First Cycle @ 21 - All in check?


New Member
Decided I'm going to start my first cycle in a few weeks, quick stats, 5'10, 170lb at 8% bodyfat. Am 21, have trained for about 4 years with the last 2 being serious. Just finished my cut and I'm as lean as I've ever been but look DYEL in a t-shirt. My lifts are actually quite decent but the size just isn't there, looking to achieve what the dude in my dp looks like (maybe a little more). No mass monster but would want to achieve a proportional 195ish weight at 8% in a couple years.

Yes I know some say 21 is too young to start cycling because of high natural test levels, growth plates, etc, but I'm making the adult decision to go down this path.

Anyway, does this all look in check as a first cycle, just going to suss it out (that's why the dose is quite low) to see how my body reacts first before adding orals, tren or whatever in future cycles.

Weeks 1-12 : Test Enanthate @ 400mg weekly, Monday and Thursday injections rotating left/right quad and then left/right glute
Weeks 1-18 : Aromasin @ 12.5mg e/d, 25mg if gyno symptoms begin (is it ok to run aromasin over 4 months like this?)
Weeks 4-20 : Accutane @ 20mg e/d, 40mg if acne begins
Weeks 15-18 : Nolva @ 80mg day 1 and then 4 weeks 40/40/20/10
Weeks 15-18 : Clomid @ 150mg day 1 and then 4 weeks 100/100/50/50

Am aware I don't need both nolva and clomid but I'd prefer to have both for all precautions.
And then the big 4 for potential hair loss which is in the sticky.

Diet will be a IIFYM lean bulk of sorts @ 3000cal (maintenance for me is around 2600), 250g protein, 65g fat, 350g carbs.

Not looking to get massive, will be happy with 20lb of weight gain with half of that being lean muscle after pct as I've heard the first cycle is best for gains, is this realistic?

Also, I'm concerned about gyno which is why I've decided not go with a hcg. Will be getting bloods done prior, 8 weeks in and after pct just to make sure nothing unwanted occurs.

Everything look good? Any suggestions/critics?

P.S. Will likely begin a log as there are so many unfinished ones where the OP stops after a few weeks for whatever reason.
Clomid dose is high for this cycle. Personally I wouldn't start Ai until you know you need it, but that's personal opinion. Some people only do every 4-5 days or e3d or eod. I wouldn't think you would need 12.5 off the bat especially every day. You will have to find out your dosage for your body. And you don't want to take your Ai during pct.
Clomid dose is high for this cycle. Personally I wouldn't start Ai until you know you need it, but that's personal opinion. Some people only do every 4-5 days or e3d or eod. I wouldn't think you would need 12.5 off the bat especially every day. You will have to find out your dosage for your body. And you don't want to take your Ai during pct.
I agree I'd wait till mid bloods to run AI, unless you start having sides. At that low dosage you should be all good. I'd get my mid bloods at 6 weeks just in case changes need to be made. Don't want to waste to much time doing shit wrong.
Agree with the suggestion of not taking your AI until you actually need it. Due to my situation I'm un able to get bloods. I went by feel. I started taking .25 a dex eod. Energy was down, labido low..etc. started doing it e3d. Still was experiencing it every once in a while. Stopped taking it on week 5. On week 11 now. Some people don't need to take an ai for just some test and the more research i do, the more i find that telling people to just start taking ai without knowing they actually need it, is the wrong advice imo.
Agree with the suggestion of not taking your AI until you actually need it. Due to my situation I'm un able to get bloods. I went by feel. I started taking .25 a dex eod. Energy was down, labido low..etc. started doing it e3d. Still was experiencing it every once in a while. Stopped taking it on week 5. On week 11 now. Some people don't need to take an ai for just some test and the more research i do, the more i find that telling people to just start taking ai without knowing they actually need it, is the wrong advice imo.
Decided I'm going to start my first cycle in a few weeks, quick stats, 5'10, 170lb at 8% bodyfat. Am 21, have trained for about 4 years with the last 2 being serious. Just finished my cut and I'm as lean as I've ever been but look DYEL in a t-shirt. My lifts are actually quite decent but the size just isn't there, looking to achieve what the dude in my dp looks like (maybe a little more). No mass monster but would want to achieve a proportional 195ish weight at 8% in a couple years.

Yes I know some say 21 is too young to start cycling because of high natural test levels, growth plates, etc, but I'm making the adult decision to go down this path.

Anyway, does this all look in check as a first cycle, just going to suss it out (that's why the dose is quite low) to see how my body reacts first before adding orals, tren or whatever in future cycles.

