg per week and ended up at 175lb in February
-February 7th is when i stared really slowly ramping up and got to 500-600Testosterone with 600-700 nandrolone decanoate per week. and ended up at 190lb April 27th 2022 about 14.5-15.5 according to my scale. I had visible abs, but blurry. Very noticeable when flexed due to development, but clearly covered by a half inch of thick skin/fat total.
-I finally ended up at like 195lb by May and this is when I wanted to begin a full cutting phase. I had some false starts due to being new to tracking and weighing food/knowing how to shop in ways that’s conducing to measuring calories of the recipes I cook.
-June 7th I figured it all out how to measure calories and weigh food/use cronometer and by this day I was measuring calories daily and eating between 2500-3200 calories per day which equates to a -500 to -1100 calorie deficit per day, depending on weather it was a day I had to skip morning fasted cardio, or if I did cardio but missed a weight workout later in the day or potentially neither on 1-2 occasions where I only walked with my girlfriend a few miles.
Here are the parts I’m wondering that seem weird and I’m uncertain of:
_However despite being consistent for 4 weeks now, my weight has had the same level of fluctuations as it did before.
_Actually, on average it’s lower by 1.5-2 lb. But when I seem to eat and hydrate close to maintaince on refeed days, I actually blow up to sometimes 2lb heavier than the most I’ve ever weighed in the off-season. I get to 198lb instead of 195 which is the peak of where I originally started the cutting phase.
_Body composition improvement is visible. Like I’d say pretty damn noticeable, but I’m also new to this so I’m not sure what is expected for 4 weeks in. I wonder If it possible I’m still gaining muscle and that’s why When I refeed and hydrate a lot with potassium my weight increases to above my previous max weight because the additional muscle is actually soaking it up instead of peeing it out. Not sure on this
_ I’m using my Apple Watch to calculate my resting energy/ active energy. It seems like it may be overestimated my total burned calories by 300-400 calories. So that my “-500 to 1000” deficit is more like -200 or - 700. For example.
_ I’m running the same doses as I was off-season that I peaked at the last 4-5 weeks of it in may.
_1050mg nandrolone decanoate, 140mg Testosterone Enanthate, and 350mg Trenbolone Aceate. 2.7iu hgh pre fasted cardio, 13iu Lantus, 3-4iu R insulin Preworkout for intraworkour carbs.
But I’ve added in Gw-501516, and T4 at 150mg per day which I feel I should have used earlier due to my hgh.
Do you think this could be normal ? Or am I off somewhere and I should weigh less by now ?