First cutting phase/ comming off first offseason: Some questions/possibly anomalies.


Long story short:
-August 2021 started training fully naturally (although I did try a vial of ipramorelin/ModGRF 1-29) at 128lb 5’11” then got to 152lb same leanness December 5 2021. All natural to this point.
-December 5th 2021 I began prescription trt at 160mg per week split daily.
-increased to 250mg per week and ended up at 175lb in February
-February 7th is when i stared really slowly ramping up and got to 500-600Testosterone with 600-700 nandrolone decanoate per week. and ended up at 190lb April 27th 2022 about 14.5-15.5 according to my scale. I had visible abs, but blurry. Very noticeable when flexed due to development, but clearly covered by a half inch of thick skin/fat total.

-I finally ended up at like 195lb by May and this is when I wanted to begin a full cutting phase. I had some false starts due to being new to tracking and weighing food/knowing how to shop in ways that’s conducing to measuring calories of the recipes I cook.

-June 7th I figured it all out how to measure calories and weigh food/use cronometer and by this day I was measuring calories daily and eating between 2500-3200 calories per day which equates to a -500 to -1100 calorie deficit per day, depending on weather it was a day I had to skip morning fasted cardio, or if I did cardio but missed a weight workout later in the day or potentially neither on 1-2 occasions where I only walked with my girlfriend a few miles.

Here are the parts I’m wondering that seem weird and I’m uncertain of:

_However despite being consistent for 4 weeks now, my weight has had the same level of fluctuations as it did before.

_Actually, on average it’s lower by 1.5-2 lb. But when I seem to eat and hydrate close to maintaince on refeed days, I actually blow up to sometimes 2lb heavier than the most I’ve ever weighed in the off-season. I get to 198lb instead of 195 which is the peak of where I originally started the cutting phase.
_Body composition improvement is visible. Like I’d say pretty damn noticeable, but I’m also new to this so I’m not sure what is expected for 4 weeks in. I wonder If it possible I’m still gaining muscle and that’s why When I refeed and hydrate a lot with potassium my weight increases to above my previous max weight because the additional muscle is actually soaking it up instead of peeing it out. Not sure on this
_ I’m using my Apple Watch to calculate my resting energy/ active energy. It seems like it may be overestimated my total burned calories by 300-400 calories. So that my “-500 to 1000” deficit is more like -200 or - 700. For example.
_ I’m running the same doses as I was off-season that I peaked at the last 4-5 weeks of it in may.
_1050mg nandrolone decanoate, 140mg Testosterone Enanthate, and 350mg Trenbolone Aceate. 2.7iu hgh pre fasted cardio, 13iu Lantus, 3-4iu R insulin Preworkout for intraworkour carbs.
But I’ve added in Gw-501516, and T4 at 150mg per day which I feel I should have used earlier due to my hgh.

Do you think this could be normal ? Or am I off somewhere and I should weigh less by now ?
this is a side question, how do you like the combo of tren and nandrolone? for me ive only tried tren i love the mental benefits, the edge in the gym, tightness, but its like making me look smaller or flater if you will, while ive heard nandrolone make one feel full and tight
this is a side question, how do you like the combo of tren and nandrolone? for me ive only tried tren i love the mental benefits, the edge in the gym, tightness, but its like making me look smaller or flater if you will, while ive heard nandrolone make one feel full and tight
I’ve actually only used Trenbolone for a short time once without nandrolone in the picture. The cosmetic benefit I experienced was probably present equal then as it is now in the picture with nandrolone simultaneously.

I’m assuming this is in a cutting phase context your getting flat while using it ? I would assume this maybe due to it increasing your metabolic rate and or it lowering your Blood glucose levels. Which Trenbolone does this for me in either off season context or cutting phase. My guess would be that it’s normal, and it’s more to do with being in a calorie deficit.
I haven’t found nandrolone to give me anymore of a fullness look than any other compound to be honest.

The only thing I’ve experienced that does this for me is more drugs causing more nitrogen retention, or more carbs to equate to a surplus and how saturated I am with glycogen.

Maybe the Tren is causing some type of electrolyte change in you, because that would be another reason for this effect I would think would be more directly attributable to a drugs cosmetic effect.

Sorry I couldn’t provide more direct insight, but I would play around with potassium, magnesium and sodium levels in your diet. That would be the first place I would turn to if your eating in a surplus and feel that the cosmetic effect is being caused by Tren. Otherwise I think if it’s lack of food related, it might just be part of the dieting process and Trenbolone has the ability to exaggerate it. In which case I think it would come back when you refeed/ do a peak week.

Let me add: the second time I checked my prolactin levels, was on this combination, and it was high at 25.8 ng/ml

I didn’t have any symptoms at all, and libido was very strong like it usually is for me running high doses of androgens. I was running 100-150mg p5p per day during this too.

I did a two 0.5mg doses of cabergoline, spaced 4 days apart and that knocked it back down to 5 ng/ml. And ever since then it’s stayed there without taking anymore caber. I think it’s fair to expect this running a gram of nandrolone and 350tren though. I’m lucky I didn’t have any side effects that I noticed from this.
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