First Cycle 46yo, Test P/Mast P kind of a fat ass

I wouldn't post my physique if I looked like this.. this guy gives no fucks hahaha.. I mean whatever.. it's crazy.. YouTube and social media ppl got everyone thinking aas will make then look like body builders..I been doing this for 6 years I still don't look like a body builder lol.. and the best I've looked and felt is now and I'm on 350mg a wk for a little blast.. 200 test 150 primo....also I have shit genetics for muscle.. but great genetics for handling drugs..
Oh well this was a fun thread to read fellas.. .
And why tf is this guy's pubes on here.. what is this place turning into.. smh
shot in trapezoid today. Hmm...

Im taking a short break after today. My left nipple is looking like it wants to sag. Making me nervous. May come back to lower test dosage. My hookup wont get me any ai so I have to hit the chinaman up, I guess. Fuckin guy will get me all the eq I want....I don't get it
I used to burn fat at the slightest amount of cardio, and then I took distance running seriously for a year and a half at 43 and that made my body think fat needs to be stored or something.?? That week zero pic I was running and getting back into lifting believe it or not. In other words, maybe not meso members, but working harder than 90% of the people out their to look like....that. diet wasnt good and that one pic was taken at the most unflattering angle, but very basic athletic milestones I could do with that body. Bench 200 (more and my worse lift im too crooked), run 5 miles(more) , hour on the heavy bag(which no body builder could come close to with any intensity)and thats my physique????? Also...the rule was always start with 500 test or you're wasting your time and testicles...why this new girly way?
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Lmao, this thread is great.

Dude, if you're not a troll, then you're just trolling yourself. Have fun once this fad passes and you're left with a completely screwed up hormone axis.

Insulin? LMAO.

What's the over-under on total doses before OP goes hypo?

Stick to testosterone if you want to run something. That's all you need right now, you'll get amazing progress from that alone.

This is like watching a train pull out of a station with half functioning brake lines.

Might get lucky and make it, but chances are something bad's gonna happen in a big way, lol...
Lmao, this thread is great.

Insulin? LMAO.

What's the over-under on total doses before OP goes hypo?

Stick to testosterone if you want to run something. That's all you need right now, you'll get amazing progress from that alone..
I literally said I wasnt taking insulin three times in this thread....sigh....meatheads

Isnt 95% of the posters here Hypo outside of hcg ballbags? Did you mean gyno!

Stick to testosterone and grow tits....or do masteron also which is a drug made to actually stop the growth of breast tissue.
I literally said I wasnt taking insulin three times in this thread....sigh....meatheads

Isnt 95% of the posters here Hypo outside of hcg ballbags? Did you mean gyno!

Stick to testosterone and grow tits....or do masteron also which is a drug made to actually stop the growth of breast tissue.
No, I meant hypo. You point blank said you were considering insulin earlier. Sorry if I don't have the time to read 7 pages of idiocy to see all the substitutions you've thought up.

And far from a meathead homie, lmao. Nice strawman though.

And what are you even talking about about? You're not gonna get gyno from test unless youre blasting a dose you have 0 business doing. But that seems par for the course for you anyways.

You'll do fine on 400mg of test and proper diet/program.

If you can't pull massive progress out of that, you suck at what you do and all the drugs on earth isn't going to change that, lmao.

First cycle means learn how testosterone effects you.

You have plenty of time in the future to run more once you learn to do it right.

I can't believe I'm explaining to a 46 year old the stupidity behind instant gratification without a solid base to start from.
No, I meant hypo. You point blank said you were considering insulin earlier. Sorry if I don't have the time to read 7 pages of idiocy to see all the substitutions you've thought up.

And far from a meathead homie, lmao. Nice strawman though.

And what are you even talking about about? You're not gonna get gyno from test unless youre blasting a dose you have 0 business doing. But that seems par for the course for you anyways.

You'll do fine on 400mg of test and proper diet/program.

If you can't pull massive progress out of that, you suck at what you do and all the drugs on earth isn't going to change that, lmao.

First cycle means learn how testosterone effects you.

You have plenty of time in the future to run more once you learn to do it right.

I can't believe I'm explaining to a 46 year old the stupidity behind instant gratification without a soli..base to start from.
See.... this is a useful post. So..I can do 400mg of Test a week and not get gyno?! 400 mg of test and diet/program it is! Lets roll!
I literally said I wasnt taking insulin three times in this thread....sigh....meatheads

Isnt 95% of the posters here Hypo outside of hcg ballbags? Did you mean gyno!

Stick to testosterone and grow tits....or do masteron also which is a drug made to actually stop the growth of breast tissue.
You already have tits
Yeah. 90's unregulated chicken patties when I was a kid... they're all I ever ate . Made my nipples pointy.

Haha. This place can be pretty rough some times. You seem to handle it well tho.
I am going to agree with the majority of everyone else here on their suggestions and on the longer esters. I think if you were going to have some crazy reaction then you would know it by now. The longer esters will serve you well I believe.

Diet is probably the most important thing. You can take all the steroids in the world and have the absolute best compound mixture for yourself but if your diet is out of wack you cannot achieve what you want. You don't have to be exact but get an idea. What I did in the beginning is took all the main things I ate and drank and figured out the macros for those items. Then I tried to eat from that list as much as possible so I could more easily keep up with everything.
Just an idea... But check out rich pianas 25lb dumbbell workouts he did nightly right before bed. Invest in some 15lbs dumbbells and do 100 overhead presses for triceps laying on your back then 60 strait arm curls. You could do that half the nights then the other half do 100 set shoulder raises. Just an idea to get an extreme pump you can start to get better mind to muscle connection with. Or start your morning with burpees, closed fisted pushups, sit ups. Always lil things can do besides just put in work at the gym. Chase the pump... It'll help with getting crippling blood flow and you can add to it pretty easily. Keep it up bud! Confidence will continue to grow even tho you seem like you have a good amount. Good shit homie!
Blood pressure is still reading ok. 135/87 I think. Lowered Mast and upped Test Prop a bit. 350-420 Test add in 150 Mast a week. Feels way better.

I feel great and an effect I didn't expect. : I was pretty serious about boxing training for awhile, but took a few months off and could never hit as quickly as I could before. At my age I didn't plan on getting speed back, much less adding any. I was hitting the bag with aggression and my brain switched off and I was murdering the thing. Proper footwork.. movement. And the combos that had gotten a huge pause in them were firing fine. Quick and definitely with more power.

So, if a heavy bag tries to mess with me on the street, they're going down
Blood pressure is still reading ok. 135/87 I think. Lowered Mast and upped Test Prop a bit. 350-420 Test add in 150 Mast a week. Feels way better.

I feel great and an effect I didn't expect. : I was pretty serious about boxing training for awhile, but took a few months off and could never hit as quickly as I could before. At my age I didn't plan on getting speed back, much less adding any. I was hitting the bag with aggression and my brain switched off and I was murdering the thing. Proper footwork.. movement. And the combos that had gotten a huge pause in them were firing fine. Quick and definitely with more power.

So, if a heavy bag tries to mess with me on the street, they're going down
So, are you just running the test and mast at this point? If so, looks a lot more reasonable now.

How often are you pinning?
So, are you just running the test and mast at this point? If so, looks a lot more reasonable now.

How often are you pinning?
Yeah. Test Prop and Mast Prop. Mostly, I'm just dropping the Mast WAY down. Actually upping Test a bit. It's the only two things I have been running.

I pin everyday