Weeks 1-12 : Test Enanthate @ 400mg weekly, Monday and Thursday injections rotating left/right quad and then left/right glute
Weeks 1-18 : Aromasin @ 12.5mg e/d, 25mg if gyno symptoms begin (is it ok to run aromasin over 4 months like this?)
Weeks 4-20 : Accutane @ 20mg e/d, 40mg if acne begins
Weeks 15-18 : Nolva @ 80mg day 1 and then 4 weeks 40/40/20/10
Weeks 15-18 : Clomid @ 150mg day 1 and then 4 weeks 100/100/50/50

Am aware I don't need both nolva and clomid but I'd prefer to have both for all precautions.
And then the big 4 for potential hair loss which is in the sticky.

Diet will be a IIFYM lean bulk of sorts @ 3000cal (maintenance for me is around 2600), 250g protein, 65g fat, 350g carbs.

Not looking to get massive, will be happy with 20lb of weight gain with half of that being lean muscle after pct as I've heard the first cycle is best for gains, is this realistic?

Also, I'm concerned about gyno which is why I've decided not go with a hcg. Will be getting bloods done prior, 8 weeks in and after pct just to make sure nothing unwanted occurs.

Everything look good? Any suggestions/critics?

P.S. Will likely begin a log as there are so many unfinished ones where the OP stops after a few weeks for whatever reason.
Post a pic of u now...please.
At least your honest enough to tell us you wont listen to the advice about being to young...cuz u are too young.

Dont start the ai at all until at least mid 3 week then only if symptoms appear of high e2.
.25mg eod if needed.
Raise the test to 500 cuz u are shutting down all natural test production.
How are you gonna hit those macro numbers.....guys say food cost for a cycle is double the dope....uh more like 10 x the cost. Without food volume your pissing in the wind.
You can add that 20 your looking for natty easier than you think if you dial in your diet your program and sleep.
Post a pic cuz 8% is possible but 11-12% is probable.
Post up pre bloods when they come in....stick with the log and just post pin date weight etc other factually pertinent shit.
We dont need to know that your first pin went thru your ass and out the head of ur dick cuz the needle was too long...thats a new thread.
Good luck...but i really wish u would wait.
Dude at 5'10, 170lbs being 21yrs old you can get to 195ish within a year with nailed in diet and training. I think you should wait until you get a few more years on you. I guarantee you you can achieve what you describe are your goals naturally... but if youve already decided then ppl here have great advice. Good luck bro.
Post a pic of your base! Cut out your mug!

That was me 2 weeks ago at around 175 and I'm guessing 10%. Have never done any proper bodyfat tests just comparing to what I see online. Right now I can barely grab any fat unless I sit down and hunch over.
Will post bloods when I get them done, likely early next week.

Alright so I'll just keep the AI on hand and start to use a few weeks in or if I start developing symptoms.
Post a pic of u now...please.
At least your honest enough to tell us you wont listen to the advice about being to young...cuz u are too young.

Dont start the ai at all until at least mid 3 week then only if symptoms appear of high e2.
.25mg eod if needed.
Raise the test to 500 cuz u are shutting down all natural test production.
How are you gonna hit those macro numbers.....guys say food cost for a cycle is double the dope....uh more like 10 x the cost. Without food volume your pissing in the wind.
You can add that 20 your looking for natty easier than you think if you dial in your diet your program and sleep.
Post a pic cuz 8% is possible but 11-12% is probable.
Post up pre bloods when they come in....stick with the log and just post pin date weight etc other factually pertinent shit.
We dont need to know that your first pin went thru your ass and out the head of ur dick cuz the needle was too long...thats a new thread.
Good luck...but i really wish u would wait.

May raise to 500 not 100% sure yet, depends if it's more convenient based on the vial concentration.
Really? I guess I could up the calories by another 500 or so but I'm not looking to put on the maximum I possibly could. Want to remain relatively lean with the exception of the water weight.

Thanks for not lecturing me on being too young to juice :D
Dude at 5'10, 170lbs being 21yrs old you can get to 195ish within a year with nailed in diet and training. I think you should wait until you get a few more years on you. I guarantee you you can achieve what you describe are your goals naturally... but if youve already decided then ppl here have great advice. Good luck bro.

It's more the look I'm going for as well though. When I see natty guys competing they all look flat when they're shredded and no 3D or shrink-wrap effect. But the dudes competing in men's physique are the complete opposite and look crazy dry at lower bf %. Probably due to tren and whatnot but that's the look I want to have.

Thanks for the input but :)
May raise to 500 not 100% sure yet, depends if it's more convenient based on the vial concentration.
Really? I guess I could up the calories by another 500 or so but I'm not looking to put on the maximum I possibly could. Want to remain relatively lean with the exception of the water weight.

Thanks for not lecturing me on being too young to juice :D
You have to eat to grow...figure out your tdee and add 500-600 cals to that.
Your gonna add some fat and lose alot of that definition during a testbulk run. Deal with it.
With your base you will cut it off you in no time after the bulk...your pics look good.
I still think with the base you have you could stay natty a couple more years then blast some shit on top of the 25 lbs or so you will have put on natty by then.
Kids these days:rolleyes: