First Cycle 46yo, Test P/Mast P kind of a fat ass

Sorry if I don't have the time to read 7 pages of idiocy to see all the substitutions you've thought up.

And far from a meathead homie, lmao. Nice strawman though.
...but you had time to read one misinformed post by someone who also didnt know what they were talking about, agree with it whole heartedly because it was attacking and that's the fun side to be on, and ran with some absolute untrue bullshit.

^your typical American voter, ladies and gentlemen ^
I read the first page, your own words, and the last page where it was heavily inferred you took no advice.

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I probably don't need to read 6 pages of information more to determine that it is infact, a duck.

Good God dude, drop everything but the test, you look like shit to be running this. That photo is wild coming from someone running all this. Mast is barely even applicable for someone with as much fat as you have.
If he uses only test he will aromatatise like crazy as he’s fat
Is either a DHT to help estrogen side effects or tons of AI
Your protocol is out dated
Why people cant get this through their heads is a negative testament to unilateral thinking.
"Uh uh. Me do different. So you wrong! Duhhhhhh!"
quad is the worst place to inject too many veins. best spots glutes, shoulders, lats. glutes and lats can take the most oil. and yea balls will hurt when they shut off or turn back on it will last a couple days-weeks
I pinned Test500 in my quads i was limping for 8 days
I hate to do it but am really counting calories and proteins and trying to drop a few LBS before I hit it hard at the end of cycle. Gut has to slim down. Keeping my daily intake downto 1700 or less calories while protein stays at 150 or higher. Eating imitation crab meat(made from fish. No soy), salted peanuts and fat free yogurt the most with brown rice and chicken/tuna here and there. I go from 242 to 220 and its back on to pork chops and steak. Been having a problem with doses leaking out a bit. Been using different sizes because I didn't order and been getting what drug store has in
Blood pressure is fine . Actually lowered 130/87.

Im thinking I shouldn't have listened to anybody and stuck with low Test high Mast cycle. Test is sides.
Probably nothing new to many here, but after packing on muscle....and remaining fat, four days of dieting and I feel like im gaining nothing. I am losing weight though. Tempted to just finish cycle, fuck dieting and shred later....and when I say shred, i mean lose fat. Doubt ill ever be shredded and would rather be a beefy werewolf anyway. Very worn out today after adding teal cardio and going at it 3 days in a row. May just do two on, two off from here
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Blood pressure is fine . Actually lowered 130/87.

Im thinking I shouldn't have listened to anybody and stuck with low Test high Mast cycle. Test is sides.
You started this thread almost 2 months ago, had you listened to people you could have been done dieting by now
Yeah. I was about done when I started. Needed something to jumpstart. Let myself go a little much. Hey, now Im way better off so eat it, dork
You’re delusional, you’re way better off ?! You lie soo much that you prob look in the mirror and see “The Rock”

You’re worn out cause you’re soo out of shape and you think you’re not.

Go for one of your 5 mile runs or hit the heavy bag for an hour lmao. Actually go put on a bikini you’ll fill it out better.
You’re delusional, you’re way better off ?! You lie soo much that you prob look in the mirror and see “The Rock”

You’re worn out cause you’re soo out of shape and you think you’re not.

Go for one of your 5 mile runs or hit the heavy bag for an hour lmao. Actually go put on a bikini you’ll fill it out better.
I said I was worn out and out of shape horribly.... you're not making sense. I do not lie. Tell me what I lied about.?? I was too out of shape this time to even get started again. Im way better now. No matter what I look like. Which aint great. So quit being a doofus
Blood pressure is fine . Actually lowered 130/87.

Im thinking I shouldn't have listened to anybody and stuck with low Test high Mast cycle. Test is sides.

Probably nothing new to many here, but after packing on muscle....and remaining fat, four days of dieting and I feel like im gaining nothing. I am losing weight though. Tempted to just finish cycle, fuck dieting and shred later....and when I say shred, i mean lose fat. Doubt ill ever be shredded and would rather be a beefy werewolf anyway. Very worn out today after adding teal cardio and going at it 3 days in a row. May just do two on, two off from here

...and the Rock doesn't have pecs as nice as mine
. Im more like golden era Arnold, just need to up Dbol and I'll fill the rest out
Are you even listening to yourself? You have borderline high blood pressure, you can't stick to your diet, and you think you look better than the rock.

No hate. It sounds like you're suffering from serious body dysmorphia. You need to get an in person coach, and a mental health counselor.