First Cycle 46yo, Test P/Mast P kind of a fat ass

I'm absolutely not a troll account. Had too many drinks last night. Sugary garbage and its a shock after eating right and working out how one night set me back....or feels like it with the bloating. Oh, well. Ran short hill run this morning and back at the gymnasium now. Im a guy that has worked out, a lot of cardio and lifting for quite awhile and even though I can lift decent weight and run for miles ALWAYS looks in bad shape with my shirt off. Gaining and losing weight over the years has given me a look like I'm melting. Im looking to fill my skin sack up with muscle
That's the definition of a troll account if you think you need a big cycle. Have you considered tirzepatide? You might be a candidate if your appetite is overwhelming you.
That's the definition of a troll account if you think you need a big cycle. Have you considered tirzepatide? You might be a candidate if your appetite is overwhelming you.
My appetite is NOT overwhelming me at all. I got back on a reasonable diet as soon as I started.
Are you getting a good pump when working out? If no, up the intensity. I dont get how MFS go through their whole work week and shit and never even hit the weight room. Following along
Are you getting a good pump when working out? If no, up the intensity. I dont get how MFS go through their whole work week and shit and never even hit the weight room. Following along
I am working out hard and running and hitting heavybag before lifting. Sometimes a couple miles or stairmaster which is a killer. Some just cant believe an out of shape guy is now getting in shape. So they make assumptions. Im a month in though(31/2 weeks) and you are right...time to push the lifting harder

For the record: im taking 250test proo/375mast prop weekly
48m on my 3rd week of Testosterone Enanthate. 500mg weekly. I wanted to try pinning quads on this cycle and man, what a bad idea lol. My leg was sore for 4 days. I walked around like Frankenstein. Pinned my glutes thereafter and no pip.
I am on protein heavy diet, but man....when I eat whole unprocessed foods (generally big steak, onion, potatoes rice, mushrooms with peppers tomato salad for dinner after lifting I swear I have grown noticeably overnight. In a good way. My aversion to processed crap seems to be kicking in again after eating better for a few weeks.
Strange. Symptoms of LOW blood pressure. Take today off. Generally shoot everyday. Might still go everyday but same amount every time from here on out.
Good deal.
Late to check yesterday, but here it is: 132/88. Not bad. Took yesterday day of and only 30T/40M this morning. Checked a little too soon after I ate too.

Felt freat today after the day off. All day. That my experience, anything that makes you feel that great eventually hands you a steep bill. Fuck it, lets rock.
Took yesterday day of and only 30T/40M this morning.
The day off is likely what brought you back around...

Highly unlikely to "feel" a real difference with small fluctuations in drug loads (even for short esters).

I sometimes run into this when I train very hard, recover hard. late rinse, repeat, until my body gives me some signals that maybe that constant level of stress isn't the greatest thing ever.

Hard to say though.

Glad you are feeling better.
The day off is likely what brought you back around...

Highly unlikely to "feel" a real difference with small fluctuations in drug loads (even for short esters).

I sometimes run into this when I train very hard, recover hard. late rinse, repeat, until my body gives me some signals that maybe that constant level of stress isn't the greatest thing ever.

Hard to say though.

Glad you are feeling better.
It wasnt that bad. But sudden movements after sitting and my head would swim. Indicative of blood pressure drop. I was training hard and upped the doses. I could feel bigger the next day , but thats probably a lot of stress on the body. Haha.
The day off is likely what brought you back around...

I sometimes run into this when I train very hard, recover hard. late rinse, repeat, until my body gives me some signals that maybe that constant level of stress isn't the greatest thing ever.

Hard to say though.
This was definitely the culprit. Now that im back to 40 hour work week, finding rest time is the biggest hurdle. Slept 16 hours Sunday.
385 T/685M last week. May stay around this level and up at the end. I dont want to get into any speed or insulin tampering unless fat quits going down
Did you seriously just mention insulin ??

Cmon man I’m trying to be supportive but you're not helping, insulin ?!?! Gtfo, and thats way to much gear for how out of shape you are.
insulin tampering is whats been recommended here. Im not taking any diet substance. I can los on my own. Christ, ive lost 90#s in 6 months before.

I have a beer gut. . I can also get up this morning and run 10 miles. Will most likely run two then hit heavy bag....then lift. Only side effect im having is building muscle. "Way too bad of shape" is actually just looking like shit. Haha!