First Cycle 46yo, Test P/Mast P kind of a fat ass

I thought that I had learnt from other members on Meso that clen only makes sense once you are already lean and only have a bit a fat to lose.
Like, if you are 20% bf it wouldn't really be worth taking it.
Clen is going to be great at cutting no matter how large you are when starting it.

It's the added cardiac stress that makes it not too great of a move at high bf% though.
My boob aint really growing. Just seeing what kind of dorks think someone besides them getting gyno is funny. I think shooting prop everyday really deters that because its out of your system so quickly. I mean, im doing 800mg total weekly and am prone. I already have chicken patty tits from when I waS 12. Still getting clen. Have to lose fat
Clen is going to be great at cutting no matter how large you are when starting it.

It's the added cardiac stress that makes it not too great of a move at high bf% though.
I'm not touching anything that will speed
Me up that badly, I'll never sleep. Phew. I can lose weight. I don't want to. Building muscle everyday is addicting. But now is the time. . Im 242#. I get to 220, get some adex and I will really push it. Low dose test until then
Jeez.RekTest is really butthurt. Following me around the site. Not the deepest thinker here. Petty guy. Id expect a few simpletons here though. Little brain, little man. I've always been smart, big dick, not short, never had to "replace" testosterone. It was always high, so I cant understand pettiness by adult "men"?. I guess

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