First Cycle 46yo, Test P/Mast P kind of a fat ass

Shooting everyday. First three days 30/60/50mg of each Test P/Mast P. 25g 1 1/2 feels fine. To the quad. I'm not looking forward to switching area. Pissing like a racehorce. Currently 5'10 235lb. Pretty high bodyfat. Lifting hour daily or more. I jog a few miles 2-3 x a week. Probably aim for 440mg within the 7 day week. I dont know if weekly is an accurate way to measure Prop. Seems like its better suited for E or C? Might lower Mast to piss less. Should take pics now. Ive gained and lost(pyramided) weight so often over the years and I am so pale I look like a dead bloated sheep thats washed ashore after drowning at sea. But I have a good vshape hidden there somewhere. Just need to blow up. Eating tons of chicken and protein powder, rice, eggs

So...any advice? Give me shit? I had a lady hit me with some test for a couple weeks about 10 years ago, but I didn't know shit and my balls started crying, so I didnt even get in a proper cycle. Felt good though.(not my balls...they felt not good)
Good for you. Keep going and you will succeed.
insulin tampering is whats been recommended here. Im not taking any diet substance. I can los on my own. Christ, ive lost 90#s in 6 months before.

I have a beer gut. . I can also get up this morning and run 10 miles. Will most likely run two then hit heavy bag....then lift. Only side effect im having is building muscle. "Way too bad of shape" is actually just looking like shit. Haha!
You got a lot of bullshit !!! Video any kind of a sprint or box jump.
You got a lot of bullshit !!! Video any kind of a sprint or box jump.
dont know if I could box jump on a fn shoebox, but I can run....slowly...for miles. Ran a marathon in 2021. Do NOT run that much anymore, but trying to get one or two long runs in a week. Energy seems to dictate lift weights OR run these days. I used to do both just a year or two ago no problem. Probably the excess fat more than years.

I'm pretty sick of people saying I'm a troll too. I have been taking pics. So, we will see. Muscles doing well. Fat has to go. Work week is my biggest obstacle to training more cardio.

dont know if I could box jump on a fn shoebox, but I can run....slowly...for miles. Ran a marathon in 2021. Do NOT run that much anymore, but trying to get one or two long runs in a week. Energy seems to dictate lift weights OR run these days. I used to do both just a year or two ago no problem. Probably the excess fat more than years.

I'm pretty sick of people saying I'm a troll too. I have been taking pics. So, we will see. Muscles doing well. Fat has to go. Work week is my biggest obstacle to training more cardio.
Why do we have to wait and see ? If you’ve been taking pics then post them ….

What weight did you run the marathon in 2021 at ? Post pics of 2021 finishing that marathon …
Why do we have to wait and see ? If you’ve been taking pics then post them ….

What weight did you run the marathon in 2021 at ? Post pics of 2021 finishing that marathon …
Ok. I weighed 190. Soooo....a little heavier now at 240. I already posted a pic when asked btw. But here you go. Week zero April 22


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Why not just run longer estered test and masteron?

Unless you like jabbing yourself ED or EOD. It can be exciting when you first start, you may even look forward to it, but I promise it'll get old fast. You build less scar tissue with long estered compounds as well, due to less pinning frequency
This right here is on point.
Drop the dose to 180mgs of test cyp a week. Inject 60 mgs 3 times a week. Your way to obese to be worrying about anything else but cardio and high rep weights. I’ve said it before, and you ain’t running anywhere over 1 mile if you are it’s not running it’s walking and good keep it up !!!

If it’s a troll account than ya got me but you can get lean just look at @Scruf, he had more mushier mass to start but check out his transformation!!!
Drop the dose to 180mgs of test cyp a week. Inject 60 mgs 3 times a week. Your way to obese to be worrying about anything else but cardio and high rep weights. I’ve said it before, and you ain’t running anywhere over 1 mile if you are it’s not running it’s walking and good keep it up !!!

If it’s a troll account than ya got me but you can get lean just look at @Scruf, he had more mushier mass to start but check out his transformation!!!
I guarantee I could do a five mile run faster than you. And pop open that week zero pic for some mushy and bushy
I guarantee I could do a five mile run faster than you. And pop open that week zero pic for some mushy and bushy
It doesn't matter if you can run five miles. Your fat, bro. You need to lose weight before you do this. When you talk about AI, that's to combat aromatase enzyme. You know where your body makes that? It makes it in your fat. The more fat you have, the more estrogen conversion you get.

I understand you're smarter than everyone else, and you've been reading, but you don't need to reinvent the wheel on this one. Said with love. Also, please don't post anymore pics with your bush showing. Yuck.
It doesn't matter if you can run five miles. Your fat, bro. You need to lose weight before you do this. When you talk about AI, that's to combat aromatase enzyme. You know where your body makes that? It makes it in your fat. The more fat you have, the more estrogen conversion you get.

I understand you're smarter than everyone else, and you've been reading, but you don't need to reinvent the wheel on this one. Said with love. Also, please don't post anymore pics with your bush showing. Yuck.
Alright. No more bushes. It was the only pic I took at week zero. "Your fat"....You ARE RIGHT. I have a gut. The mast is to prevent gyno. The prop is to stop any crazy sides quickly. Im working on the fat and I dont mind if I am 20% body fat AND YES, I realize im higher than that now. But my aim is to get big. If crazy estro sides start, ill change something. I do take all the advice seriously and appreciate your post. But I wish people would understand this plan. I posted this stuff six times in this thread. I need to up the cardio and meal plan. I dont feel a desire to cheat but not organized enough.
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Alright. No more bushes. It was the only pic I took at week zero. "Your fat"....You ARE RIGHT. I have a gut. The mast is to prevent gyno. The prop is to stop any crazy sides quickly. Im working on the fat and I dont mind if I am 20% body fat AND YES, I realize im higher than that now. But my aim is to get big. If crazy estro sides start, ill change something. I do take all the advice seriously and appreciate your post. But I wish people would understand this plan. I posted this stuff six times in this thread. I need to up the cardio and meal plan. I dont feel a desire to cheat but not organized enough and end up getting something quick sometimes. I at least have zero sweet tooth.
You're a big boy (no pun intended), and you can run whatever cycle you want. I do understand you have a plan. I think a lot of us just feel like it's not a good plan. You have all the information and can use it to inform your decision however you see fit.
You're a big boy (no pun intended), and you can run whatever cycle you want. I do understand you have a plan. I think a lot of us just feel like it's not a good plan. You have all the information and can use it to inform your decision however you see fit.
I dont want big tits ..on me...on my body....attached to my body . That's main reason for Masteron dose. If you think that is not going to work..... Tell me. I am prone to it. I understand it is case by case. I'm playing odds and my wallet.